Sunday, April 28, 2013

5 cents


*Taking a bow*
Yes, yes.....I am the great and fearless gerbil catcher.
<beaming with pride>

Okay, all truthfulness.....I was just sitting in my spot.....kind of waiting for a headache to go away......when one of G=girl's gerbils walks by the baby gate into our room. He stops, looks in at me, and says "hey Grammie". Then proceeds to head on down the hall.

I jump up and yell "GERBIL!!!" Here comes the daughter....who calls for G-son1. Pull out the couches, do some fancy footwork....and viola! Two wayward gerbils are now tucked safely away in their habitat.


Home from the retreat in the Hill and sound.

Do you guys remember me making a drive here from Nevada.....then back to Nevada and back to here? I mentioned not seeing any road runners and I was a tad disappointed?

Yeal, the maybe 100 feet, there, standing in the driveway.....big ol' huge road runner. hahaha In no hurry to move, either. Nice to see it.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Finally online. Whew. hehe

Yea....finally got connected here at the retreat. We are kind out in the woods and the hill country....connect will probably come and go. As long as I can see Doctor Who tomorrow night I will survive. hahahaha Priorities, you know.

Working on cards right now. Which means beneficially talking a lot

Tina made the most fantastic pecan pie....a real p-can pie. hehe Happy tummy. She is such a good hostess. Spoils us all the time.

I tried to get a picture of daddy and mommy cardinal on the feeder.....I got them, but they are sort of tiny, cause I was using the phone. Pretty little guys.....

Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Birds

And now, for my neighbor across the street story......

I am sitting out front....Lori Lou chilling.......

The man neighbor is on his roof....along with what I would guess is his teenager son......their house is one of those older style two stories.....with a roof, and then a 6 foot section to the next part of the roof. Stair step, so to speak.

They are looking all around the edges....I try to keep myself out of their business....but such luck! I ask, are you looking for the cat that hangs out on the corner of your house?? It comes and goes all the time. He responds with, yes, we have seen, we are looking for the birds in our chimney.

Hummmm, I think to myself. No chimney on this side of the why are they looking?? Next thing I know....another tall teen or 20-ish guy joins them. And....ta da! They now have a step ladder. Yes, a step ladder.

The guy sets up the ladder, which of course leans out the wrong way....he messes with it this way, and that way.....eventually, the two younger guys brace each side with their feet and hold it tight against the house and up the man goes.

During all of this.....I am watching the birds come and go out the side of their house, up by the eaves......they have a huge vent....probably 3x3 foot. With nesting material hanging out. But, still, I keep my mouth shut.

The wife comes out....okay, I give in....I will go talk to the woman......she tells me the birds are driving her crazy....the sound coming out of the chimney.....I nicely tell her, it is probably not the is the vent on the side of the house.....she walks over and basily goes AH HA!

About this time, the man comes back across the top of the house and says, there are no birds in the chimney. (no duh...hehe) The wife explains about the end of the house......I welcome her to the neighborhood.....and the man looks off the top level to the second level and the ladder....then says, I hope you have 911 on speed dial. Me? I promptly respond with.....sure....but I will have to post the video on YouTube first, you know. We all start laughing.....

I head back to my side of the street.....and he makes it back down the same way he made it up......there are a few people watching now.....and we all cheer for him. It was just some neighborhood fun for the night.

Just for the record......they eventually realized they had an attic, how to get in it.....and chased the birds all out......then fixed the wire over the vent.

Get out!

Ms Dances with Dragonflies finally found something here in the big city that she can chase out of the yard.

I let her out this morning, along with Cowboy, the daughter's pup. She made it about two steps out the door, lifted her front paw then took off like a shot out of a cannon.


The part that made me chuckle......the squirrel was up the tree and probably four houses away......laughing at her. Lori Lou had no idea.....she just knew she finally something that needed to be removed from the yard.


The G=kids had some jalapeno cheesy poofs outside. One was dropped on the grass. Lori Lou spied it....goes to check it stealth mode so as not to let me know she is about to eat something she probably shouldn't.

