Monday, September 9, 2013

Tumble tumble

Remember I told you guys the other day, my yard became full of future tumble weeds while I was away? Today I started a little game....every time I go out with the puggers....I need to remove some of the plants.

Something to share before the story goes weeds! When I was a kid, if I ever made the mistake of saying "I'm bored".....I found myself magically transported to the front of the house sitting in flowerbeds....pulling weeds!

Back to today's story....I would call what I need to do somewhere along the line of pulling weeds. Which means I plan to be a true martyr in this event. Hopefully acquire tons of love and sympathy from Mr. Awesome. <snicker>

Now, you might remember, I purchased a new shovel and red handled hoe. And....drum roll garden gloves! Yea for me.

I pull on my pretty gloves....take the shovel and start popping the plants out of the ground. Wait a minute?!?! This is too darn easy. What's up??? Hummmmmm I lean over, grab a plant, give a little twist and "pop" it comes out like butter.` It has maybe an inch long root and that is all. Well now....not going to be getting much sympathy if that is all it takes to remove them. hahahaha

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