Thursday, May 30, 2013
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
There is this white dog next door. A bulldog/basset hound thing of some sort. He howls....not a barker.
So, tonight, G=son1, Cowboy, Lori Lou and I are sitting out back. G=son1 and Cowboy are playing chase with various toys. It is nice weather so we are all just enjoying being outside.
Neighbor dog starts his howling....and peeping through the fence at us. I start imitating him. We are doing it back and forth.
Lori Lou is sitting on the bench part of the picnic table. She gets up....comes over to me, climbs in my lap......licks my face, sits down and starts howling with me! hahahahaha Oh my goodness, I love this little black pug dog. We did it for a couple of minutes.....then I hugged her and put her back on the bench.....she walks over and lays back down.
Wonder what the neighbors think of this??? <snicker>
So, tonight, G=son1, Cowboy, Lori Lou and I are sitting out back. G=son1 and Cowboy are playing chase with various toys. It is nice weather so we are all just enjoying being outside.
Neighbor dog starts his howling....and peeping through the fence at us. I start imitating him. We are doing it back and forth.
Lori Lou is sitting on the bench part of the picnic table. She gets up....comes over to me, climbs in my lap......licks my face, sits down and starts howling with me! hahahahaha Oh my goodness, I love this little black pug dog. We did it for a couple of minutes.....then I hugged her and put her back on the bench.....she walks over and lays back down.
Wonder what the neighbors think of this??? <snicker>
Monday, May 27, 2013
am a tired, grumpy, not happy Grammie this morning. G=girl's gerbils
are out....yet again. They have a whole 4 bedroom house to romp and
wander around. So, you can guess where they decided they simply had to
spend the night, right?
Yes, my room. The one with furniture
and scrap book items all along the wall, so there is no way to get
them. One or the other will pop out in the middle of the room....but
the moment I get up to catch it.....all you see is a puff or smoke as it
hauls ass back under some furniture. I swear I hear little tiny gerbil
laughter. <sigh>
I sleep on a pull out bed.....ahhhhhhh a
wonderful playground for gerbils. I listen to them running around
under it.....all night long.
HA! Insert one black pug named Lori Lou into the mixture. OMG! She
would not let it go....she has been the great hunter.....all night
long....on the bed, off the bed, on the bed, off the bed. Of course,
she can't get anywhere near them either.....doesn't stop her from
They slow down when it is light in the house. So far,
they have eluded G=son1 and myself. I can picture Elmer Fudd.......
shhhhhhhhh I'm huntin' gerbils...... hahahahahahaha :P
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Lou treed her first cat tonight. Not because I let her, mind you. The
pugs are not allowed to chase cats.....but, she slipped to the side of
the up to see what she was doing.....normally it is a
squirrel. Welp, not this time! I fussed at her....she didn't seem to
care. She was all proud to have found something to chase. <sigh>
Silly pug.
Grass band extrodinaire
outside a bit ago. The daughter, Lori Lou and eventually two G-sons.
Nothing much going on. Thunking popping them with a towel
(well, I was popping it in their directions, not trying to actually hit
them or cause any pain)....laughing. Complete family silliness.
Then we started looking at our grass.....ahhhhhhh St. Augustine. Yelp.
We now have a beautiful musical grass band going. hahahaha It was
getting Lori Lou all excited cause she had no idea where the whistles
were coming from.
Shane could not get his grass pieces to he just blew through his thumbs.....smarted off that he is
so good he didn't need grass. I immediately took the challenge and did
it without grass too. Sounded like a old worn out moose. Oh my that
made the boys laugh.
More precious memories to go in my Grammie box. Thank you God.
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Fairyland is disappointing
have enjoyed my little fairyland game for some time now. It seems in
the past month....well....something has changed. I buy my food for
critters, and no one finds the good ones. So I actually end up losing
gold/diamonds and points, so to speak. Then I go into the gardens
ready to show the critters I need.....and all I get are ducks and mice.
Not a big deal, I get special seeds with mice and ducks....but I really
want to collect the other critters.
I know the other day I
said I think the games cheat.....and now I am really beginning to think
so. This is the only game I play anymore....I don't expect it to be
easy.....but I would like to have a chance to score of of the good
things and share some of the good things in my garden with others.