She gets to it and sniffs......momentary pause.....smaller sniff.....back up a step.....look at the cheesy poof and walked off. I think I could see her thinking....."what a waste of a perfectly good poof".

You know something must be bad if a garbage disposal pug won't eat it.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Packing it back up.

I opened the last of the boxes I have in the little dinning room today.....there is nothing in them that I need to take out right I went and stacked them all nice and neat...If I find I might be needing something to use in a layout....I will go to these boxes before I go to the craft stores.  :) 

I have to figure out what to do with my rolling carts when not on retreats.....I will eventually go out to the garage and move things around a bit.....and shift all the boxes out there so the dinning room will be empty. 

I already know we will be moving again....end of July or so.....which is why I am not going to unbox every little embellishment.  I am even thinking of reboxing about half of what I do have in my room right now.....I am never going to use all the paper up in the next 2-3 months.....might as well be ready to move it, right?

Day two

Another nice day at the new job. :) Their data entry is done in a hundred year old dos program Loving it. Their new computers are MS8 and nothing is working surprise there. So, I can only do a tiny little bit right now.....I think it will be totally busy work when I finally get to do "my job". I like that idea.

Got home and freaked out....Cowboy and Lori Lou were missing. Well, DUH.....the daughter had put them in the back yard like we discussed.....the weather is so pretty right now, it won't hurt them to be outside a couple hours between her going to work and me getting home from work.

Took Lori Lou to the little dog park up the street....she proceeded to sniff a few spots, of course. Did her deal.....then sat with me. She had no concept she could run around the whole area! So we sat for a little bit.....then I brought her home. Maybe a couple more trips to the park and she will decide to check it all out. I think she will like it when she does. It is small, but has a nice waterfall, stream, feature.

Silence will fall

Photo: No Josie Ears....cause everyone knows that Butterflies are cool.

Monday, April 22, 2013


Watching wrestling with the family. G=son2 is like any male who loves his sport...he spouts off all these moves and statistics and stuff to me. He made this comment tonight: Grammie, if YOU had been watching as long as I would know these things. (or a statement close to this)

I was talking to the daughter when I realized what he had said and started laughing...I then informed him I have been watching this since I was three when MY grandmother would sit and watch it with me. Only we called it "rasslin". hahahahaha

Day one....survived

I started my new part time job today. And they didn't say I couldn't come back I think that is a plus on my side. :)

Floors For Living.....I will be doing the data entry at the main office for 6 stores. They are planning to add more stores till they get to there should be plenty of paperwork to keep me busy.

You would think I had been gone for years by the way Lori Lou greeted me. :) If you ever want a pet that will let you know that you are the most important thing in the world, get a pug. All dogs love humans, no doubt there....but pugs, well.....they just think we are the best thing God ever made. <smile>

Saturday, April 20, 2013


Oh my that Lori Lou is priceless.

Talking with Mr. Awesome via FB chat. She sees and hears him.....still doesn't seem to understand why.....she whines and whimpers and is very attentive while he talks.

He changes the angle of the monitor and walks away to the door.....Lori Lou perks up....jumps down and runs to our front door! She is smart enough to realize he went to a she was expecting him to come in to see us!

I love this little girl....wish there was a way to explain to her why he isn't really here.

One last time.......

Hi guys.....I have moved many times through the past years and never ever got my scrap area/room completely organized. I would keep buying goodies and things I simply had to have to scrap with....and would organize a space to work....but that is about as far as it has gone.

Now I am living with the daughter for a few months while hubby is on his job in Nevada. i am slowly....ever so slowly going through everything.....more or less, using a flylady technique: touch it once. I actually have to touch most things twice. Ha.

I pick it up....put it in where it is supposed to be living.....or in one of two piles. One pile is all the embellishments....and man I have tons and tons of these! One is a pile of everything that I am going to put in scrap books.....these two piles will be handled after I finish sorting all supplies, paper, machines and such into their home spot. If that makes sense.

Today, I have gone and spent most of my time working on the main desk....pour things out of the little drawers and seeing what the heck is actually in them!

