Monday, July 22, 2013

50, please

I am proud to announce....I was carded today! Whooo hoooo. Actually was asked to show my ID.

Okay, so was for Senior discount day at Salvation Army.....but it still counts for being carded, right??? Right?!?!?! hahahahaha

I thought it was funny.....I put the items on the counter and stated I am a senior. He asks for ID and states you need to be 50. Ahhhhhhh so I *don't* look like I am 50, eh?? Awesomeness. I stated, I am 57, his eyes got bigger.....showed my card....and got my discount.

Shoot.....I remember when I was happy for being carded when I was over 21. Now I am excited to be carded for not looking 50. Ahhhhh the times they are changing.....

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