A friend mentioned it might be cause I don't spend any real money to
buy the FB points.....hummmmmmm They might just be right. If it
doesn't change in a few days.....I will most likely stop playing this
game too.
Dinner fun
Dinner, at the table with three g=kids. Eating veggies and whatever they decided they wanted to have along with them.
Laughing. Lots of laughing. :)
The g-girl points at me, and says, do I know you? I reply with, who
the heck are you and why are you in my house?? Then I ask the boys who
is this girl?? G=son2 immediately responds with....STRANGER DANGER!
Oh my we all started laughing so hard.
Then she tells me she wants to show me how she laughs. And proceeds
with this out of the blue funniest laugh I have ever hear. Broke
me.....the boys were laughing at my face, they said I looked all blank
when she first started the laugh. Well, I imagine they are
right....since I have never heard this sound did catch me
off guard.
I know all of this would probably only be funny to
those who are reading this, if you had of been here. The reason I am
sharing it?? So I can share the joy I am having by getting this
opportunity to live with RL and the kids. My heart is happy tonight.
Thank you to God for knowing what I need at this time in my life.
Mirror protection
What ever shall I do with this pug, Lori Lou??
The daughter is in my room, talking about this and that. She is
standing up.....Lori Lou sees the daughter's face in the big mirror over
the couch. Mind you, this mirror has been there the whole time we have
been staying here.
Lori Lou has all the hair on her back stand
up and she gets in protection stance and growls really low in her
throat. Goodness me! It is only RL, I tell her. Lori is not buying
it.....the daughter sits down.....waits a minute and stands up again.
Yelp, Lori Lou is back to growling. hahahaha
Okay.....we wait a
bit....talking about more of this and that.....I stand up, pick up Lori
Lou and hold her where she can see herself and me in the mirror. Her
neck did the ET thing and grew about 3 inches.....and yes, she proceeded
to growl. I told her that it is only "us". No
would think she would know it is only me....even if she thinks she is
seeing another pug. But I guess not.
Friday, May 24, 2013
05-24 FB info
read just about everything that shows up on my FB page....sometimes a
post is missed cause so many good things come through. In the process
of this....I find for some reason, people can sure be rude and negative
or just plain nasty to others at times. I'm not talking about just to
me....but in general.
I admit I find humor all around me. I can appreciate a good pun, maybe a slightly off color joke or cartoon, well placed sarcasm or just plain silliness.
What I don't understand is why one in general.....feel the need to post negative crappy remarks on a picture of a share from someone else. If you don't like it, or don't relate to that particular post.....then pass by and leave it alone. What do you accomplish by being rude??
I have had some remarks lately, that I wondered what the people were thinking when they posted....and I have been removing them to keep the post in the light way they are meant to be.
Please, if you don't like what I post, that is cool.....but if you respond with mean, really rude and /or vicious will simply be removed from the friend list. Easy peasy. Far as I am concerned, FB is simply a social media, and I mean to have fun here.
Sadly I delete people now. I don't waste time asking them to stop being tacky or mean or whatever. I guess I just wish every one could be nice.....
I admit I find humor all around me. I can appreciate a good pun, maybe a slightly off color joke or cartoon, well placed sarcasm or just plain silliness.
What I don't understand is why one in general.....feel the need to post negative crappy remarks on a picture of a share from someone else. If you don't like it, or don't relate to that particular post.....then pass by and leave it alone. What do you accomplish by being rude??
I have had some remarks lately, that I wondered what the people were thinking when they posted....and I have been removing them to keep the post in the light way they are meant to be.
Please, if you don't like what I post, that is cool.....but if you respond with mean, really rude and /or vicious will simply be removed from the friend list. Easy peasy. Far as I am concerned, FB is simply a social media, and I mean to have fun here.
Sadly I delete people now. I don't waste time asking them to stop being tacky or mean or whatever. I guess I just wish every one could be nice.....
Break Time
here.....messing around on the computer. Lori Lou over on her side of
the couch.....she looks up, so I invite her to sit by me. She comes
over and flops down by my side and sighs.
Next thing I know, she just sat up....and puts her paw on my arm and looks at me. She is asking for some rubbing and loving.....
Excuse me for a pugger needs me
Next thing I know, she just sat up....and puts her paw on my arm and looks at me. She is asking for some rubbing and loving.....
