we stopped in
El Paso for the night.
El Paso for the night.
Dee Dee made some really good chicken cordon bleu.

As we are on the way to Nevada....we got the info that our sweet pug, Dollie Mae passed away at the pet sitter.
I am sad....she had no idea I was on the way home to tell her I missed her. I did do online chats with her.... Mr. Awesome was very good at daily belly rubs, so I know she was loved, very much.
She is safe over the rainbow bridge.
Last day on the road for us starts in a just a bit. Mr Awesome and Lori Lou went to scout out some breakfast.
We have a little over 4 hour drive left......we go to Tonopah and pick up ARRT. Then up to Round Mountain we will head.
Unload the truck.....return it late tonight to Tonopah (maybe tomorrow morning, who knows).....and viola.....it will be done.
Maybe i will be able to see Mystery....our owl.....that would be exciting.
So, who is ready for stories about cows and jack rabbits?
Went to Walmart last night. Had to replace my keyboard since the wireless thingy broke. (nope....couldn't have been MY fault...nope.)
While there, I saw things to get for the G=kids and daughter......then realized.....they are all the way over in Texas. I missed them already, it would seem. But......it won't be long......I will be back over there to hug and bug them. hehehe

We got here safely hours ago. Both of us were worn out....so we fell in bed with the pugs and took naps.
Now it is raining nicely. No unloading tonight. Poor Mr. Awesome. I am sure he was really looking forward to that little task. Ha.
Well, now he can relax all evening and sleep good tonight. Then have a fresh start in the morning.
First night back.
Thunder and lightning.
I miss Dollie Mae....she didn't like this kind of weather.....and I would spend forever reassuring her everything was alright.
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