Diana....I don't know any more. I can relate to what you wrote very
much. Living out here.....away from family, friends and all that I came
to enjoy while in Austin....well...I flounder. I have found that
writing a bit about the day to day things, animals, weather and stuff
going on here, keeps me sane, and I feel like I get to keep a wee part
of myself connected with my friends/family. I know I am here for a
reason....but God has not revealed a great plan for me, as of yet. So, I
enjoy the total quiet while listening to the wind and my pugs snoring.
I crochet something to share with someone else and smile while I do
it.....I clean house, make good meals for Mr. Awesome. Make cards/scrap
book pages. I play music loud every now and then for no reason.
I figure one day, I will be back in a real world with people,
meetings, stores.....until then...I accept this is where God wants
me.......and life is good. Thanks for asking.
I deleted it later in the day,.....with so many people who are sick, dieing, dealing with horrible family problems...ill kids....the pugs out there in the groups I deal with......who or what the hell gives me the right to complain about anything at all.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Sneaky sneaky.....
now....apparently Chicken Bone has an accomplice. Saw another young
kitty tonight attempting to sneak away with out us seeing it. This one
is a dark body, one white paw, that I could see and possible a lighter
color tail. Bet there is a whole liter of little ones hanging
09-23 what pugs??
I am
be-bopping around here....cleaning this, dutsting that....moving a box
here or there...when I realize the pugs are gone. Since it is so
pretty today....awesome sun, very little wind to blow up the dust, I
have been leaving the front door open. I go to find them.....
Yes, they decided that laying out in the sun was something they were needing to do. Guess they gave up on begging a treat off of me. The intersting part of this......I was trying an experiment....one of my own creation. I placed one of the really old rugs out in the yard by our chairs. Sure enough, they picked the rug to lay on instead of just the ground itself. They were both stretched out about as far as a pug can stretch....sucking up that vitamin D.
Yes, they decided that laying out in the sun was something they were needing to do. Guess they gave up on begging a treat off of me. The intersting part of this......I was trying an experiment....one of my own creation. I placed one of the really old rugs out in the yard by our chairs. Sure enough, they picked the rug to lay on instead of just the ground itself. They were both stretched out about as far as a pug can stretch....sucking up that vitamin D.
09-23 bird
I was
sitting outside, after a nice hot shower.....enjoying the nice hot sun,
and hardly any wind blowing. The pugs were both stretched out enjoying
the sun also. We were waiting for Mr. Awesome to come home for his
While out there.....one lone mourning dove landed on the wire. Fluffed itself, and settled in. It looked totally peaceful up there, sunning itself and just watching the world go by below it.
I can relate to that dove today. I am obviously at a point in my path with God where He placed me in TMON....to learn to be quiet within myself. To just sit, and just be. To learn to be alone. No, I did not say I am lonely! I am learning to be alone, quiet and still and alone.
So, far....so good. <wink>
While out there.....one lone mourning dove landed on the wire. Fluffed itself, and settled in. It looked totally peaceful up there, sunning itself and just watching the world go by below it.
I can relate to that dove today. I am obviously at a point in my path with God where He placed me in TMON....to learn to be quiet within myself. To just sit, and just be. To learn to be alone. No, I did not say I am lonely! I am learning to be alone, quiet and still and alone.
So, far....so good. <wink>
Sunday, September 22, 2013
iPhone : (
want to go down as saying....I really in no way form or
fashion....absolutely do not like the iPhone update ios7. Not one wee
Oh sure...you can do interesting things like swipe down the screen and stuff.....fun for a moment or two.
But who in their right mind thought chartreuse green with white letters for text message was a good idea? Idiots. <---- Yes, that is a strong word to call them. The green is too bright, hurts the eyes.....makes the white hard to see/read.
I went online to see if there is a way to change the color of the text or anything. Ha! Nope.
I then settings and toned down the brightness about half way and then make the font bigger....helps some. But you shouldn't have to hunt up a pair of reading glasses to see the white letters. They should offer us a chance to set up a color for ourselves.....like, oh, I don't know...black letters???
Then....don't get me started on the new icons. They look like something you would expect kids would draw. Not that kids are not good at drawing things....not meaning to insult kids at all.......but meaning an adult with a computer program should be able to make icons that look nice and grown up.
Overall.....this was one of my least favorite updates they have ever done.
Oh sure...you can do interesting things like swipe down the screen and stuff.....fun for a moment or two.
But who in their right mind thought chartreuse green with white letters for text message was a good idea? Idiots. <---- Yes, that is a strong word to call them. The green is too bright, hurts the eyes.....makes the white hard to see/read.
I went online to see if there is a way to change the color of the text or anything. Ha! Nope.
I then settings and toned down the brightness about half way and then make the font bigger....helps some. But you shouldn't have to hunt up a pair of reading glasses to see the white letters. They should offer us a chance to set up a color for ourselves.....like, oh, I don't know...black letters???
Then....don't get me started on the new icons. They look like something you would expect kids would draw. Not that kids are not good at drawing things....not meaning to insult kids at all.......but meaning an adult with a computer program should be able to make icons that look nice and grown up.
Overall.....this was one of my least favorite updates they have ever done.
Robbie Lynn
It is
the daughter's birthday today. She is now 32 years old. She is my
equinox / fall solstice baby. I was so happy when I was told I am the
momma to a baby girl.....
Back at the time I was having kiddos, we did not get ultra sounds and tests to tell us if we would have a boy or girl. Not sure I would have wanted to know anyway. There was excitement and a special zing in the air when the doctor looked at you and said....congratulations....you have a brand new baby girl!
Robbie Lynn ~ I love you.

