Sunday, June 30, 2013

The girls

Photo: Here is a new and improved picture of Ms Tuna's girls, from my friend.  They turned a year old on June 10th.  Serenity is the beautiful white one, and Tigger is the orange one on the bottom.  Beautiful, aren't they??

Learning to play

Photo: Look what G=son1 is teaching me to play.


Okay, time for a tacky share about G=son1 and myself.

Yesterday we went to the pug event. On the way, I got him to play a game with me. The three letters on license plates were used to make a short silly sentence. It was a good way to keep him entertained, and he had to use his brain to come with new words....we wouldn't reuse them over and over.

G=son1 loves T-rex. He is always making jokes about him for his tiny little arms.

So, one of the plates had VDF for the letters. I responded with Veracious Dinosaur Farts. And I did the thing where my arms are tiny, waved them to my side.....then said, pardon me, I tooted.

The poor boy started laughing so hard. I guess Grammie's saying the word fart makes a kid laugh. And the word tooted makes them laugh harder. hahahaha

Tacky, yes. Good memory, priceless.

Friday, June 28, 2013


Little Ms Dances With Dragonflies is not getting to do any of that here in Houston.

But what she DID find was a bee. Oops! She saw it and pounced before I could say anything!!

It didn't sting her mouth....thank goodness. What happened was...she snatched it buzzed in her mouth and basically scared her so she spit it out forcefully! She looked so funny. Then looks at me like "what was that all about??"

I believe I can fly

Lori Lou is on the stealth mode....on a fly that is sitting on the floor. Look out fly! Ninja Lori will get you!


Darn!  She actually caught it!  

Yea for daughter

I am sitting here, crocheting, staying out of trouble.......when I hear a commotion. The daughter is running through the house....I have a fan I don't hear her calling me....but I can hear the running cause of tile floors.

I am ready to get up thinking she is hurt or something......ha!

She got the position she was hoping for at Sam's and was so excited she came running to share with me. I am so happy for her.

Little Ms Innocent

Photo: Sweet little Lori Lou.  Looking all innocent and stuff.  Love my pug girl.

Thursday is back inside with me

Ummmmm well. Thursday is back inside with me. She was out wandering the yard a few minutes ago. So, it would seem she can't actually fly, just yet. I am sad for her. I am sure she is like "oh man, not again" as she sits up there in the crate. I am glad I saw her and not one of the wandering kitties in this area. My next plan of action? When G=son1 gets home....I will see if he would like to help set up the really huge dog crate for her. It is big enough to give her lots of room to rehabilitate the wing. I can put a stick up in the middle. If and when she can fly up to the stick, then we will know she has the strength to fly to leave the yard. Seems like a good plan that just might work to her advantage.


War, huh, yeah
What is it good for
Absolutely nothing
War, huh, yeah
What is it good for
Absolutely nothing
Say it again, y'all...........

Apparently is good for G=son1 to beat the heck out of his dear sweet and loving Grammie. hahahaha

Thursday, June 27, 2013

*Throw Back Thursday*

*Throw Back Thursday*

I do not have a picture for this one. I took Thursday outside again. She came out of the crate. Working her wings. I let her be. She eventually went up under the shed out back. I will keep an eye on the yard......especially when we take the dogs out. I suspect she will be fine.....come out and fly.

On another note.....I got fussed at by a squirrel. I was sitting under the pecan tree....and he wanted to get to the pecans buried.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


I was blessed to do a 5th step with a friend today.  God bless her.

Thank you Mr Bell

For the past few days, I have been putting to use a great invention. My cell phone. :)

And noooooo....I am not using it for games, gps or texting. Although, I guess I have to admit I do like using the camera on it.

I have been using it for what it was originally bought. To call people. <gasp> Yes, I have actually been calling people!

As much as I have come to love checking on FB and see what everyone is up to, there is something magical about hearing a voice on the other end. Especially when their voice lights up when they realize I am not a salesperson. Ha!

There is one tiny bit of sadness tho.....I mentioned it before long ago. I wish people would check their vm so they know I called. It would be nice to get a return call now and then. Some people never ever return a call. hummmm Maybe they are trying to tell me something?? :P

If I haven't called you yet.....just wait! I am on the prowl! Beware! I am on my way to your phone soon! hehehe

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Shane stuff

Tuesday about Thursday

Here is a Tuesday update, on Thursday. hehe We went out back for awhile. She came out of the crate on her own. No attempt to fly, tho. I let her wander around for a bit. Getting some sun and picking at the grass here and there.

