Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Sunday, July 28, 2013
More to my bird quest.....what are they doing??
Okay......I have to admit I have no earthly idea what the birds are doing in the evenings around here!
Tonight.....they were up there flying like usual.....except for two things. 1. There was a double layer....the lower ones flying that way, and much higher, a layer was flying this way. 2. There were thousands and thousands of them tonight!!
I have seen long, and I mean really long lines of birds when farmers are putting in seeds or harvesting a field. I have seen long lines when they are migrating into or out of the area depending on the time of the year. I have not seen them doing this.
I am not giving up yet on my quest to get the answer. I am totally intrigued by this action of theirs.
Tonight.....they were up there flying like usual.....except for two things. 1. There was a double layer....the lower ones flying that way, and much higher, a layer was flying this way. 2. There were thousands and thousands of them tonight!!
I have seen long, and I mean really long lines of birds when farmers are putting in seeds or harvesting a field. I have seen long lines when they are migrating into or out of the area depending on the time of the year. I have not seen them doing this.
I am not giving up yet on my quest to get the answer. I am totally intrigued by this action of theirs.
What a
day so far! I started at 4 this morning....as a friend in Australia
(Terri) says.....crazy o'clock. Ha. I needed to be in Beaumont before
On the way to Beaumont, I saw this tiny little hole in the wall store/building. They advertised....."We carry Rabbit, Coon, Garfish". Awesome....soul food for sure. But, right up the road.....maybe a mile or so, was a Texas speed bump....aka squashed armadillo. My warped sense of humor was wondering if they knew there was some great eats waiting to be picked up??? (don't yell at me, I know it was a tacky thought, but it made me laugh)
I looked at downtown Houston, from a distance. Realized how much I like being a Texan. Drove by Reliant Park and shot it a dirty look. It might be the home of the Astros, now.....but it will never never never take the place of my beloved Astrodome.
Got to observe a weird driver. Remember it was dark and early. Someone in a truck, pulling a trailer with a boat come up on the freeway. They did not turn off their left blinker when they went around a truck into the middle lane. I watched them swerve over to the left lane and back many times. My thoughts were they are either drunk or very sleepy.......then you probably know what happened......they swerved far enough to hit the divider in the middle of the freeway! Gasp! Since I had been anticipating something to happen I was ready to pull over to the right if needed......The trailer hit and sparks flew.....then they were back in the middle lane like nothing happened at all. Odd. Normally I will pull past someone who is driving erratic. This time it seemed far safer to watch them than to be accidentally clipped as I attempted to pass. After another mile or so......they decided to pull off the road.....thank goodness. Thank God they didn't get into a wreck. Know what I mean??
Another one of my never boring days.
On the way to Beaumont, I saw this tiny little hole in the wall store/building. They advertised....."We carry Rabbit, Coon, Garfish". Awesome....soul food for sure. But, right up the road.....maybe a mile or so, was a Texas speed bump....aka squashed armadillo. My warped sense of humor was wondering if they knew there was some great eats waiting to be picked up??? (don't yell at me, I know it was a tacky thought, but it made me laugh)
I looked at downtown Houston, from a distance. Realized how much I like being a Texan. Drove by Reliant Park and shot it a dirty look. It might be the home of the Astros, now.....but it will never never never take the place of my beloved Astrodome.
Got to observe a weird driver. Remember it was dark and early. Someone in a truck, pulling a trailer with a boat come up on the freeway. They did not turn off their left blinker when they went around a truck into the middle lane. I watched them swerve over to the left lane and back many times. My thoughts were they are either drunk or very sleepy.......then you probably know what happened......they swerved far enough to hit the divider in the middle of the freeway! Gasp! Since I had been anticipating something to happen I was ready to pull over to the right if needed......The trailer hit and sparks flew.....then they were back in the middle lane like nothing happened at all. Odd. Normally I will pull past someone who is driving erratic. This time it seemed far safer to watch them than to be accidentally clipped as I attempted to pass. After another mile or so......they decided to pull off the road.....thank goodness. Thank God they didn't get into a wreck. Know what I mean??
Another one of my never boring days.
(07-28) An apple a day.....
Score one for this sneaky pug dog mom!