Back at the time I was having kiddos, we did not get ultra sounds and tests to tell us if we would have a boy or girl. Not sure I would have wanted to know anyway. There was excitement and a special zing in the air when the doctor looked at you and said....congratulations....you
Robbie Lynn ~ I love you.

Thursday, September 19, 2013
Double Moon Rainbow??

How about THIS one?? hey? Hey?? A double moon rainbow. Awesomeness to the max. bahahahahahaha — with Daniel Money.
I am pretty sure........They're coming to take me away Ha Ha
They're coming to take me away ho ho he he ha ha
to the funny farm where life is beautiful all the time, and I'll be happy to see those nice young men in their clean white coatsand they're coming to take me away ha ha
They're coming to take me away ho ho he he ha ha
to the funny farm where life is beautiful all the time, and I'll be happy to see those nice young men in their clean white coatsand they're coming to take me away ha ha
Moon rainbow???

was taken tonight for the challenge my son tossed my way......my first
moon rainbow. And to think....I caught it on the night of the September
Harvest Full Moon.....am I good, or what? <trying not to
snicker> —
feeling accomplished with Daniel Money.

Chicken Bone
critter alert for around our home. I kitty cat....kind of grey/black
striped. It is not the one we had in our storage van last year....this
is a much younger one. Now I know who has been sneaky the chicken
bones out of the trash one or two at a time.
It was not Milo..... I was going to call this guy Sneaker.....but
decided to go for Chicken Bone instead. Kind of a amusing name for a feral kitty.
This also explains why Lori Lou has been barging out of the door, at night and circling my car. She must know about the kitty.....
Told Mr Awesome about Chicken Bone and that I am going to put a small bit of dry cat food out for her/him. Far enough away from the house not to present a problem with any other wild stuff I might really want close to the house.
And just for the record....NO....I have no intention of trying to tame this little one. Just to make sure it has something good to eat if it wants it.
This also explains why Lori Lou has been barging out of the door, at night and circling my car. She must know about the kitty.....
Told Mr Awesome about Chicken Bone and that I am going to put a small bit of dry cat food out for her/him. Far enough away from the house not to present a problem with any other wild stuff I might really want close to the house.
And just for the record....NO....I have no intention of trying to tame this little one. Just to make sure it has something good to eat if it wants it.
Pirate Jokes
I had fun today......I posted these on FB.
If you’ve got a deck, today would be a good day to swab it.
A pirate with an eye patch seemed down at a bar. The bartender asked, "What's wrong?" The pirate replied, "Arrrgh, they wanted me to be a teacher... but I only had one pupil!"
On a scale from 1-10 I rate cherry pie an 11!
That's my famous "pie rate" joke!
One pirate said to his fellow crewmate, "Arrrgh, that be a fine looking hook and peg leg ye got for ye'self!"
The pirate replied, "I should think so, it cost me an arm and a leg.
A pirate and his crew were busy plundering a ship. When he entered the captain's quarters, he saw the captain hunched over a table, obviously deep in thought. When the captain didn't move, the pirate came closer with cutlass raised, but stopped short when he noticed that the captain was involved in a game of chess ... with a parrot! The pirate watched for a few seconds, and soon the captain made a move. "Good move! Good move!" the parrot cried, "Nice! Nice!"
Well, needless to say, the pirate was quite impressed. "Arrgh, matey! That be quite the talented parrot ye be playin' against thar," he said.
The captain looked up at the pirate, somewhat startled, as he had been so involved with the game that he had not noticed the tar standing there. "Ahh, he's not so smart," he replied, "I've beaten the blighter two out of three."
"So what would the bird do if ye made a blunder?" asked the pirate.
"Somersaults," was the quick reply.
"Somersaults?" the pirate said, "That be incredible! How many would it be doin' then?"
"That would depend on how hard I slap him." (Bah-dum-dum)
A pirate walks into a bar wearing a paper towel on his head. He sits down at the bar and orders some dirty rum.
The bartender asks, "Why are you wearing a paper towel?"
"Arrr..." says the pirate. "I've got a bounty on me head!"
Here we go again:
what type of sock does a pirate wear?
A pirate walks into a bar with the steering wheel of a ship in his pants
The bartender says, "Mate, ya got a steering wheel in your pants" to which the pirate replies "Aye, it's drivin' me nuts."
What did the pirate say to man who insulted him?
I know you ARR, but what am AYE?!!!!
How do pirates know that they are pirates?
They think, therefore they ARRRR!!!!!
Scurvy joke time me hearties - where's your buccanears?
Wait for it -
~~~~~behind your buccaneyes - oh arrrrr gud un
(I stole this joke from a friend's post....just so you know....hehehe)
If you’ve got a deck, today would be a good day to swab it.
A pirate with an eye patch seemed down at a bar. The bartender asked, "What's wrong?" The pirate replied, "Arrrgh, they wanted me to be a teacher... but I only had one pupil!"
On a scale from 1-10 I rate cherry pie an 11!
That's my famous "pie rate" joke!
One pirate said to his fellow crewmate, "Arrrgh, that be a fine looking hook and peg leg ye got for ye'self!"
The pirate replied, "I should think so, it cost me an arm and a leg.
A pirate and his crew were busy plundering a ship. When he entered the captain's quarters, he saw the captain hunched over a table, obviously deep in thought. When the captain didn't move, the pirate came closer with cutlass raised, but stopped short when he noticed that the captain was involved in a game of chess ... with a parrot! The pirate watched for a few seconds, and soon the captain made a move. "Good move! Good move!" the parrot cried, "Nice! Nice!"
Well, needless to say, the pirate was quite impressed. "Arrgh, matey! That be quite the talented parrot ye be playin' against thar," he said.
The captain looked up at the pirate, somewhat startled, as he had been so involved with the game that he had not noticed the tar standing there. "Ahh, he's not so smart," he replied, "I've beaten the blighter two out of three."
"So what would the bird do if ye made a blunder?" asked the pirate.
"Somersaults," was the quick reply.