She walks okay....again.....and she flaps her wings. Just doesn't try to fly. Slow progress. She will get there soon.


Sunday, June 23, 2013


Thanks, Mitchell


Today we believe God wants us to know that ...

Today we believe God wants us to know that ...

inevitable is best accepted with serenity.

There are times when you absolutely see no solution. When you've thought and thought and prayed and prayed; when you've sat still in meditation listening for an answer and still no answer comes. There are times when it's okay to just surrender.

Super moon

Yes, I went outside and looked at it.  :)


Jennifer - TARDIS

She hand made this for my birthday.  FANTASTIC

Jennifer Carlson LaChance, in Norman, a very dear online friend. We have never had the chance to meet face to face. She made me this TARDIS card for my birthday.

Wayyyyyy way wayyyyyyy back, before FB and even before myspace, I would meet and make friends via yahoo groups. Jennifer and I were in a scrap book group and would do swaps of all kinds. I think we met probably 15-17 years ago??

I am so happy to receive this fantastic card. Thank you so very much Jennifer!!!

Puzzle #2

We "let" him do the last piece for his birthday.  Lots of laughing going on when doing puzzles

06-22 12 and awesome

Photo: Not the best lighting....but, this is what a new 12 year old looks like first thing on his birthday. If you touch him he whimpers.  He always makes me laugh. I love my grand son.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

My life

Photo: This is every day of my life!

All done 06-18

Photo: I was wrong.  Ha!  It WAS all here.  Yea!!!   Next!

06-18 Black and White

I put old t-shirts on Lori Lou's pillow now. Seems to work better than pillow cases. I can wash them like normal clothing. Well, today, I learned one of those useful things. You know....the sort of thing you would *think* you already know?? Here is my insight: Black Pug, White not mix very well. Please feel free to file that little tidbit away in case you ever need it.

Ah yes, Life

You never ceases to amaze me. You can look at your situation in life and either be miserable or happy. Just depends on which angle you want to look at it. Nothing changes....yet....well.....just depends on how long a person wants to fuss around before giving in. Ha.

Chat time, please

What do you guys think of a little black pug who comes over to me....sits down close and starts looking at the screen of the laptop? She knows that is where she will find Mr Awesome. So she gets up on the table and waits for me to contact him. Is that not cool? My pug asks to do FB chat. hahahaha

06-18 Garden

Congratulations - you and TARDIS have successfully harvested a Pot Of Rainbow Gold, which has given you an extra 100 Gold!

Another 10 square feet of rainforest have also been adopted by this Garden!

Congratulations on being the 96876th Fairylander to find a pot of Gold at the end of the rainbow!

Your Garden is now Level 25 - a new level-up seed is now available in the Shoppe!

You have also received a level-up bonus of 20 Gold!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

The ICK vacation

Just going to take a moment to document.....this is the vacation where everyone but Shane got sick somehow.  Kevin, then RL and Mitchell the same day, Sandie Lynn later that night....then myself a day later.   What a way to spend days off.  Ha!   We figure we will joke about this one for years to come.  :)

Ernie and Bert

I actually got these set up last week, but with Mitchell here, I did not post much to the blog.

06-13 Thursday

Photo: This is a sweet little morning dove.  Came home from getting lunch and she was in the middle of the road.  Named her Thursday, just so she has a name.  Her wings are fine as well as her legs.  She apparently has been hit on her right side.  Minor bruising, I hope.  She is now secure in a pet carrier with seeds and water.  Hope all she needs is to rest and heal.  Then we can release her back out where she belongs.  No ideal if it is a he or she. Just looks like a girl, I guess.

06-15 More photos of museum


06-15 Children's Museum pictures

06-14 Blue Guy

Not sure who this blue guy is.....but had to have my picture with him. He is TARDIS blue! And you know what?? I thanked him for the picture, and he said "great shirt". This is the first time since being in Texas anyone recognized one of my Doctor Who shirts. Whoot.

Now how did that get there?????

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Wally World

As you know, I was in Walmart. I get a phone call from the daughter....who wants to know what I am doing. I tell her I where I am and that I am looking at shoes. She laughs and says I know.....G-girl just came running across the store yelling Grammie is here....Grammie is here! She is over by the shoes.

You would think G=girl hadn't seen me in 20 years. <smile>

Nasty Water pt 2

Here are my new guys....much better, huh? With the clean water I couldn't use the animal print paper behind reflected weird.

Now....working on the names. The daughter says *Fish 1* and *Fish 2* I was leaning towards *Gumbo* and *Sardine*.

