My son gave me the number 5.
If you like or comment I'll give you a number.
1. My son sometimes likes to dance and sing I Am Just a Gigolo. hahahaha (okay Daniel....I simply HAD to post that one.....)
1. My name Terrie is spelled with an "ie" cause it was the in thing at
the time I was born. Girls were given guy type names and they were
spelled with an "ie" You will find lots of Tommie, Jerrie, Billie, Bobbie....etc. in my generation
2. My name Terrie is because my mom had a neighbor with a dog named
Terry when she was a little girl....she liked the name.....and gave it
to me.
3. Many of the girls born in my time have Lee or Lynn as their middle name.
4. I grew up being called Terrie....I turned it to Terrie Lynn when I
started in AA. There were several Terry people at that time....and I
wanted to be different.....and for people to know which one they were
talking about when they were talking about me. Plus, it felt like I
left my old self behind when I took on the new double name.
5. My mom and dad will only call me Terrie Lynn when they are mad at me. Ha.
*Bonus* I thought it would have been neat to have been named Terra.
My second here are 13 more things about me you may or may not know.
Like or comment on my post and I will give you a number.
1. My favorite number is 44 cause it was my boyfriend's football
number....and the only number I ever wore when playing sports. I wore
his jersey and number playing powder puff football.
2. 8 is my next favorite number due to being born on May 8th. Everyone in my family knows that *8 is great* so this is not a new fact to them.
3. I haven't had a soda to drink in a little over 20-1/2 years. I
stopped for New Year's due to a challenge from my kids.....I was
drinking so many Dr. Peppers it is amazing their stock didn't drop in
value when I quit!
4. I wanted to be a police officer, like my dad.
But, alas, at the time I was growing up....women had to be 5' 8"....I
was only 5-5 1/2"
5. When I couldn't be a police office, I
seriously thought about joining the Air Force....I wanted to be the
stewardess on the President's plane. Made sense to me at the time.
6. I had a pet tarantula named Okie for 8 years. She was brought to me
by my FIL at the time....all the way from Oklahoma, in a can.
7. I had a red tail boa for a little over 13 years, named Columbia after my girl on RHPS.
8. I learned to drive in a T-bird with no second gear, at the age of 19.
9. I never missed a day of school....ever.....perfect attendance up
till my senior year. I left home, got married, and found out I was pg.
I had permission from the school to complete my senior year, but got so
darn sick I ended up in the hospital and was not able to go back to
school that year.
10. I wanted to name Robbie Lynn, Shasta, after
my favorite flower....the Shasta Daisy. To this day she is thankful I
didn't. hahahaha You have to remember, my kids were born in my hippy
phase of life.
11. I bleached out my hair and went blond.....once
long ago. I have the picture around here somewhere. I look awful as a
12. I sang in
choir....alto tenor.....up till I hit puberty and my voice totally
changed! I miss being able to sing like that.....
13. I took my
GED test at the age of 25. I never studied cause you didn't do it that
way back then. You simply signed up, took the test, and either passed
or failed. If you failed, you waited a certain amount of time and tried
again. Of course, I passed. <wink>
My friend John gave me the number 17......
If you want to play or comment on this post.....and I
will give you a number. If you don't want to play or have already done
this several times....let me know and I will let you slide....this
1. I walked to elementary school. No one worried about a girl walking. And I took my own lunch from home in a cool lunch kit.
2. I was able
to volunteer and work with the blind kids in our elementary school.
Brenda was the first blind person I had contact with. She showed me the
machine she used to print the dots for her homework. We were good
friends till we moved away just before junior high started.
3. I was
the pitcher for my softball team in elementary school....until a hit
right straight back at me got me in the face.....scared the heck out of
4. When I was in elementary school, we had oil heater things
mounted on the wall under the windows. I loved sitting there in
winter....and sneakily melt my crayons on them.
5. I was the one who
hand drew maps for geography class lessons. My teachers loved my
artist side.....remember this is back before the internet, and
computers, and copiers. The copies of the maps were made on these
machines with a green paper, and smelled really good when printing them.
6. My 5th grade teacher had me grade most of the tests, keep
the grades in a hand written book....and fill out the report cards for
the whole class.
7. I also would do the bulletin boards in most of
the classes all over the school. Hand cutting out those wavy edges to
go around the boards and all the letters.
8. I learned to play chess in the 6th grade, at lunch, watching some of the chess team guys practice.
9. My very first nick name in Junior High was Tree. Ha. I had this
necklace of a tree with the word on it....people thought it sounded like
*Terrie* so they called me Tree.
10. I grew up with three tv
stations, NBC, CBS, ABC and two UHF stations. I watched Captain
Kangaroo iand Cadet Don n the morning before school.....and Kiterick,
after school.
11. I would chase and catch chickens, by their legs,
not their tails.....wring their necks, pluck them for the
early age of 7. You didn't pay the store for something you could do
12. I love to go crabbing off the jetties in
Galvestion....although I will not hang out while you cook them....nor
will I eat crab.
13. I am a fishing nut....I could do it for
days....alas, Mr Awesome doesn't like fishing so I have only gone once
or twice in all the years we have been together. I kind of miss it. I
do/did cook what I catch......but now a days would be happy to catch and
14. I will pull over anytime I see a turtle in the road.....move it to the other side so it will be safe.
15. The San Jacinto Monument is my most favorite place in the world. I
want my ashes scattered there when it is time for me not to need this
body any more.
16. I rescued a big huge bullfrog from biology class
in the 10th grade. They had it for dissection. I knew there was nothing
to be done about the already preserved frogs we had..... I did my first
official protest over that frog! I took it and refused to let them
have it back if they were going to kill it. It was finally approved for
me to take it home...which I did.....and it lived a nice long life in
our duck pond. And....I also refused to dissect *any* of the frogs in
that class.....and got permission to not do it......although I did have
to take the test.
17. I liked to go crawdad hunting in the ditches as a kid. Yes, we had ditches. Crawdads can be quite feisty little critters.
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