"Somersaults?" the pirate said, "That be incredible! How many would it be doin' then?"
"That would depend on how hard I slap him." (Bah-dum-dum)
A pirate walks into a bar wearing a paper towel on his head. He sits down at the bar and orders some dirty rum.
The bartender asks, "Why are you wearing a paper towel?"
"Arrr..." says the pirate. "I've got a bounty on me head!"
Here we go again:
what type of sock does a pirate wear?
A pirate walks into a bar with the steering wheel of a ship in his pants
The bartender says, "Mate, ya got a steering wheel in your pants" to which the pirate replies "Aye, it's drivin' me nuts."
What did the pirate say to man who insulted him?
I know you ARR, but what am AYE?!!!!
How do pirates know that they are pirates?
They think, therefore they ARRRR!!!!!
Scurvy joke time me hearties - where's your buccanears?
Wait for it -
~~~~~behind your buccaneyes - oh arrrrr gud un
(I stole this joke from a friend's post....just so you know....hehehe)
Music.....ahhhhhh.....muisc to my ears
Mr Awesome showed me a couple of things on our dish network that he changed over to while I was in Houston.
I am very happy.....We have Sirrus XM and Pandora available. Since
TMON does not pick up any radio
stations...none....zero...zilch.....giving me access to these two things
is an absolutely wonderful gift!
I am making my own station on
Pandora, I think. hehe Old country songs....the stuff I grew up with.
Things you never hear on the radio anymore. On Sirius XM I have
hooked up with Willie's Roadhouse. Aaaahhhhhh songs that make my ears
happy....tug at my heart strings....bring back memories of my teen
years......real tear jerkers.
I haven't found a Christian
station I like yet....so I tend to set up the computer for 105.9 Spirit
out of Austin. He has good speakers on his computer.
I don't know about you guys....but for me.....music has always been the
way for me to express how I feel about things.....so many songs of all
genres remind me of people places and things.
I sure wish I had never lost my voice when I hit puberty....I would so
love to be able to sing. Oh trust me....I still sing.....loud and
proud.....but cover your ears...hehe.
I wish I had of not been a
defiant kid and continued my piano lessons so I could play now. I also
wish I had someone to teach me to play the guitar. I think I could do
the guitar at this stage in my life. It would be so soul healing to be
able to make music to put out to the universe.
sw: So start up again with the piano. It's never too late!
tlg: True Susanne....I have been thinking along those lines......but ummmmmm.....need a piano. Not too many of them laying around here in TMON. Ha. That is why I think guitar might be easier to start with....I surely would be able to locate one....and I bet there are plenty of lessons on youtube now-a-days.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Cloudy - stink eye
Sitting here eating my sammiches......that is what the pugs call them.
Kind got my eye on the clouds over the mountains. Some one at Mr
Awesome's work said they have noticed clouds that look like snow ones.
SMH! In all my official, I have lived through one whole winter here in
TMON, which surly means I know everything about snow clouds....I agree!
They do. I might have to ask Skunk Rock what he thinks.....
Gonna give them the Queenly stink eye.....that should send them on their
way. hahahaha No one likes to get the stink eye......not even clouds.
No pug :(
Yesterday I went on a mad dash to a town 4-1/2 hours from TMON to pick up a little girl pug. Alas she was already adopted out by the time I got there at 2:30ish.
I had asked if they would hold her knowing I had so far to drive. No....people don't show up.
I am litereally getting in my car, please? Nope. First come, first served.
Can I pay her adoption fee so they know I am seriously on my way?? No, we stopped doing that.
I cried.
I cried at my stupidity for going
I cried for the loss of Dollie Mae and not getting to tell her I love her
I cried cause the people seemed to think it was funny I would drive that far
I cried
I cried and
I cried
I cried for the pug, and I think it was the cleaning crying for everything I have been going through and dealing with for the past year.....some of it real issues and some of it those, oh poor me, imaginary things that my magical mind can come up with to obsess about.
Today.....I am going to regroup, turn on some loud music and work around the house and make it as neat as I can for a dusty dessert home. I will make something nice to eat for the hubby when he is home tonight.
I will praise God for all the goodness in my life.....and I pray that the little pugger is in a wonderful home being loved on today.
Yes, I know....she went where she was supposed to go, and when it is time for us to adopt our next pug, the door will open. Just so you guys and God knows.....I am over here standing by the door..... :)
**Something to share about my posting** Here in Nevada, there are two pug rescues....Reno And Vegas. You HAVE to be within three hour drive or you will not be considered as a rescue family. I am a little over 4 hours from both of them. Rescues are quick at pulling pugs from the craigslist or shelters.....once they do.....then I am not going to be able to help. Oh well......I do what I can where God put me....right? Of course that is right. Thanks for listening when my posted ramblings are not always light and fun. I appreciate you guys and gals.
I had asked if they would hold her knowing I had so far to drive. No....people don't show up.
I am litereally getting in my car, please? Nope. First come, first served.
Can I pay her adoption fee so they know I am seriously on my way?? No, we stopped doing that.
I cried.
I cried at my stupidity for going
I cried for the loss of Dollie Mae and not getting to tell her I love her
I cried cause the people seemed to think it was funny I would drive that far
I cried
I cried and
I cried
I cried for the pug, and I think it was the cleaning crying for everything I have been going through and dealing with for the past year.....some of it real issues and some of it those, oh poor me, imaginary things that my magical mind can come up with to obsess about.
Today.....I am going to regroup, turn on some loud music and work around the house and make it as neat as I can for a dusty dessert home. I will make something nice to eat for the hubby when he is home tonight.
I will praise God for all the goodness in my life.....and I pray that the little pugger is in a wonderful home being loved on today.