Excuse me for a pugger needs me
05-23 PM
Lori outside for a bit. The moon here in Houston area, is surrounded by
huge rings tonight. A really bright white one, with a reddish one
around that and a dim white one as the third ring. Pretty and kind of
eerie looking at the same time.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Pink Mermaid
in front room with the daughter and the g=sons. The g=girl calls and
asks for permission to be turned into a mermaid. Yes, a mermaid.
Apparently, her friend knows a magic spell to do this and she wanted to
make sure it would be okay with her mom first. Gotta love it.
Follow up on the mermaid spell. The g=girl came running in with her friend....babbling.......appar ently
this is going to happen to them in a week. They will have pink tails.
And be able to do magical things. They have to not get wet, and if
they do, they have to dry off quickly so their tails will not just
happen when they don't want it too. Both girls seems so serious and
sure of this. Both the daughter and I just smiled and said, okay, we
shall see what happens. Do you think they will even remember this in a
I will keep my camera ready, just in case!! <wink>
Follow up on the mermaid spell. The g=girl came running in with her friend....babbling.......appar
I will keep my camera ready, just in case!! <wink>
Nothing says "hello summer" like $1 flip flops. Especially in neon colors. bwahahahaha
There are only meant for wearing around the can't beat a $1.

Ane even more thoughts
I am
going to have to stop putting a mirror up by Zombie, my beta fish.
Every time he sees the fish in the mirror, he yells
The neighbors are starting to complain.
Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start <------- anyone remember this little trick for playing games?
I want to be a pug foster mom. I am always looking at the Pug Rescue Austin group and Houston Pug Rescue group.
While doing it this time....I realized Lori Lou is sitting real close and looking at the pictures too. I wonder if she is waiting for FB Chat time? I find it interesting she is not acting all excited by the pictures....I think she honestly knows what Dollie Mae and Arrt look like.....and knows that these photos are not them.
Puggers are smart critters.
Feet are ugly looking. Toes are funny looking. Doing my own toe nail polish doesn't make them look any better. Ha!
The G=kids like veggies. Fresh veggies. They were actually excited to see cauliflower in the fridge and asked for it as their after school snack. What is wrong with them?? Don't they know normal kids throw a fit when veggies are put on their plate? <big smile> They are good kids.
No matter what flavor, or how pretty and exciting they look on the box....poptarts taste like cardboard. Just in case you are wondering.
The neighbors are starting to complain.
Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start <------- anyone remember this little trick for playing games?
I want to be a pug foster mom. I am always looking at the Pug Rescue Austin group and Houston Pug Rescue group.
While doing it this time....I realized Lori Lou is sitting real close and looking at the pictures too. I wonder if she is waiting for FB Chat time? I find it interesting she is not acting all excited by the pictures....I think she honestly knows what Dollie Mae and Arrt look like.....and knows that these photos are not them.
Puggers are smart critters.
Feet are ugly looking. Toes are funny looking. Doing my own toe nail polish doesn't make them look any better. Ha!
The G=kids like veggies. Fresh veggies. They were actually excited to see cauliflower in the fridge and asked for it as their after school snack. What is wrong with them?? Don't they know normal kids throw a fit when veggies are put on their plate? <big smile> They are good kids.
No matter what flavor, or how pretty and exciting they look on the box....poptarts taste like cardboard. Just in case you are wondering.
**Thought #6 Games in general
I have learned a neat trick since being here with the daughter and g=kids.
Install a game I want to learn on their computer and wait. Within 10 minutes they know everything there is to know....and are more than willing to teach me how to play it. Less stress on my brain this way.
**Thought #5 FB games
I believe they cheat.
I was big time into Farming at one time.....then this cafe thing......and building my own city. Tried various games here and there.....mainly cause friends need friends on the games to gain points......I unsub when board with them.
I like to do fairyland. Simple little plant flowers, wait for them to mature, and hunt for critters. Nothing to it, right? bwahahahaha The darn game will not let me find the critter I need no matter what I do! A garden will be ready for the critter I want....and all it will give me is mice or ducks.
Cheatin' game.
Still love to do it tho. I like growing the flowers. <wink>
** Thought #4 Pugs and FB Chat
My pugs like the FB chat feature. Seriously.
Lori Lou has learned the little 'brrrrring' sound when Mitchell comes online. She will pop up in front of me....basically making me move my keyboard and mouse so she can talk to him and the other pugs.