Tonight was sneak apple into her dog food mixture. Fresh apple. Other pug parents say they love them. Soooooooooo I took one nice slice and diced it small....added the yogurt then mixed.
I sat it down with flair and proclaimed.....there you go Lori Lou! All yours.
Held my breath and acted like I wasn't spying any attention to her. For the first few minutes I thought she figured it out....and was going to eat around the apple pieces. I was devising a plan where I could make my own apple sauce if needed......when viola! She cleaned the bowl.....and even picked up a piece of apple that had fallen out.
Oh I am so happy! Now she will be full and most likely be snoring in 5 minutes. Ha.
Tonight was sneak apple into her dog food mixture. Fresh apple. Other pug parents say they love them. Soooooooooo I took one nice slice and diced it small....added the yogurt then mixed.
I sat it down with flair and proclaimed.....there you go Lori Lou! All yours.
Held my breath and acted like I wasn't spying any attention to her. For the first few minutes I thought she figured it out....and was going to eat around the apple pieces. I was devising a plan where I could make my own apple sauce if needed......when viola! She cleaned the bowl.....and even picked up a piece of apple that had fallen out.
Oh I am so happy! Now she will be full and most likely be snoring in 5 minutes. Ha.
People....sheesh! SMH
I am about ready to start 2 petitions.
One that states:
Pedestrians who think they have the right-a-way over vehicles, ABSOLUTELY have to stop and look both ways before they barge out. It will be a law that they look first. If they do not.....then it will perfectly fine to run thetr silly, not paying attention, I don't care that you are in a 3,000 lb killing machine, asses over.
Two would state:
Anyone, walking, riding something, skating, skateboarding, driving a vehicle.....that sees that a vehicle has started to back out of a parking space MUST stop moving and wait! If they feel the need to HURRY and get around said vehicle backing out of space, and be in said vehicle's blind spot.....well......
For the record, I would NOT run someone over......but it isn't cause they stopped to see if a car is coming, trust me. And it hasn't been cause they felt like waiting ten seconds to make sure I see them before going behind my moving vehicle. It's because I have been blessed to see them before too late. Know what I mean??
<stepping down off my soap box now>
One that states:
Pedestrians who think they have the right-a-way over vehicles, ABSOLUTELY have to stop and look both ways before they barge out. It will be a law that they look first. If they do not.....then it will perfectly fine to run thetr silly, not paying attention, I don't care that you are in a 3,000 lb killing machine, asses over.
Two would state:
Anyone, walking, riding something, skating, skateboarding, driving a vehicle.....that sees that a vehicle has started to back out of a parking space MUST stop moving and wait! If they feel the need to HURRY and get around said vehicle backing out of space, and be in said vehicle's blind spot.....well......
For the record, I would NOT run someone over......but it isn't cause they stopped to see if a car is coming, trust me. And it hasn't been cause they felt like waiting ten seconds to make sure I see them before going behind my moving vehicle. It's because I have been blessed to see them before too late. Know what I mean??
<stepping down off my soap box now>
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Guess I will eat it.
have Lori Lou eating her first home made dog food. She was leary of
the carrots and green beans. Sniffed and walked away to look at me like
I had totally lost my mind. Then went back and started chowing down.
I am going to be making it for all the pugs when we are back
in the same location. Canned is getting expensive and I am not always
sure it is the best for them. Been on a pug group and they talk about
all the things they use for theirs. It will maybe the same cost if not
cheaper if things are on sale as I buy them.
I know one
thing.....she has turned away from most types of canned food. Would not
eat them. And she is now finishing all of the veggies. So I guess
this is a great idea and will be very healthy for her.
She is going to be learning about fruits next. That should be interesting.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Priceless! The G=girl just told me I need to go on Chopped. Want to know what gourmet meal I made that earned me this?? Peanut butter and banana sandwiches. hahahahahaha
Monday, July 22, 2013
Worth while
This was made with a picture I took on a trip to visit my other son who is in prison in Beaumont. This guy was in one of the rice fields across from the entrance.

You can do it
This was made from a photo of Daniel playing with the worst stick and table in the world at a skate rink in San Antonio.

50, please
I am proud to announce....I was carded today! Whooo hoooo. Actually was asked to show my ID.