Yes, I know....she went where she was supposed to go, and when it is time for us to adopt our next pug, the door will open. Just so you guys and God knows.....I am over here standing by the door..... :)
**Something to share about my posting** Here in Nevada, there are two pug rescues....Reno And Vegas. You HAVE to be within three hour drive or you will not be considered as a rescue family. I am a little over 4 hours from both of them. Rescues are quick at pulling pugs from the craigslist or shelters.....once they do.....then I am not going to be able to help. Oh well......I do what I can where God put me....right? Of course that is right. Thanks for listening when my posted ramblings are not always light and fun. I appreciate you guys and gals.
Friday, September 13, 2013
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Weed pullin' outfit
TA DA!!!
Here we have the official, approved by the Queen of TMON (me, hehe), front yard weed pullin' outfit.
Please note how lively it is. It sports the summer neon green shirt
(with white butterflies, none the less) on top of totally sexy purple
crop pants. The shoes are the ever popular sparkle style Sketchers flip
flop. (Flip flops ensure one does not put their foot in a shoe a black
widow is calling home.)
Glasses are camo color to help hide her from the weeds as she sneaks up
on them. This is topped off with a wonderful bright red hat encrusted
with a silver bling star.
The Queen is proudly displaying her
brand new shovel and the coveted red handle hoe, that only the Queen is
allowed to own. <snicker>
The Judge of outfits in TMON
(also me! hehe) Gives this outfit 4 stars out of 5. Why only 4, you
might be thinking to yourself.......well, it is because of the cows.
Every time they see this outfit, they break out in laughter. One even
snorted milk out her nose!
Oh, I forgot to mention, the brand new, do not match anything at all, gloves.
only get the fun of turning "50" once. Mr Awesome is about to get
that little nugget of enjoyment on the 26th of this month. He will
officially join my side of the world and become AARP worthy and even
MORE awesome, if that is humanly possible. <wink> hehehe
Out here in TMON.....I am inviting the cows to come over. I extended an
invite to the celebrity cow that had her picture taken. She is being
kind of stand-offish. Mr. Awesome gets a kick out of the cows showing
I would get the jack rabbits, but they declined. They
stated they can't do it cause Lori Lou won't let them anywhere near the
Potato Bug is nowhere to
be found. From what I can tell, Mr. Awesome won't miss him not being
here....so that should be okay. <snicker>
My actual plan
is to take him over to Ely, Nevada. It seems it is a little artsy
fartsy town. No chain stores, but a reportedly great Chinese food
place. I think it will make for a nice and different way to enjoy his
special day. I hope he will too.
I need to give you guys our mailing address:
PO Box 1156
Round Mountain, NV 89045
Way too early
Need to have a talk with this all knowing and knowledgeable God.
Why does He think getting out of a perfectly comfortable, warm and cozy
bed is the proper thing to do. early, every morning?? I mean He thinks
I need to do it every day, early. And I do it.....cause He set it up
that way.
The key word in this observation is "early". I am
pretty sure He needs to restructure the scheme of life so I can stay in
bed till at least noon.....noon would be a great time to leave that soft
comfort.....don't you think?? Yes, I know....I can hear God laughing
at my idea, too. hahahahaha
Thank you God for a chance to get up, early, and enjoy another day. I look forward to the adventures you have set for me.
Monday, September 9, 2013
think I was able to see an owl tonight.....not too sure tho. Mr.
Awesome called me out to the front door and pointed about half way cross
our lawn into the scrub brush. Wait patiently....and viola! Little
eyes turned our way....a couple of times. Bright and shiny eyes that
looked very owl like. They were not big enough to be Mystery, the one
he took a picture of...at least I don't think so. Maybe if I factor in
for the distant it "could" have been.
I took the little flashlight and wandered over to the area.....never
saw anything fly off, the brush did not rustle....alas....did not find
an owl. At least we know where to look.....maybe.....who knows what
owls do around here. hahaha
Spirit and Bob
obvious reasons, there is no radio reception out here in TIMON....every
now and then you can get a statically country station on the car radio.
Anyway....due to the wonders of modern technology.....I listen on Mr. Awesome's desktop cause he has awesome speakers.
I am very happy with this.....Bob FM and my ever favorite station Spirit 105.9. Both of them are the Austin stations. You can take a girl out of Texas....but..... well.......
Anyway....due to the wonders of modern technology.....I listen on Mr. Awesome's desktop cause he has awesome speakers.
I am very happy with this.....Bob FM and my ever favorite station Spirit 105.9. Both of them are the Austin stations. You can take a girl out of Texas....but..... well.......
Black spider
night, just before bed....noticed a black widow spider, by the front
door! Oh no! I had no idea they would be out here in the middle of the
freaking dessert on top of a freaking mountain.....what the heck??
Spider spray and Mr Awesome and she was bye bye spider. He sprayed the
area all around the front door.....just to be safe and sure. Ha! I
went out with pugs a few minutes ago....and yes....there is another one sitting there! Gasp!
Now I am not one to pester bugs or critters....unless it is a wood roach, as you all know. I will take things and put them back outside....it is not their fault that humans live in their little part of the world, right?
These black widows have got to go! I will not have them around the pugs or cats. If they are outside....I can only assume I am going to find them inside, right? Now I am going to be creeping around and looking at every thing before I open a box to put it away.
Now I am not one to pester bugs or critters....unless it is a wood roach, as you all know. I will take things and put them back outside....it is not their fault that humans live in their little part of the world, right?
These black widows have got to go! I will not have them around the pugs or cats. If they are outside....I can only assume I am going to find them inside, right? Now I am going to be creeping around and looking at every thing before I open a box to put it away.
Head band

