Thursday, March 28, 2013

We did out painting group (on March 23rd). Had a blast. Mother / son bonding time. Awwwwwww. Only complaint? For the price, they need to provide decent paint brushes. There was no way to do any actual fine lines and such. I will be doing this again. It was fun.



Gallefrie Lynn

This is my Christmas gift from the son....a tad bit late. <snicker>. The company that makes it is named Galerie...without my reading glasses...I thought it said Gallefry....where The Doctor is from. I got all excited hahaha. I am officially naming him TL for Time Lord. After all, he is wearing a Santa hat, and Santa hats are cool. <snicker, again>. Thank you to Daniel for a fun gift.


I took a driving job with Meals on Wheels on the 19th.  Started on the 25th.  Quit today.  :(   It is a lot of work.....and it is about 50 miles round trip just to get there and back.  Gas is $3.45 plus.   They do pay for mileage when driving.....but is not worth it to make about $30 a week bring home.    So I quit today.  :(  

God and I will find something closer to home......when it is time.


Copied from some FB postings

I had to sneak up kind of quietly, didn't want to frighten it. Look what the neighbors across the street caught and fenced in! A street light.....looks like it is taking a nap, I think. hahahahahahahaha

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Finger bling

The daughter found some of my fingernail we did nails together. Awwwwww Mother / daughter time. Lovin' it. Trust me.

MOW Driver 1

So much for retirement. <very big smile>

I am now going to be a MOW Driver 1 starting Monday. Meals-on-Wheels. Whoot Whoot.

I found it offered on craigslist before leaving Nevada and told them when I would be arrive. They called me to see if I was here yet. Interview....hired in 5 minutes. :)

It is one of those jobs that doesn't pay much money-wise....but it will be totally awesome in the people department.....I will get to know my route and enjoy seeing them every day. :) It will fit the hours to let me be home for the g=kids after school.

Mr. Awesome says it is my scrapping play money. I like the way he thinks. hehehe

School Bus Driver

I got up to wonderful thunder and rain. Love it.

Oh wait! I have g=kids that need to get to school. <gasp> What to do??

Simple enough for the younger two, school is a couple of blocks up the road. Toss them in the car and take them down there. Oh but be sure to go in the proper way AND wait for them to let the kids outs. hahahaha

Okay, back home for the middle school. Question: Do you know how to get to your school? Answer: I think so. Anyone have an idea what is about to happen?? Yes....we head out.....he directs me to turn here....then here.....then here......I realized we are following the bus route he takes! bwahahaha Its the only way he has gone so it is the way he knows. I am loving this.

We get close and its just off the freeway....he says get in this lane.....the one to the right.....okay....I do. Oh, but we are going to turn THAT way, which of course is left, at the light. I am now not able to get back over to the turn lane. Ha. We drive along, I do a u-turn when possible....then over shoot the road for the school....I go on the overpass.....and well, there is the school.....right down there.....Yes, I can see it. A little more driving and eventually I get him there. What an experience. I had him laughing tho.....cause I told him I was just going to slow down and he could jump cause obviously I can't can't actually find the he was going to be on his own. hahahaha

Best part?? The rain had dried up and was long gone by the time we got it all worked out. <wink>

Monday, March 18, 2013

First day of school.....for me :)

I just survived my first day as Grammie get the g=kids up for school. Whoot Whoot. They are all gone. Must have done something right. What is weird to me? They do everything for themselves now. I only have to play alarm clock....they do the rest.

I woke up officially sick. Rummaged in daughters stash and found some dayquil meds. Maybe that will work. Sneezing, sore throat. I am calling it g-kid-itis. Bwahahaha Probably allergies from being away from this area so many years....I was previously living in Austin area for so long...I need to adjust to the trees and things down this way. But doesn't g-kid-itis sound like a cool name?? <wink>

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Stink eye

Ever get the stink eye from your dog? I am pretty sure I have been getting it from Lori Lou.

RL tells me they fed her, and she ate just fine. She has been in and out to potty, no problems. The g=kids have done a fair share of belly rubs. RL even let her sleep on the foot of her bed while RL read her nook.

When I first came through the door I was loved on, licked and greeted with the most excited pug love. So why am*I* getting the ol' stink eye now? She is trying to inform me she never ate, was totally lonely and how she suffered while I was off at the retreat. I suspect she is fibbing. hahahaha

Its TARDIS time!

Found one. Needs a better paint job, I think. And the stickers on the door. I can fix that soon enough.

Thank you Marcus for telling me about it.