On the other side of the screen....Dollie Mae and Arrt have learned the same thing.....I will hear them whining till Mitchell gets them up so they can see the screen......we let them talk to each other. What a hoot.
Lori Lou only does this when she hears the chat sound.....anything else I play over the lap top doesn't even faze her.
** Thought #3 Dogs - car seats
Note to self, and anyone else who needs to know this vital piece of NOT get pugs who have a double coat of fur and a vehicle with fabric seats. Never ever ever. NEVER.
** Thought #2 Sneaking up on a dog
Have any of you been able to sneak up on your dog when coming back home?? hehehe
I keep a box fan going most of the time, no matter where I live. I like it cause of the white noise, but also to keep the A/C moving.....makes the electric bill a tad bit lower.
Anyway, my room here with the daughter is the front room on the house. Lori Lou knows the sound of my car....but with the fan going, unless I use the keyfob to lock the door so it beeps, she doesn't always know I am home......till I get all the way in the door and stand looking at her. hahaha
More than once I have said, hey, Lori Lou....what cha doing?? She jumps up and totally acts like she has be on guard patrol the whole time. Nope, obviously she wasn't sleeping at all. Silly pugger.
** Thought #1 HOA
We live in this really and I mean REALLY fancy subdivision called Meadows Park. They took themselves away from Houston affiliation. But, they are still an HOA.
HOAs in general, expect you to pay a ridiculous amount of fees, either monthly or yearly for misc services. Such as upkeep of lights in the neighborhood, pay for the police to cruise by, pool, park. Now a days it seems to be around $200 to $300 a month....that is above and beyond what you are paying for your monthly morgage on your home.
This one takes the prize! They opened the pool and had a neighborhood party last Friday. Turns out, you had to PAY to attend the pay for the hot dogs and drinks. Ummmmm don't people already pay to have the pool?? Okay, okay, so maybe they might get away with charging for the food.....but to pay to use the pool for the night? That is BS, in my book cause it was an additional $5 a person/child.
Pfffssst. Glad I am not actually going to be buying in this is beautiful.....but way beyond my financial means of living.
I have learned a neat trick since being here with the daughter and g=kids.
Install a game I want to learn on their computer and wait. Within 10 minutes they know everything there is to know....and are more than willing to teach me how to play it. Less stress on my brain this way.
**Thought #5 FB games
I believe they cheat.
I was big time into Farming at one time.....then this cafe thing......and building my own city. Tried various games here and there.....mainly cause friends need friends on the games to gain points......I unsub when board with them.
I like to do fairyland. Simple little plant flowers, wait for them to mature, and hunt for critters. Nothing to it, right? bwahahahaha The darn game will not let me find the critter I need no matter what I do! A garden will be ready for the critter I want....and all it will give me is mice or ducks.
Cheatin' game.
Still love to do it tho. I like growing the flowers. <wink>
** Thought #4 Pugs and FB Chat
My pugs like the FB chat feature. Seriously.
Lori Lou has learned the little 'brrrrring' sound when Mitchell comes online. She will pop up in front of me....basically making me move my keyboard and mouse so she can talk to him and the other pugs.
On the other side of the screen....Dollie Mae and Arrt have learned the same thing.....I will hear them whining till Mitchell gets them up so they can see the screen......we let them talk to each other. What a hoot.
Lori Lou only does this when she hears the chat sound.....anything else I play over the lap top doesn't even faze her.
** Thought #3 Dogs - car seats
Note to self, and anyone else who needs to know this vital piece of NOT get pugs who have a double coat of fur and a vehicle with fabric seats. Never ever ever. NEVER.
** Thought #2 Sneaking up on a dog
Have any of you been able to sneak up on your dog when coming back home?? hehehe
I keep a box fan going most of the time, no matter where I live. I like it cause of the white noise, but also to keep the A/C moving.....makes the electric bill a tad bit lower.
Anyway, my room here with the daughter is the front room on the house. Lori Lou knows the sound of my car....but with the fan going, unless I use the keyfob to lock the door so it beeps, she doesn't always know I am home......till I get all the way in the door and stand looking at her. hahaha
More than once I have said, hey, Lori Lou....what cha doing?? She jumps up and totally acts like she has be on guard patrol the whole time. Nope, obviously she wasn't sleeping at all. Silly pugger.