Tumble tumble
I told you guys the other day, my yard became full of future tumble
weeds while I was away? Today I started a little game....every time I
go out with the puggers....I need to remove some of the plants.
Something to share before the story goes on....I....absolutely...do not....like....pulling weeds! When I was a kid, if I ever made the mistake of saying "I'm bored".....I found myself magically transported to the front of the house sitting in flowerbeds....pulling weeds!
Back to today's story....I would call what I need to do somewhere along the line of pulling weeds. Which means I plan to be a true martyr in this event. Hopefully acquire tons of love and sympathy from Mr. Awesome. <snicker>
Now, you might remember, I purchased a new shovel and red handled hoe. And....drum roll please.....new garden gloves! Yea for me.
I pull on my pretty gloves....take the shovel and start popping the plants out of the ground. Wait a minute?!?! This is too darn easy. What's up??? Hummmmmm I lean over, grab a plant, give a little twist and "pop" it comes out like butter.` It has maybe an inch long root and that is all. Well now....not going to be getting much sympathy if that is all it takes to remove them. hahahaha
Something to share before the story goes on....I....absolutely...do not....like....pulling weeds! When I was a kid, if I ever made the mistake of saying "I'm bored".....I found myself magically transported to the front of the house sitting in flowerbeds....pulling weeds!
Back to today's story....I would call what I need to do somewhere along the line of pulling weeds. Which means I plan to be a true martyr in this event. Hopefully acquire tons of love and sympathy from Mr. Awesome. <snicker>
Now, you might remember, I purchased a new shovel and red handled hoe. And....drum roll please.....new garden gloves! Yea for me.
I pull on my pretty gloves....take the shovel and start popping the plants out of the ground. Wait a minute?!?! This is too darn easy. What's up??? Hummmmmm I lean over, grab a plant, give a little twist and "pop" it comes out like butter.` It has maybe an inch long root and that is all. Well now....not going to be getting much sympathy if that is all it takes to remove them. hahahaha
Darn it
night, just before bed....noticed a black widow spider, by the front
door! Oh no! I had no idea they would be out here in the middle of the
freaking dessert on top of a freaking mountain.....what the heck??
Spider spray and Mr Awesome and she was bye bye spider. He sprayed the
area all around the front door.....just to be safe and sure. Ha! I
went out with pugs a few minutes ago....and yes....there is another one
sitting there! Gasp!
Now I am not one to pester bugs or
critters....unless it is a wood roach, as you all know. I will take
things and put them back outside....it is not their fault that humans
live in their little part of the world, right?
These black
widows have got to go! I will not have them around the pugs or cats.
If they are outside....I can only assume I am going to find them inside,
right? Now I am going to be creeping around and looking at every thing
before I open a box to put it away.
done....spent time outside enjoying the prettiness of this time of
year.....roast in crock pot so Mr. Awesome will have a good smelling
house in a bit.....going to one of the little churches I was invited to
visit in about 30 minutes.......Bob FM Austin on the computer.....pugs
stretched out snoozing.....crocheting a bit here and
there......absolutely nothing to stress about today. Thank you God for
my nice day. May I be the best that I can be....may others come to know
you through my actions.
The little church actually had hymnals. You don't see these much in the really big churches out there.....most of them flash the songs up on pretty displays.