Okay, so um.....it was for Senior discount day at Salvation
Army.....but it still counts for being carded, right??? Right?!?!?!
I thought it was funny.....I put the items on the
counter and stated I am a senior. He asks for ID and states you need to
be 50. Ahhhhhhh so I *don't* look like I am 50, eh?? Awesomeness.
I stated, I am 57, his eyes got bigger.....showed my card....and got
my discount.
Shoot.....I remember when I was happy for being
carded when I was over 21. Now I am excited to be carded for not
looking 50. Ahhhhh the times they are changing.....
Thursday, July 18, 2013
The Invisible Mother
The Invisible Mother
Obviously not; no one can see if I’m on the phone, or cooking, or sweeping the floor, or even standing on my head in the corner, because no one can see me at all. I’m invisible. The invisible Mom. Some days I am only a pair of hands, nothing more! Can you fix this? Can you tie this? Can you open this??
Some days I’m not a pair of hands; I’m not even a human being. I’m a clock to ask, ‘What time is it?’ I’m a satellite guide to answer, ‘What number is the Disney Channel?’ I’m a car to order, ‘Right around 5:30, please.’
Some days I’m a crystal ball; ‘Where’s my other sock? Where’s my phone?, What’s for dinner?’
I was certain that these were the hands that once held books and the eyes that studied history, music and literature -but now, they had disappeared into the peanut butter, never to be seen again. She’s going, she’s going, and she’s gone!
One night, a group of us were having dinner, celebrating the return of a friend from England . She had just gotten back from a fabulous trip, and she was going on and on about the hotel she stayed in. I was sitting there, looking around at the others all put together so well. It was hard not to compare and feel sorry for myself. I was feeling pretty pathetic, when she turned to me with a beautifully wrapped package, and said, ‘I brought you this.’ It was a book on the great cathedrals of Europe. I wasn’t exactly sure why she’d given it to me until I read her inscription: ‘With admiration for the greatness of what you are building when no one sees.’
In the days ahead I would read – no, devour – the book. And I would discover what would become for me, four life-changing truths, after which I could pattern my work: 1) No one can say who built the great cathedrals – we have no record of their names. 2) These builders gave their whole lives for a work they would never see finished. 3) They made great sacrifices and expected no credit. 4) The passion of their building was fueled by their faith that the eyes of God saw everything.
A story of legend in the book told of a rich man who came to visit the cathedral while it was being built, and he saw a workman carving a tiny bird on the inside of a beam. He was puzzled and asked the man, ‘Why are you spending so much time carving that bird into a beam that will be covered by the roof, No one will ever see it And the workman replied, ‘Because God sees.’
I closed the book, feeling the missing piece fall into place. It was Almost as if I heard God whispering to me, ‘I see you. I see the sacrifices you make every day, even when no one around you does.
No act of kindness you’ve done, no sequin you’ve sewn on, no cupcake you’ve baked, no Cub Scout meeting, no last minute errand is too small for me to notice and smile over. You are building a great cathedral, but you can’t see right now what it will become.
I keep the right perspective when I see myself as a great builder. As one of the people who show up at a job that they will never see finished, to work on something that their name will never be on. The writer of the book went so far as to say that no cathedrals could ever be built in our lifetime because there are so few people willing to sacrifice to that degree.
When I really think about it, I don’t want my son to tell the friend he’s bringing home from college for Thanksgiving, ‘My Mom gets up at 4 in the morning and bakes homemade pies, and then she hand bastes a turkey for 3 hours and presses all the linens for the table.’ That would mean I’d built a monument to myself. I just want him to want to come home. And then, if there is anything more to say to his friend, he’d say, ‘You’re gonna love it there…’
As mothers, we are building great cathedrals. We cannot be seen if we’re doing it right. And one day, it is very possible that the world will marvel, not only at what we have built, but at the beauty that has been added to the world by the sacrifices of invisible mothers.
Thank you for this God. I know what you are trying to say.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
found this online.....and shared it with a couple of people via email. I
liked it enough to share it here.........It didn't show a copy write
thing on it....
And you DON'T have to be in a 12 step program for this one to make sense.
============================== ========
Walk In Dry Places
July 17, 2013
We never arrive
Finding Happiness.