Thank you Mr Awesome for saying "yes".

Old and new scraps

Home all safe and sound from the most fantastic weekend! It was everything I could hope for. Caught up with a couple of the "old" friends. Met a couple of now "new" friends. I didn't talk all that much....kind of feeling love...probably from coming the vast difference from the height of the mountains to the low level here in Texas. Trust me, that didn't stop me from laughing a lot at what the girls were doing and talking about. There is something special about being with girlfriends....and only the girls.....special bonds are made. I am blessed I got to make and remake some this weekend.

I have two more retreats to look forward too coming up quickly. One is another set of "old" friends...and one is an "old" friend here in Houston area, going to introduce me to "new" friends in this area. Friends are good for the soul, don't you think? :)

Thursday, March 14, 2013

rock, scissor, paper, lizard, spock

I just had to take time to look up rock, paper, scissor, lizard, see how to do the hand sign for lizard....the g=kids asked me. hahaha I also had to find out what beats what......hope they will be proud of the grammie for doing this.
Design for Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock 

Monday, March 11, 2013

Children's Museum

From Marji

Looky what was in my mail today! I signed up to do "pay it forward" with some friends. Well, Marji Reineke Franklin was one of the friends.....she got hers done before I have....hehehe She sent it to me.

What a creative concept....the little trinket box is an imaginative interpretation of Doctor Who. I love it!! Thank you so Marji. You are so darn creative, girlfriend.


Found an AA club about 6 miles from where I am. Felt good to do a meeting. It was a smaller one....but it still felt good to be there. Plans to go again..... :)

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Laughter.....soul food

Daughter called me this morning to see how far along I was......ummmmm I was still at home.  ha.  I didn't leave as early as I had thought I would......I told her I would be there shortly have one of the kids stand out front so I could find the house easily.  We both laughed.

Must later this afternoon she called to check on me again......I told her I suspected I wasn't going to make it today....she might want to get the kid back need to stand out front any longer.  Boy did we get a good laugh.

I also told her that she, my mom, and Mitchell all wanted to talk to me at the same time....ALL my family loves me. Then had this thought....wait!  Daniel didn't call!  Darn that Daniel....we decided he was not the good son after all......and got another good laugh going.   (by the way, Daniel is a great son....this was all done in fun)

Laughing is so good for the soul. 

My Mom

I was talking to Mitchell about the finding an ATT store so I could get the plug thing I needed for the lost one. My mom buzzed in.

Mom called to see if I was awake (??) Um, yes mom I am....I laughed. Well, it turned out she was worried that I would fall asleep, hit the guard rail, and run off the road into a ditch or something! Oh my mom worries about everything.....but, between you and me, it was sweet that she was thinking of me and wanted to check to see how I am doing.

So, by the end of the call, she asked if she could call me off and on tomorrow to make sure I am okay? :) I told her, of course, it would be nice to have someone to talk to. This may not seem like much to anyone else....but my mom hates hates hates talking on the phone. The fact she wants to call me, is touching.

If anyone else feels like calling me tomorrow, to help keep me from running into a guard rail and running off the road into a ditch, I am sure my mom would be thankful. <very big smile>

Heading out

From FB post this morning around 10:00
Hi FB. Two hours and I head out. Last bit of clothes and dishes are washing so there will be nothing messy for him to have to least not for a day or two. :)

Waiting for him to come home for lunch.....

Then last little bit of this and that, crate for the kitties, Annie Turtle goes in a small crate for the ride, Lori Lou and I will jump in and head out.

And I will cry. Sad that he is not coming with.

And I will be glad. Glad he has a job he loves so much, that he is doing wonderful things with. He is getting great recognition. He is awesome with what he can do. I am so proud of Mitchell.

In a few months.....we will be able to re-evaluate and decide if he will stay here longer than the 18 months....or if God will provide something new for Mitchell to do....and we can get back in the same home. Until that time.....we will do lots of trips back and forth. I will use the next few months enjoying the opportunity to be a full time grammie. :)

Just a bump in the road of life.....not the happy story I had hoped when we headed out this way.....but definitely some stores to talk about as we grow older together and sit on the front porch yelling at kids to get off our lawn. bwahahaha

Lori Lou

Such a good little travel partner.  Enjoying her pillows and afghan on the floor.    And apparently, after riding with me for some time.....she is worn out and the bed needed her to keep it from wandering off.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Almost time to go. Mixed feelings.