I love how the house smells right now. Crock pots are great for this......today is roast with onion soup mix smell day. <smile>
Came home to Mr. Awesome watching The Avengers. Ahhhhhhh....Iron Man and Thor....both in the same place. Wonderfulness......just wonderfulness. hehe
Had a little Sunday nap....all by myself. Woke up and laid in bed smelling the roast. After about 25 minutes of this....I gave up. Now we are eating supper. Yum.
On a side note.....every room, nook and cranny in the house smells like roast....except for the bathroom where my little Scentsy is plugged in. Tells you how good Scentsy items are.
Candy Crush 147 is the most boring level I have played.....and no way to get things where you want them.....it is total randomness. Just in case anyone wanted to ask me.
Went to our little local AA meeting. Counting us, there were 5. And good strong coffee. It was a nice time.
The little church actually had hymnals. You don't see these much in the really big churches out there.....most of them flash the songs up on pretty displays.

I love how the house smells right now. Crock pots are great for this......today is roast with onion soup mix smell day. <smile>
Came home to Mr. Awesome watching The Avengers. Ahhhhhhh....Iron Man and Thor....both in the same place. Wonderfulness......just wonderfulness. hehe
Had a little Sunday nap....all by myself. Woke up and laid in bed smelling the roast. After about 25 minutes of this....I gave up. Now we are eating supper. Yum.
On a side note.....every room, nook and cranny in the house smells like roast....except for the bathroom where my little Scentsy is plugged in. Tells you how good Scentsy items are.
Candy Crush 147 is the most boring level I have played.....and no way to get things where you want them.....it is total randomness. Just in case anyone wanted to ask me.
Went to our little local AA meeting. Counting us, there were 5. And good strong coffee. It was a nice time.
Friday, September 6, 2013
09-05 Craftiness
Found Round Mountain Library on FB today.
Then found out they were having a class tonight. So I went. This is
my project. It has to spend the night at the library to dry.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013
09-03 first day back
All alone.
I can hear various roosters welcoming the morning. A couple of dogs are woofing way off in the distance.
The peacock throws out a help, help every now and then.
The pugs are snoring.
So, life in TMON officially starts.
So um....okay....i went back to bed for a bit. It felt good too. No humidity here in Nevada, that is for sure. Loving that.
This time outside Ms Dances with Dragonflies decided that she would accept the challenge of all the little butterflies around the yard. She was so cute. I know she is happy to be here. There are things to amuse herself with.....and I am happy cause I don't have to worry she will try to run across the busy street after a squirrel.
The news it out.....the jack rabbits are on high alert that Lori Lou is back in her domain.
While out there coming Arrt......27 beautiful Canadian Geese flew over....honk honk.
I must dig out a camera and take outside with me......
I can hear various roosters welcoming the morning. A couple of dogs are woofing way off in the distance.
The peacock throws out a help, help every now and then.
The pugs are snoring.
So, life in TMON officially starts.
So um....okay....i went back to bed for a bit. It felt good too. No humidity here in Nevada, that is for sure. Loving that.
This time outside Ms Dances with Dragonflies decided that she would accept the challenge of all the little butterflies around the yard. She was so cute. I know she is happy to be here. There are things to amuse herself with.....and I am happy cause I don't have to worry she will try to run across the busy street after a squirrel.
The news it out.....the jack rabbits are on high alert that Lori Lou is back in her domain.
While out there coming Arrt......27 beautiful Canadian Geese flew over....honk honk.
I must dig out a camera and take outside with me......
Itty bitty rainbow