We delude ourselves if we believe that our happiness and well-being will come when we reach a certain goal. Whatever happiness and well-being we obtain must come through the process of living in ordinary, everyday situations.
If we observe carefully, we’ll find lots of happy people who are in situations or work that we might consider unpleasant. It is not the work or situation that creates happiness and fulfillment. What counts is the ATTITUDE toward it.
Those of us in 12 Step programs should have special insight into the issue of happiness. We tried to find it, here and now, in false ways. But it is available to us, here and now, in ordinary living.
I’ll be happy today in knowing that I’m blessed with the ordinary tasks of life.
And you DON'T have to be in a 12 step program for this one to make sense.
Walk In Dry Places
July 17, 2013
We never arrive
Finding Happiness.
We delude ourselves if we believe that our happiness and well-being will come when we reach a certain goal. Whatever happiness and well-being we obtain must come through the process of living in ordinary, everyday situations.
If we observe carefully, we’ll find lots of happy people who are in situations or work that we might consider unpleasant. It is not the work or situation that creates happiness and fulfillment. What counts is the ATTITUDE toward it.
Those of us in 12 Step programs should have special insight into the issue of happiness. We tried to find it, here and now, in false ways. But it is available to us, here and now, in ordinary living.
I’ll be happy today in knowing that I’m blessed with the ordinary tasks of life.
Nice day
don't know why, but it was simply a nice day around here today. Nope,
not a darn thing special happened. Just around the house watching the
kids playing games, doing nails....simple family stuff. The daughter
made Frito pie with Doritos. Then she put chili in biscuits with some
cheese. Yum. Last but not least, she made a chocolate pudding
pie....with Reese's pieces in it.
Thank you God for a good family day. I sure do appreciate it.
Monday, July 15, 2013
Eye See You
The things a Grammie must know how to do! G=son2 needs me to do killer whale eye surgery.

Smile Grammie

Movies.....last night
I am
watching a movie called Two Headed Shark Attack. Put it on DVR. Boy I
have HIGH hopes for this one. hahahahaha So far we have the required
half naked girls in bikinis.....a whole boat full of them. hahahahaha
Oh to my next DVR movie.....Sharknado. ahhhhhhh California will be hit by a storm that floods the streets with sharks. Oh yeal......this is going to be totally believable. ahhhhhhh
In case you didn't know......shark movies are right up there with zombie movies to me.
Mr Awesome asked about kicking sharks......well, apparently you can hit them with a red bar stool and that works great.
(the reason for this question? We learned about kicking mutated piranha from a great movie one Saturday. hahahahaha)
Oh to my next DVR movie.....Sharknado. ahhhhhhh California will be hit by a storm that floods the streets with sharks. Oh yeal......this is going to be totally believable. ahhhhhhh
In case you didn't know......shark movies are right up there with zombie movies to me.
Mr Awesome asked about kicking sharks......well, apparently you can hit them with a red bar stool and that works great.
(the reason for this question? We learned about kicking mutated piranha from a great movie one Saturday. hahahahaha)
"The Birds"
I have a story I haven't shared yet about birds here.
Every evening....and it IS everyday.....there are all these birds who fly around overhead. They just do lazy circles over and over.....they are black in color....but not crackles. Actually, there have been all kinds of birds doing it from time to time....I know cause I watch. Tonight, for example, there were to of those grey color crane type birds with them.
I have seen as few as 50 and then there times there are so many I can't even guess a count.
Now, the reason this is intriguing to me? Trees top out at probably 40-50 feet around here. The birds are are way up higher than that. At least another 100 feet or so. What can they possibly be doing way up there? And why do they do this every night??
Every evening....and it IS everyday.....there are all these birds who fly around overhead. They just do lazy circles over and over.....they are black in color....but not crackles. Actually, there have been all kinds of birds doing it from time to time....I know cause I watch. Tonight, for example, there were to of those grey color crane type birds with them.
I have seen as few as 50 and then there times there are so many I can't even guess a count.
Now, the reason this is intriguing to me? Trees top out at probably 40-50 feet around here. The birds are are way up higher than that. At least another 100 feet or so. What can they possibly be doing way up there? And why do they do this every night??