I have organized all markers, pens and pencils. Mostly in groups of colors. I found out today....those pricey things I have bought....well they have dried out.....cause I didn't know what colors I had and they just laid around not being used. :(

One thing that is huge for me right now....throwing it out! I grew up with a crafty mom, so everything "might" be able to be a crafty "someday". Someday never gets here it I am tossing as I go. Hard to do. I have taken things back out of the trash and held them for a bit....then made myself toss them back in.

I pray I can do this. In the scheme of life...a neat scrap area is not all that important, I suppose. Yet in my really is.....I need this done.....I need it to show myself I can do it.....and then.....I will finally after all these years....have a nice area to call my own and be proud of crafting in.

Friday, April 19, 2013



What a great visit with my friend in her place in Sealy. The cold front hit while there....brrrr.....too chilly to be able to walk around and enjoy the outside.....will do that on the next time out there. It is soooooo pretty tho. Both her and her hubby made a really pretty home....wonderful tile work through out the place.....fancy little nooks and crannies to make the layout unique. A pond, with fish and gazebo! I bet it would be so peaceful to sit out there at night. She is so blessed. :)

Stealth mode on.....

Coming home from my meeting....about a block from the house.....I had to slow down and wait a moment.......a possum decided it needed to cross the street. By the way, this is total residential here. :)


Just for the record....I really don't like when I react to something without thinking....get angry.....and then have to make an amends. First of all, I get disappointed in myself for being angry.....Second of all, I really really really do not like having to make amends. I like to think I live good enough to stop doing this....but alas....I guess as long as I am alive, and will happen off and on, huh? It would just seem, that there is a time or age in a person's life, when we stop doing stupid things. Well, today was not that day for me. Maybe tomorrow.

 people can't make me is an emotion that is a reaction to something.....and in this case.....I didn't need to react that way......of course.....I have the type of personality that anger only shows up in the wrong is a powerless reaction......if I take a deep breath, then the anger is normally not needed. There are plenty of other tools I could use for situations......I was just wishing aloud that there would be a time in life when I wouldn't get angry......but that is likely to never happen.

 Okay guys! I am NOT beating myself up! Most everyone knows I work the 12 step program.... I was actually sharing the fact that I wish there would be a time in life when I would stop doing stupid things and then needing to turn around and make an amends! I don't like making amends.... Today is the first time in quite sometime, that I got angry, lashed out, then had to go back to the person, state my part, and give an amends that I will do my best to not have it happen again. I am not upset with myself.....I am okay.....its all good. <<<hugs>>>

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

How time flies....or something like that.

There is a whole house here.....4 bedrooms...two room.....the "den" that is my room. Get the picture?

So explain to me WHY the only place in this whole house two flies could possibly find to hang out, is on the upper right hand corner of my laptop screen????

I tried shooing them away.....I tried to whack them with a flyswatter type thing (aka paper plate). They just fly off ( I can hear them laughing as they go) and they come back in 30 seconds.....taunting me to try again!

Ah yes, I am back in Texas......


Lori Lou found Swirl and was totally fascinated.
Photo: Guess what ol' fearless warrior found now.  Swirl, g=son2 pet.

Monday, April 15, 2013

04-14 observations.

Observations......The trip here yesterday.....

* There are bats under all the bridges on the west side of San Antonio going towards California.  I saw them when going out that way, and while coming back last night.  Tons of the little guys.

* When you go to a road side rest stop...after dark.....and no one else is anywhere around.....your mind can have fun with odd sounds you hear.  I was pretty sure there weren't any zombies.....but I heard noises that could have been from some of the scary movies I have seen.  bwahahaha  I didn't look down any of the drains....nor did I go to inspect to see what the sounds might n-e-v-e-r know.

* You can make a trip on Vienna sausage and potato sticks.   Especially if you want to get home bad enough to not think it is worth pulling off the road to do drive thru.

* Audio books are the best-est thing in the world for traveling without a co-driver.  I listened to three books.  Amazing how many miles you will cover between the need to change disks.   I wonder if it would be a good way to learn a second language.  :)

* I never realized how many little crosses and such are set up on the side of the roads.

