Thursday, May 9, 2013

fb b-day wishes 1

I am going to cut and paste as many of my cool happy birthday wishes from FB as I can.  I want to be able to save them to look back on.  Maybe I can figure a way to do a neat scrap book page with them also.

Thank you to everyone who sent a nice wish for the day.  I have the most wonderful family and friends!!.  :)

Luna: Happy Birthday!

 Pam L:  You're just a youngin'!

 Cynthia S (Cindy Rose)  You violated my birthday rule...never, ever work on your birthday! That is your day and you should do whatever you want but work! Enjoy your day and my other rule is you have to have a piece of cake or pie so I'm sending you an imaginary piece of both. Hugs on your birthday TL!

 Denise N:  Happy Birthday! :-)

 Tammy B: Happy Birthday sweetie have a great day

 Tina F: Happy Birthday!

 Linda W:  Happy Birthday hope your day is as great as you are.

ME:  I went to google something....and this was the home page. I am totally impressed! Google knows it is my birthday. So, which one of you guys told them?? hehehe    They even spelled my name right. Now, don't go and disillusion me and say it is because I have a google + account....I want to think they love me.

 Photo: I went to google something....and this was the home page.  I am totally impressed!   Google knows it is my birthday.  So, which one of you guys told them??  hehehe

Laura H:  The monkeys have arrived!

 Photo: The monkeys have arrived! Happy Birthday!

Susanne W:  Happy Birthday.  If you figure out how many there are, you get to keep them. 

 Photo: Pug puppies!!!

 Jeff K:

 Pam C:  Happy Birthday, Terrie! I hope you have a great day!

Padale:  Happy Birthday Terrie Lynn!! And many many more:)

Allen:  TL---I almost missed it, but, made it under the wire!!!! Happy Birthday my friend---and MANY MANY more

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