I am hoping they make it through the night. Sometimes a water change from gunky to clean is hard on fish. I am sort of trusting God sent me there today to help these little guys....and that they will be just fine.

Nasty Water pt 1

See anything wrong with these two beta fish? Ugh! Look at that water they have been living in! I found these two guys at Walmart a little bit is what I did:

I took them up front and asked for the manager. Had to walk down to where he was, of course......Introduced myself and showed him the fish. The look on his face was priceless.

I said okay, I am not pitching a bitch or anything....but do you see these two fish? They need there water clean or they are going to die. He says, I will make a note to tell that department to take care of them. I said, nooooooo....we will get them taken care of right now. If you go back there and look, there are several of these containers....empty. Which tells me, no one is taking care of these poor little guys and you are basically letting them die. I said these guys are over a year old....they have been here with you at least 6 months cause they come to the stores around 6 months old......

I stated you can either find someone to do it now, I will wait....or I will do it for you if you get me water.....or you can give them to me so I can take them home and maybe just maybe save their lives.

He thought for a moment and asked if I would take them for half price. Now, truthfully, I did not plan on any more fish.....not while living with the daughter....but out of my mouth popped......I will gladly take them home. Thank you......

Now they are here with me.....I do not have anything to put them in....but I can certainly clean up their water and make it nicer for them tonight.....tomorrow I will find a nice place for them to live.

What shall I name them??? Better keep them away from Zombie......I can already hear him yelling "brains......brains......" hehehehe

See anything wrong with these two beta fish? Ugh! Look at that water they have been living in! I found these two guys at Walmart a little bit is what I did:

I took them up front and asked for the manager. Had to walk down to where he was, of course......Introduced myself and showed him the fish. The look on his face was priceless.

See anything wrong with these two beta fish? Ugh! Look at that water they have been living in! I found these two guys at Walmart a little bit is what I did:

I took them up front and asked for the manager. Had to walk down to where he was, of course......Introduced myself and showed him the fish. The look on his face was priceless.

HOA and Pool

I really dislike case no one knew this already. Your HOA fees support the community pool, right? Along with whatever else they think they need to do with the money. Which by the way, around this anywhere from $200 to $300 a month. That is on top of your mortgage and school/property tax.

Anyway, I found out from the kids, you can't use the pool from 4-8 PM Monday - Thursday due to the swimming lessons and swim team stuff going on. The pool closes at 8 PM

So, when school let out, the neighborhood kids could not use the pool after school. What a bunch of crap that is, if you ask me.

If you remember, this is the same pool that had a pool party for the neighborhood kids, and charged them to enter and then charged them for the hotdogs, etc.

We are moving from here in a month-ish. Thank goodness. I know this is a really nice neighborhood..... But.....let's just say, I would never ever want to live here for very long.


Three and a little bit, hours into summer vacation and they are already bored. Ha!


Ha! The G=girl just came in....we were talking. This and that stuff. Then I suggested she go play. She asks....where? hahahahaha Oh boy....loving this.

I responded have a whole house to play in.....all kinds of games, a tv, computer....go find something fun to do. I am not going to spend the whole summer entertaining you.

I then offered up the obvious thing to your room clean???

Needless to say.....she is gone.....and I doubt it is to clean her room.


 Just for the record....I do have plans to try some craft things with them.....and visit museums along the way.....I am not a really mean Grammie. I just figure we can make it through half a day with her finding something to do on her own. Right?

Throwback Thursday

Niagra Falls 2008


Egads! They are freeeeeee! The G=kids have more school. hahahahaha Help! Send reinforcements......sent in the troups.......send somebody.....anybody!!!!!! hahahahahaha

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


After my previous remark about pink....a friend shared that Texas A&M has maroon ones.  Around Bryan / College Station.  Why have I never heard of this or seen them?   Another thing to quest for next year.

Image of Texas Maroon Bluebonnets


Sleep Fearless Hunter

Yessssss....again 06-05

Wee morning hours.....found out a gerbil was in our room, again.  Le Sign.


After a great attempt of the G-kids.....I sent in the big guns aka the daughter! bwahahaha Pillows, blankets, sheets.....all to catch a gerbil. Found out the back of the cushions are hollow, and the gerbil can get up in them. Which explains Lori Lou insisting on staring at the back of the couch all the time.

Gerbil won this round.

I took Lori Lou and went outside.....about 15 minutes later.....apparently the gerbil was able to leave the room without the pug in it.....RL found gerbil in the hall outside her bedroom......I suspect it was trying to return to the cage.....needed food and water.

So.......Lori Lou is sound asleep. She did a good job keeping her eyes on the critter all day. hehe