* There are miles of mountains they blasted to make way for the highway....many many years ago.  Wonder what they did with all the dirt and rock they took out?  Yes, the mind will think of weird things like this while it drives along.

* Why is it, right after you break down and get a fill up.....the next city over will have gas at 5 to 10 cents cheaper?  <snicker>

* Why do the truck stops sell really fancy purses....for $49.99?  How many women are driving along and all of a sudden have this thought:  "well darn....sure wish there was a new purse I could buy for absolutely no reason"

* They post signs that you cannot sleep on the roadside tables.  Ummmmmm after seeing that....I had this overwhelming desire to see if I could sleep on one......without falling off.  hahahahaha

* Apparently, it is standard conversation at each and every truck or gas state where you are coming from and where you are going to end up at.  I listened to people doing it at all of them.  :)

* Do you ever do a long drive....and notice certain cars/trucks....that you notice over and over after you make a stop for something?  Cause you pass them more than one time?  I was wondering if they ever say...."hey!  there is that yellow PT cruiser again.  wonder where she is going?  maybe she will tell us at the next gas stop".   <snicker>

* The nicest thing in the world....coming down the block and seeing that the daughter turned on the porch light.  :)

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Insites or sites.....

On my drive today....I found a place called Rooster Cogburn.....they were an ostrich ranch. Ha!

I also drove by several miles of trees that had obviously been in a fire....some of them were small redwood type. What I found interesting is they had managed to put out new green growth and were coming back from the scarring of the fire. Nature is amazing.

I stopped for my room rather early tonight. Mainly because I am heading back into Texas time.....I could have gone for a few more hours, yet it would have made me get to my hotel at 2-3 on the it made more sense to stop now....relax, on FB and get to sleep at a normal time. Right? Yes, that is what I thought too. hehe

Izzy in Vegas

Photo: Look!  I think I found Izzy while in Vegas.


I missed a turn on the drive home....and found buffalo.  :)

I guess they were home on the range?  bwahahahaPhoto: Missed a turn.  Found buffalo.  Never boring in my world, as I always say.

Motel 6

Want to hear my Motel 6 story?? you go.....

Monday when coming out to Nevada....I stopped at this Motel 6....I am not sure where it is really....just a little small town on the side of the road in Arizona. I was trying to make it to Phoenix for the night. It was 10 at night.....Arizona time.....12 Texas time....I was really tired.

The front desk girl gave me room 123. Go to my room....key won't open the door. One of the plastic credit card keys, you guys know the type, right? It won't even do the red light....nothing....zilch. I drive back to the front desk....ask her to make sure my key will open the door. Girl: it is set for your door....but I will do it again. Me: Thanks. I am tired and want to go to bed.

Back around to the room. Yes, you guessed it. Doesn't work. Ha. This time I am pissed, but trying to not be upset. Me: Could you *please* give me a key that works. Girl: it works....let me walk back there to make sure you are doing it right. Me: Fine.....let's go (inside my head I was thinking some not nice thoughts, like she must think I am an idiot or something to not know how to use the key)

Girl comes to the room, with another they are walking up....Girl#2....OH! It is room 123....didn't you read the note I left? I have it noted that the lock is broken. Girl #1: No...I didn't see she works on the lock. Me: (in my head I am doing the happy dance cause I *knew* the lock wasn't working....hehehe) I get assigned room 122.

Tonight, I stop at the same Motel 6.....what can I say, the price is right.

I get assigned room 123....of course. bwahahahaha I ask if the lock works....this is a different girl so she has no idea about my last time here.....she smiles and reassures me it works.

Unload Lori Lou and a few things in room....turn on AC......15 minutes later, the room is still an front desk....ummmmmm does the AC in this room work? Girl: oh yes ma' just need to give it time to kick in, it has been turned off all day. You might just want to open your window a bit and let the heat out. Me:(in my head, yeal, I am going to sleep with an open window in a motel) I tell her, okay....I will wait a bit.

45 minutes later I am at front desk.....I get a new room....surprise! Room 122.

