Monday, May 20, 2013


As I sit here sorting clothes....what to store away, what to let go of, what to put back in the drawers......I have this many shirts does a person really "need"?

I find that in my own weird way, I am addicted to clothes....shirts and t-shirts to be exact. I love bright colors, Eeyore, Tye Dye, butterflies, Doctor Who, Scrapping....ALL of them. I don't like wearing the same one more than once in a month.....seriously. I want to be different everyday. Silliness, I suppose.

Then we come to my work wardrobe. I have some really nice things. But I don't actually work now. I can't let go of them tho.....not yet. To make it worse, I was blessed with some more truly unique and fancy shirts for work. I went through those just now and made myself pass them on to others who will probably get much more use out of them.....the ones I kept are going in a tote to be stored for now....I do not have a closet to hang them in. :)

Another one of my quality problems in life. Let me just say.....thank you God for the clothes you bless me with. I am thankful.

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