Monday, September 2, 2013
First official day back @ The Capital of TMON
Slept restlessly last night. Woke up refreshed tho. Yea.
It is all nice and pretty outside. Blue sky, fluffy clouds. Mona, my mountain is still hanging around out back.
I need to quite picking on Mr. Awesome about the potato bug.....or I might not get my truck unloaded. Ha.
Lori Lou is ecstatic to be here. She chased her first Jack Rabbit off the property last night....and has been on patrol ever since. We can leave the door open today cause it is so nice out there....she is running in and out having the time of her life.
Arrt is doing better this morning. He came to find me in the bathroom....his favorite thing to do.....hehe
No, no Daniel.....no famous cow to take a picture of.....yet.
Mr Awesome can hustle when he is in the mood. He has half the truck unloaded. Cool beans. I am going to have a bunch to do over the next few days. Cool beans, again. hehe
Went to our little grocery store....needed to add some things to our food supply. Got over the sticker shock rather well. Ha! \
Stopped at the little Ace Hardware.....got a ho....a red ho. Bwahahahah Everyone needs a red ho at least once in life, right? <tackiness showing> And a shovel. The yard has been taken over while I was away. We have a fine batch of future tumble weeds growing. I hope to get rid of a few of them if possible.
Sammich time. Then he will finish up and we go to Tonopah to return the truck/trailer.
Yes....I know it is spelled HOE....but what fun is there in that??
It is all nice and pretty outside. Blue sky, fluffy clouds. Mona, my mountain is still hanging around out back.
I need to quite picking on Mr. Awesome about the potato bug.....or I might not get my truck unloaded. Ha.
Lori Lou is ecstatic to be here. She chased her first Jack Rabbit off the property last night....and has been on patrol ever since. We can leave the door open today cause it is so nice out there....she is running in and out having the time of her life.
Arrt is doing better this morning. He came to find me in the bathroom....his favorite thing to do.....hehe
No, no Daniel.....no famous cow to take a picture of.....yet.
Mr Awesome can hustle when he is in the mood. He has half the truck unloaded. Cool beans. I am going to have a bunch to do over the next few days. Cool beans, again. hehe
Went to our little grocery store....needed to add some things to our food supply. Got over the sticker shock rather well. Ha! \
Stopped at the little Ace Hardware.....got a ho....a red ho. Bwahahahah Everyone needs a red ho at least once in life, right? <tackiness showing> And a shovel. The yard has been taken over while I was away. We have a fine batch of future tumble weeds growing. I hope to get rid of a few of them if possible.
Sammich time. Then he will finish up and we go to Tonopah to return the truck/trailer.
Yes....I know it is spelled HOE....but what fun is there in that??
AZ/NV rain

