Sunday, September 22, 2013

iPhone : (

I want to go down as saying....I really in no way form or fashion....absolutely do not like the iPhone update ios7. Not one wee bit.

Oh can do interesting things like swipe down the screen and for a moment or two.

But who in their right mind thought chartreuse green with white letters for text message was a good idea? Idiots. <---- Yes, that is a strong word to call them. The green is too bright, hurts the eyes.....makes the white hard to see/read.

I went online to see if there is a way to change the color of the text or anything. Ha! Nope.

I then settings and toned down the brightness about half way and then make the font bigger....helps some. But you shouldn't have to hunt up a pair of reading glasses to see the white letters. They should offer us a chance to set up a color for, oh, I don't letters???

Then....don't get me started on the new icons. They look like something you would expect kids would draw. Not that kids are not good at drawing things....not meaning to insult kids at all.......but meaning an adult with a computer program should be able to make icons that look nice and grown up.

Overall.....this was one of my least favorite updates they have ever done.

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