I I tell you guys all the life is never ever boring.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Sitting in hotel room....can't watch tv the way i like....which means all the good shows taped and we can fast forward through commercials.

So, he is doing that male channel surfing thing. He is clicking back to Family Guy off an on.

Let me just go down as saying....Family guy just never gets any better. Strangest humor I have ever witnessed. Ever.

Vegas conference

The security conference today was totally great. They always are. This is the first one we have gone to in well, probably about 5 years?

Vegas is a pain tho. You have to park way over there------> and then walk through miles of casino to get back over to there <-------- which is where the convention center is located. They have to do their best to get you tempted to drop a dollar or two in a machine. Whew, by the time we made it to the registration table, I was already tired!

There are cool things to look at everywhere. This year I found a really neat thing to hold IDs. It is a plastic case that completely covers the ID so it won't get tore up. On a super sturdy neck cord.....I have one as a sample that I am going to use when I go on the airline to visit with Mr Awesome....but even neater than that.....they make it to hold the iPhones. Must have one! They are going to send me samples.....whoot whoot. If they do....I will post a picture.....I liked it enough to hunt Mr Awesome down to have him come check them out.

I got to see the Soup Nazi. Never in a million years would have expected that at a security conference, trust me. I was just talking to one of the vendor girls who told me he was going to be there. Really, I asked? When, in he walked....with two huge body guards. Nice friendly guy for sure. Celebrities don't impress me all that much....I Mr lived in California for about 10 years and got used to them being around.....but this one caught me off it was neat to get a picture with him for the scrap book.

I am getting many new bags....the type they sell at the store so you don't need plastic or paper. :) They come in all colors due to so many vendors..... I heard some of the girls talking about no one wanted the, I am going to do them a favor and take a few. Its the least I can do to be helpful, right?

I sat for a while back by a security lady. She had a fun personality. She kept a good eye on things. I joked with her about nothing getting by her, to which she agreed. I asked if she was a mom with kids? she laughed and said yes, 7 kids and 17 gran kids! Mercy....I laughed with her and well, no wonder nothing gets by you!

Later, I was outside in the hall area where people go to sit and chill. Talking to the daughter when Uncle Sam walked by.....on stilts. hohohohoho hahahaha You just never know what you will see in Vegas.

Mr Awesome went way over there -------> to get the car and was going to come back to get me and all the bags of goodies. I was now outside at the taxi drop off and pick up spot. I will talk to a fence post if it holds still long enough (ha) Anyway, my first person was a guy who came all the way over here to do this from Turkey. Fascinating. Then a young lady took his place.....she asked what I liked that I saw today. I told her about the neck chain things for the IDs and iPhones. Then I told her I was interested in these dome type cameras.....something I had not seen before....small world.....the cameras are what she was there to show! We had a nice time talking....

At Long John Silver's we got lunch to take back to the room. The guy who got our order seemed familiar to me. I leaned over to see his name badge.....Ha! I asked if he is the one with family who lives up in Tonopah? Turned out he was! hehehe We both remembered each other. I had him several months ago as my drive through window guy. I told Mitchell about this kid back at that time, as to how friendly he was.....and yes, he was just as friendly today.

We go back tomorrow.....hopefully I can worm my way through the parts of the show I didn't get to enjoy today. :)

Yesterday, at the conference.....there was this young lady.....actually walking around on those two story high heels. You know, they have an extra 2" in thick sole so they can then have 8-10 inch heels.

Why?? Why in the world would a person subject themselves to walking for miles and miles and hours and hours in one of these things in those heels?? Her feet must have been killing her at the end of the day.

Don't get me wrong....I am not knocking those shoes and the girls who can and do wear them.....just wondering why she would do it when there must have been something more comfortable to wear for the day. :)

I took a look around....and nope....not a single male could be seen wearing these high heel shoes. bwahahahaha

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Pug love

You know you are an animal family get to see your hubby after 6 weeks and the first thing you do is roll down the window cause the pug is so excited to see him.....and you want her to be able to get hugs. <wink>

I'm here!