He packed the trailer.  With room to spare.  Man, he is good at this.
My new keyboard got here in time....but.....apparently it has about 93 thousand screws to take IT Awesome opted to switch my hard drive with his.....which will allow him time to put all the screws back in without it being time sensitive. I so love having my own computer geek. <smile>
My TARDIS phone case got here today too. Awesome! I now have the nicest looking iPhone in the middle of nowhere Nevada. <beaming with pride>
Oh, for those who keep up with my kitty cats.....Ms Tuna managed to get the bell off of her temporary lace collar. Which is amazing to me, since I tied it on the lace with some pretty good knots. She is a crafty kitty.
RL called today.  I think she is sort of excited that I am going to be there soon. :)
I am excited to be heading out.....although, it goes without saying....sad to be leaving him here....for now.  I made him all kinds of food and froze different meals knowing I would be leaving.  I hope it will help him know he is loved, even if I am not nearby everyday.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

You can ring my bell, ring my bell......

Ms Tuna is officially not speaking to me, far as I can tell. Put the first cat collar on her last night. After the great cat chase down of the year. She let me love all over her and pet her and put the collar on, with Mr. Awesome's help. Then spent the rest of the night trying to get the bell off of it.

Today, when we got back home from the trailer hunt and retrieval, she had the collar off. Cause cat collars are break off collars and she figured it out. Smart kitty.

I put the bell back on her with some pretty lace for the night.....I have to wait till I can get to a real store and get a small harness for her. She needs to get used to the the lace will be fine for tonight.

She is hiding back up under one of my scrapping tables, behind the packed boxes. Poor poor mistreated bell wearing kitty cat.

Wheeler?? He has no problem wearing the collar. Of course, he wore them before. He is hilarious looking when walking tho.....very sloooooooooow, so as not to ring the bell.

Like I say all the time......never boring around here with the critters. :)

He found it

Look what Mitchell found accident. Ha! Our very first Geocach!

Here, trailer, trailer, trailer......

Here is my story for you today, FB............get you drinks and snacks and pull up a chair.  :)

I need a trailer to move to Texas, right?  Go online to U-Haul....order one.....easy peasy.  Right?  PPPfffsssssttttt.  Yeal, works like that for you guys in the regular world.  But remember, I am living in the middle of nowhere.

Mitchell ordered the trailer in plenty of be picked up in Tonopah.  That is the town an hour from us. 

Manager for the area calls to confirm our order.....bwhahahahaha.  Turns out the computer shows it was ordered to be picked up in Amargosa Valley....187+ miles from where I live.  <gasp>  Well, Mr. Manager, can't you have one brought over to Tonopah?  I ask in my innocent voice, cause why in the world wouldn't that be the answer....just bring a trailer to where I need it, right??  

Wellllllllllllllllll  apparently, this is the main moving weekend of the month....and ALL, I mean ALL the trailers the size I need are assigned out....not one to be found....except in Vegas......  I actually got tears in my eyes.....frustration.....he must have heard it in my voice......he did some calls and offered us $100 for the one in Armagosa, and also a VIP $50 certificate.....which would help cover the gas to go get it.   Okay....well......I accept this deal.  Saving money is a good thing, right???

Wellllllllllllllll  we are set to pick it up today around noon.  On the way there....I call the girl at the site......a couple of times to tell her we are on the way....going to be running a tad late......never get her, or a message machine.   We get one is around.....  Another call to Mr Manager.....girl had called in, something to do with needed to take her mom to the ER.....the store is one to release the trailer to us!    Pffffssssstttttt   I am sorry for her mom being ill......but I still need a trailer.

Mr Manager tells me to call Ms Customer Service and see if I can do the paperwork over the phone......Ha!  Ms Customer Service says no way.......which makes perfect sense, why in the world would they allow someone to drive off with a trailer without any paperwork signed??.....BUT she can get the other manger, who is in Vegas (over an hour away) come meet us.  Seriously??   Okay, what other choice do we have??

Turns out, they do some more calling around and locate a trailer our size in Beatty, which is a tiny speck on the map we pass to go to Vegas, and about an hour back on our way home....yea!!!  We will go there and get it.   Yea....thank you Ms Customer Service.  :)

We got to meet Ron.....he is nice at helping to get the trailer.  I am sitting there with him filling out the info on his computer....when the chair I am sitting in breaks!  Boom, on the floor I fall.....omg......what the heck!  <rolling eyes>  The only thing hurt is my pride for falling on my butt. Ha.   

So.......I now have a trailer......and turns out they actually gave us $200 that is totally awesome!  Whoot Whoot.