Sunday, July 14, 2013

Blahhhhhhh Candy

Okay my Candy Crush playing friends. Here is what I determined about the game.

1. Obviously they want you to spend money to buy the really cool things. Nothing new there.

2. No matter how much you contemplate, calculate, use will eventually win the level......when the game *wants* you too. When it decides you have been tortured says....okay....move on to next level.

3. I like to make as many sets of 4 as I can before setting any of them off. Then get it going and watch all the action of things popping all over the board. Totally amusing.

4, I, personally, dislike any broad with that nasty chocolate on it. Waste of time.


Oh yeal, yelling at the game doesn't impress it much either. I think it laughs at me behind my back.

More Candy Crush insights.

1. Those blue and pink teleport hole/things.....hahahahaha Like I really think I am going to be able to figure out how to get the color I need anywhere near the right spot!

2. The fruit absolutely will not ever simply drop to the bottom where it needs to be. It will find a crevice to hang out for hours and hours.

3. All you need would be one of those chocolate sprinkle covered balls to win? Don't hold your breath.

By the way.....I love this game. I actually do.


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