Made it to oh man.....that is one extremely long drive!   I need a TARDIS.  bwahaahaha

Here are my observations on the ride today:

* I got up early and repacked the car.  Added Lori Lou to her spot....then stopped at the Dollar General.  Came out of the store.....and it was snowing.  Yes.....snowing.  OMG.   I think the weather looks around to find me.....and then says "there she is!!!  get her!!"   hahahaha   It didn't last but a few minutes.....but it made me laugh.

* This time of year, in the dessert areas of the states.....the tumble weed type plants are growing....and they are just about the brightest green.  They don't look real, they are so darn green.

* The sandstorms I was telling about yesterday....the ones that look like little dust devils.....but around here are really huge......well......when you see one come up over the top of a is sure something you will never forget seeing.  Awesome.

* No matter what the speed limit.....anywhere.....people simply have to drive 5 miles faster.   I haven't figured it out.  I am perfectly happy going the speed limit.....they sure seem to like passing me.  hehe    The odd part.....the cops are all over the place.....but people just need to go faster by at least 5 mph.

* People on motorcycles, in general, are some of the safest and polite drivers on the road.  Now, note.....I said in general.  Cause I have noticed, the younger guys on the crotch rockets, as they like to call them....well, they have this thing of wanting to weave in and out of traffic.  Doesn't seem to get them that much ahead of the rest of us.....but they do it anyway.

* I have not seen a single road runner.  Darn. 

Time Lord

My Vegas day :)

I still have a little over 8 hours to get to Vegas today.   Sitting in my motel room for now tho....Mitchell will work till noon-ish or so.  No hurry to beat him to Vegas.
I want roads to other cities to be straight.....tired of this over the hills and around everything.....I could be in Vegas in no time....if the road was straight.

Just sayin'

Monday, April 8, 2013 um.....Wendie

I am going to change my name to Windy.....but spell it Wendie. I simply cannot drive the long drives without non-stop wind! This time.....I have been doing it while having my first experience of driving with sand storms. I am at the motel room....and the storm is still going on......the wind is coming through my window!

I have found it to be in interesting thing......there is all this sand in the can almost taste it.....kind of looks like when there is can see the sand least the type I am dealing with. The look like those little dust devils you see.....only much much much bigger.....and they move slowly.

You can see them coming, so there is time to get ready for them to hit.......I learned quickly to make sure not to be near any other cars......they can make you move over several inches to a foot or more! And if they are are wide can't see anything at all while they pass over.....those are the ones where it is best to pull over to the side and let them go their merry way.

Chalk this up to another thing I have experienced I never thought I would. Ha!

Thank you God for keeping Lori Lou and I safe as we head to see Mr. Awesome!
More education on driving in little sand storms. Get your notebooks out.....there will be a test later. hehe

You can't drive in the after dark. Go figure, right? You can't see them coming so when they hit......oh man! It gets extremely dark!

Thus the reason I am now sitting in a hotel room all safe and sound. :)

Saturday, April 6, 2013


Mercy me! My friend that I met about 3-4 years ago, when hunting eggs.....a really good friend that I have thanks to FB....someone I would never have had the opportunity to meet otherwise.....lives in Canada.....just called me!

First time I heard her voice. hehe Oh my, what a great surprise. I have this huge smile on my face. Turtle is a special person with a huge heart....another one of my friends I consider myself to be so blessed to know. <<<<big hug to Turtle>>>>


832-499-6679 <----- My new # now that I am back in Texas. Anyone who wants it....please feel free to add it to your phone. :) Yes, I know, you shouldn't put a number on FB.....but here is the deal, if spammers wanted to spam my phone...go for it....I never answer unless I know the number that comes up. I just wait for the voice mail and check those. hehe

Lift me

Mr Awesome sent me this picture. He "stole" this at work yesterday to hang some of the cameras at his job. Somehow, after looking at this, I doubt very much he stole it....I suspect everyone saw him do it with no problems. <snicker>

Breathing is a nice thing

Day two of being back on allergy meds for little Lori Lou. Well worth it. This afternoon, she has been be-bopping around like her normal happy self. She came over by me and started pawing my fingers then biting on them....which in Lori Lou language means, why aren't you playing with me? She has eaten everything I put in front of her....including the totally healthy popcorn. Ha. Yes, she needs some meds it would seem....breathing is important to the scheme of things....even for a pugger.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Just misc today things

I guess all in all, I had a great day. :)

Didn't do much of nothing for the morning part. Did take Lori Lou for her first walk around our block....she and I are both obviously dealing with allergies, she got tired about half way around....will be taking allergy meds a few more days and that should help us.