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Blahhhhhhh Candy
Okay my Candy Crush playing friends. Here is what I determined about the game.
1. Obviously they want you to spend money to buy the really cool things. Nothing new there.
2. No matter how much you contemplate, calculate, use strategy......you will eventually win the level......when the game *wants* you too. When it decides you have been tortured enough....it says....okay....move on to next level.
3. I like to make as many sets of 4 as I can before setting any of them off. Then get it going and watch all the action of things popping all over the board. Totally amusing.
4, I, personally, dislike any broad with that nasty chocolate on it. Waste of time.
Oh yeal, yelling at the game doesn't impress it much either. I think it laughs at me behind my back.
More Candy Crush insights.
1. Those blue and pink teleport hole/things.....hahahahaha Like I really think I am going to be able to figure out how to get the color I need anywhere near the right spot!
2. The fruit absolutely will not ever simply drop to the bottom where it needs to be. It will find a crevice to hang out for hours and hours.
3. All you need would be one of those chocolate sprinkle covered balls to win? Don't hold your breath.
By the way.....I love this game. I actually do.
1. Obviously they want you to spend money to buy the really cool things. Nothing new there.
2. No matter how much you contemplate, calculate, use strategy......you will eventually win the level......when the game *wants* you too. When it decides you have been tortured enough....it says....okay....move on to next level.
3. I like to make as many sets of 4 as I can before setting any of them off. Then get it going and watch all the action of things popping all over the board. Totally amusing.
4, I, personally, dislike any broad with that nasty chocolate on it. Waste of time.
Oh yeal, yelling at the game doesn't impress it much either. I think it laughs at me behind my back.
More Candy Crush insights.
1. Those blue and pink teleport hole/things.....hahahahaha Like I really think I am going to be able to figure out how to get the color I need anywhere near the right spot!
2. The fruit absolutely will not ever simply drop to the bottom where it needs to be. It will find a crevice to hang out for hours and hours.
3. All you need would be one of those chocolate sprinkle covered balls to win? Don't hold your breath.
By the way.....I love this game. I actually do.
guys remember the weather dude I would use in Nevada? Well, I have
started checking him out while here in Houston. He is a hoot. Tonight
we have "a thunderstorm in the area". Only one?? Is it going to cover
the whole Houston area?? or is it one tiny little storm that will be
traveling around? ha!
Croak Croak
daughter got up today without her voice. bwahahahaha It doesn't hurt,
she says. So I don't feel bad picking on her. She sounds like a
squashed frog. bwahahaha
07-13 THEY ARE BACK!!!
natural order of the world has been restored. The G=kids are back here
in Houston....insanity has returned. bwahahahaha
It was WAY too quiet while they were gone.
From the almost non-stop rattling on the drive back from San Antonio...it would appear that Summer vacation with Dad and Dee Dee was a success.
It was WAY too quiet while they were gone.
From the almost non-stop rattling on the drive back from San Antonio...it would appear that Summer vacation with Dad and Dee Dee was a success.
Monday, July 8, 2013
Forgot to post this on the 4th
**Throw Back Thursday**
It is done! I opened the crate to put in more food, and Thursday flew out! Whoot Whoot! Left a mountain of little feathers ever where and managed to land on Lori Lou. Ha!
I caught her, and went outside. Opened my hands and gave a slight toss.....she flew pretty good. Picked her up and she did it again.....then I placed her in the pecan tree where she will feel safe. I'm sure she needs a moment to fix all the feathers.
Unless I find her in the yard tomorrow....I believe she will do just fine.
July 4th is her independence day too. hehe
It is done! I opened the crate to put in more food, and Thursday flew out! Whoot Whoot! Left a mountain of little feathers ever where and managed to land on Lori Lou. Ha!
I caught her, and went outside. Opened my hands and gave a slight toss.....she flew pretty good. Picked her up and she did it again.....then I placed her in the pecan tree where she will feel safe. I'm sure she needs a moment to fix all the feathers.
Unless I find her in the yard tomorrow....I believe she will do just fine.
July 4th is her independence day too. hehe
Joined a Meetup group for casual bowling. RL with went me last Saturday. Didn't do too bad. Didn't try to walk, slide and deliver.....that might come with time. My second game was a 107. :

18 years today
And like last year....we are several states apart from each other. But the love is still there!!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013
I did it!!!!