To give you something to compare to the rain photo.....this is what you see in between the various raining clouds. Quite fascinating.

More mish mash
we stopped in
El Paso for the night.
El Paso for the night.
Dee Dee made some really good chicken cordon bleu.

As we are on the way to Nevada....we got the info that our sweet pug, Dollie Mae passed away at the pet sitter.
I am sad....she had no idea I was on the way home to tell her I missed her. I did do online chats with her.... Mr. Awesome was very good at daily belly rubs, so I know she was loved, very much.
She is safe over the rainbow bridge.
Last day on the road for us starts in a just a bit. Mr Awesome and Lori Lou went to scout out some breakfast.
We have a little over 4 hour drive left......we go to Tonopah and pick up ARRT. Then up to Round Mountain we will head.
Unload the truck.....return it late tonight to Tonopah (maybe tomorrow morning, who knows).....and viola.....it will be done.
Maybe i will be able to see Mystery....our owl.....that would be exciting.
So, who is ready for stories about cows and jack rabbits?
Went to Walmart last night. Had to replace my keyboard since the wireless thingy broke. (nope....couldn't have been MY fault...nope.)
While there, I saw things to get for the G=kids and daughter......then realized.....they are all the way over in Texas. I missed them already, it would seem. But......it won't be long......I will be back over there to hug and bug them. hehehe

We got here safely hours ago. Both of us were worn out....so we fell in bed with the pugs and took naps.
Now it is raining nicely. No unloading tonight. Poor Mr. Awesome. I am sure he was really looking forward to that little task. Ha.
Well, now he can relax all evening and sleep good tonight. Then have a fresh start in the morning.
First night back.
Thunder and lightning.
I miss Dollie Mae....she didn't like this kind of weather.....and I would spend forever reassuring her everything was alright.
Mish Mash from FB that I posted while moving back to NV
Me on the way....
Mitchell on the way.....
Lori Lou stressing......

Mitchell on the way.....
Lori Lou stressing......

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