Afternoon, the kids came home, of course. Did some reading with G-girl. Just sat and talked with G-son1. G-son two ran off to enjoy his friends. :)

I made a crock pot meal for the daughter. She had some stew type meat.....I am happy to say, soon as I walked back in this evening...G-girl proclaimed "I liked your meal, grammie". ♥

I finally went to the north side of town and meet up with a scrapping friend I haven't seen in a long long time. :) And got to meet a couple of the ladies from my new scrapping group while I live in this area. I didn't make anything....I did take supplies, but just sitting and talking and having girl time was fine with me. Nice.

The daughter showed me this tape thing that goes in the tape player on the suv. Plug in the phone....and viola.....I can hear the phone over the speakers in the suv. Cool beans. So, by having that little contraption....I was able to talk to Mr. Awesome on the way home, hands free! All the simple things in life that make it easier.

Now, the family headed to bed. Lori Lou is feeling better cause of her medication, she is petting my leg so I will pet her. I have received a couple of pug kisses to tell me she loves me.

Yes, life is good today. Thank you God.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Great Day

1. Went to Sandie Lynn's school for a conference. 
2. Called Rochelle and caught up.....going to an AA thing on Saturday with her
3. Went to the 6:30 Women's meeting at Bellaire Group.  Loved it!  Got two phone numbers.  One girl might go to the AA thing on Saturday.  :)
4. Talked with Mitchell. 
5. Colored a picture with Kevin.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

RIP John Pruett

Photo: Gone but Not Forgotten!  Miss you John Pruett!  Muuuaah!

Pretty for my visit to see him again :)

family time on 04-02-2013

The daughter made dinner. The g=kids are eating....and doing g=kid stuff while we all eat. Talking about this and that. Normal family time....

G=son1 is looking for his memory g=son2 can use it for a school project. G=son1 says I need to use my flashlight. I ask the simple question..why. He responds with cause "it" is under there. I ask the simple question...."under where?"

There is a 5 second pause.....and the g=son2 says...."hahahaha Grammie said under where (underwear).....3 second pause.....and the whole room starts laughing.....all three g=kids AND the daughter. They laughed so hard she got tears in her eyes. :) :) :) I pretended to not know what they were laughing at.....which made the g=kids laugh more. :)

I know...this....this is why I am here at this time of my life. To enjoy being a grammie with my family.

The light pole

Look! The pole is almost back on duty. The workers said they never make light of these situations and are delighted to do this job.

Makeup time :)

Sandie Lynn wanted to do my makeup.  :)

Photo: G=girl wanted to do makeup time.

Would like this cake, please

yucky yukcy! Math homework!!

Ohhhhh nooooo. G=son1 came in and asked for help with his math homework. The one subject I am totally helpless with. Ohhhhh noooo. Thank goodness for having a laptop handy. He needs to list the type of measurements for various items....I have no idea how to do metric stuff.....i am so old fashion. I grew up with everything being based on 1-100. I hope I got the right answers...... :)

G=son2 needs to do a PowerPoint presentation. PowerPoint??? He is only in elementary! <gasp> At that age I was doing simple art work for homework. Man oh man. He took one of my thumb drives to school to copy his project....but it won't show up on my lap he is going to try again tomorrow.

Gym time

The daughter *made* me go to the gym with her. She is so mean to me. I won't tell her I had a good time tho....and that I am looking forward to going again. I would much rather her think I was suffering. Of course, she might believe my total pain and anguish of being at the gym if I wasn't laughing while *she* takes my picture. hehehe