I just killed a wood roach. Except for using roach spray and running like hell after I spray one....I don't think I have ever in my life been able to kill one. It was walking right towards me in my room. I took the lapboard my computer sits on, and had it walk up the board.....told Lori Lou to "move, now!" I took it to the hall and hit it with a shoe. THIS is totally amazing for me to have been able to do. You have no idea my fear of these roaches. My family knows.... I had no choice....I had to work on not being afraid cause if it stayed in this room.....I would be awake for days till it was found and killed. I am that bad about them being around me. Now....I just need my heart to slow down just a bit. Ha.
Here we go.....gonna put this out there for the universe and my wise friends.
I no longer know what my purpose is in life. I find myself floundering and lost and not sure what God wants me to be doing......so I can do it.
Let me try to explain....
*I don't have any wife things to do with Mr. Wonderful in another state.
*I don't have any mom things to do....my kids are all adults themselves. :)
*My daughter duties are about to end for now....parents moving 4+ hours away.
*G=kids are old enough to take care of themselves, really.
*Very little scrapbook stuff goes on around here, it seems. Miss my Austin area ladies.
*About to move 30+miles from here so not putting a lot of time into AA when I know I will totally be leaving the area and need to locate a home group.
*Same thing with church.....going to wait till I get through the move to find a group.
*Retired, so no one is waiting every day for me to come to work to solve all their problems. :)
My two main things right now? Trying to help a little dove heal enough to fly again.....and loving on Lori Lou. :) Easy stuff.
Yes. I am lost lately.
I'm sure He will show me, when it is the right time.
I no longer know what my purpose is in life. I find myself floundering and lost and not sure what God wants me to be doing......so I can do it.
Let me try to explain....
*I don't have any wife things to do with Mr. Wonderful in another state.
*I don't have any mom things to do....my kids are all adults themselves. :)
*My daughter duties are about to end for now....parents moving 4+ hours away.
*G=kids are old enough to take care of themselves, really.
*Very little scrapbook stuff goes on around here, it seems. Miss my Austin area ladies.
*About to move 30+miles from here so not putting a lot of time into AA when I know I will totally be leaving the area and need to locate a home group.
*Same thing with church.....going to wait till I get through the move to find a group.
*Retired, so no one is waiting every day for me to come to work to solve all their problems. :)
My two main things right now? Trying to help a little dove heal enough to fly again.....and loving on Lori Lou. :) Easy stuff.
Yes. I am lost lately.
I'm sure He will show me, when it is the right time.
Score a point for the sneaky Grammie!
G=son1 has one of those preteen bedrooms....the kind you can get lost in if you simply walk through the door. Scary stuff. It has been that way almost the whole time I have been here.
Clean your room. Okay. Hours later, is it clean? Yes, sort of. And of course, it never is! Ha.
Well he is going to go stay with Dad in two days.....the room simply must be clean.
The answer? Hey G=son1.....how about I hang out in your room while you get it all sorted out and picked up? He looked at me like I was an alien. hehehe But.......about 45 minutes later......we had it picked up and presentable. Simply sitting there and talking and laughing encouraged him to follow through till finished.
He had such nice smile when he looked around at his room.
Now, let's time how long it lasts. hahahahaha
G=son1 has one of those preteen bedrooms....the kind you can get lost in if you simply walk through the door. Scary stuff. It has been that way almost the whole time I have been here.
Clean your room. Okay. Hours later, is it clean? Yes, sort of. And of course, it never is! Ha.
Well he is going to go stay with Dad in two days.....the room simply must be clean.
The answer? Hey G=son1.....how about I hang out in your room while you get it all sorted out and picked up? He looked at me like I was an alien. hehehe But.......about 45 minutes later......we had it picked up and presentable. Simply sitting there and talking and laughing encouraged him to follow through till finished.
He had such nice smile when he looked around at his room.
Now, let's time how long it lasts. hahahahaha
Ruff Day
Mr Awesome was having a rough day at work. He said my text message was the smile he needed. So I sent him a picture of me smiling....and one of Lori Lou.

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