I am about ready to start 2 petitions.
One that states:
Pedestrians who think they have the right-a-way over vehicles,
ABSOLUTELY have to stop and look both ways before they barge out. It
will be a law that they look first. If they do not.....then it will
perfectly fine to run thetr silly, not paying attention, I don't care
that you are in a 3,000 lb killing machine, asses over.
Two would state:
Anyone, walking, riding something, skating, skateboarding, driving a
vehicle.....that sees that a vehicle has started to back out of a
parking space MUST stop moving and wait! If they feel the need to
HURRY and get around said vehicle backing out of space, and be in said
vehicle's blind spot.....well......
For the record, I would NOT
run someone over......but it isn't cause they stopped to see if a car
is coming, trust me. And it hasn't been cause they felt like waiting
ten seconds to make sure I see them before going behind my moving
vehicle. It's because I have been blessed to see them before too late.
Know what I mean??
<stepping down off my soap box now>
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