Saturday, November 16, 2013

Pug time

Time for a pug update.

Cinderella has totally accepted living with us. You can tell by looking at her and the way she acts she calls this *home* now.

You may remember, we had a marking in the house issue....I put pampers on her soon as we got home. I called them her bloomers and always made a big deal out of how pretty she was in them. Last weekend, I stopped using them.....she is going outside on a regular basis and taking care of marking what so ever has happened.

We take her out on a long lead/leash due to her tendency to head out.....and just keep going. Ha. Yesterday, we started allowing her off the leash....for small moments....and keep her walking around with us. It appears to be working. She comes when we call her. I am amazed it happened so quickly. Ohhhhhh she is still going out on the leash, for a safety precaution.....then we give her a little free time.

She likes her kennel. We still have a small moment or two where she will try to go in with Arrt and Lori Lou for bed time....which is to be expected. Once she realized she had her own place.....she seemed to like the idea. I have found her in it during the day just sitting there being all cool.

The pugs have a chair of their own to sit in. Arrt and Lori Lou get on and off it all the time. The other day, Cinderella was making that sad dog whining sound. She wanted up with the other two on the chair. I guess she didn't know if she was allowed up or how to do it with them already in the chair. So, I put her in the middle of them. Not a single problem since then.....all three of them jump up as a group now.

Oh, and she answers to the name Cinderella immediately, now.

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