** Thought #1 HOA
We live in this really and I mean REALLY fancy subdivision called Meadows Park. They took themselves away from Houston affiliation. But, they are still an HOA.
HOAs in general, expect you to pay a ridiculous amount of fees, either monthly or yearly for misc services. Such as upkeep of lights in the neighborhood, pay for the police to cruise by, pool, park. Now a days it seems to be around $200 to $300 a month....that is above and beyond what you are paying for your monthly morgage on your home.
This one takes the prize! They opened the pool and had a neighborhood party last Friday. Turns out, you had to PAY to attend the pay for the hot dogs and drinks. Ummmmm don't people already pay to have the pool?? Okay, okay, so maybe they might get away with charging for the food.....but to pay to use the pool for the night? That is BS, in my book cause it was an additional $5 a person/child.
Pfffssst. Glad I am not actually going to be buying in this is beautiful.....but way beyond my financial means of living.
Monday, May 20, 2013
Nail time
nice time tonight doing nails with the G-girl. She paints hers more
than one color. It tickles me that she likes to do that.
We sit and talk about all kinds of G-girl stuff. A priceless treasure to go in my memory box.
I didn't do this much with the daughter when she was this age.....I
wish I had.....I simply didn't have much patience back then. I am glad
God allows me to do this sort of thing now.
Lori Lou and I went out back for a bit. Two of the G-kids were out there too, playing with Cowboy.
Those two kids and dog had a heck of a time. He is getting older and
big enough to think about what he is doing when playing ball with them.
I remind them every now and then to let him win so he will not get
frustrated and stop playing.....but tonight, he held his own for about
15 minutes of joyous romping.
Cowboy would let them crawl up to
him and try to take the ball.....he would hold out as long as his puppy
patience would let him...then sprint off with the ball. I don't know
who had more fun, them, or him.
Lori Lou sat up on the bench
and watched. Every now and then she would look over at me. I swear she
rolled her eyes and said "kids!"
I sit here sorting clothes....what to store away, what to let go of,
what to put back in the drawers......I have this many
shirts does a person really "need"?
I find that in my own weird
way, I am addicted to clothes....shirts and t-shirts to be exact. I
love bright colors, Eeyore, Tye Dye, butterflies, Doctor Who,
Scrapping....ALL of them. I don't like wearing the same one more than
once in a month.....seriously. I want to be different everyday.
Silliness, I suppose.
Then we come to my work wardrobe. I have
some really nice things. But I don't actually work now. I can't let
go of them tho.....not yet. To make it worse, I was blessed with some
more truly unique and fancy shirts for work. I went through those just
now and made myself pass them on to others who will probably get much
more use out of them.....the ones I kept are going in a tote to be
stored for now....I do not have a closet to hang them in. :)
Another one of my quality problems in life. Let me just say.....thank
you God for the clothes you bless me with. I am thankful.
Retired looks good on me.
I am back to being totally retired. The job I was on, well, when you find yourself thinking about it all weekend.......well.......its time to let it go.
The company is newer and things are just not where they should be, paperwork wise. Ms Bossette works 12 hour days, and some on the weekends (something I used to do, by choice, just like she does, ugh) They are growing so fast, and people do not know how to do their job, in the stores, which makes it a nightmare in the main office. Truthfully, they are sort of choosing to not do their jobs, cause the Bossette would just do it if they didn't. No accountability. (wonder who taught me that word? hehe)
My job was part-time data entry.....not stress cause you can't find anything. So.....I prayed, and let it go.
Until the daughter and I move up to the other side of town OR Mr Awesome completes his job and we find out where we go next, I am not going to hunt down another job. Retired looks good on me. <wink>
The company is newer and things are just not where they should be, paperwork wise. Ms Bossette works 12 hour days, and some on the weekends (something I used to do, by choice, just like she does, ugh) They are growing so fast, and people do not know how to do their job, in the stores, which makes it a nightmare in the main office. Truthfully, they are sort of choosing to not do their jobs, cause the Bossette would just do it if they didn't. No accountability. (wonder who taught me that word? hehe)
My job was part-time data entry.....not stress cause you can't find anything. So.....I prayed, and let it go.
Until the daughter and I move up to the other side of town OR Mr Awesome completes his job and we find out where we go next, I am not going to hunt down another job. Retired looks good on me. <wink>
Sunday, May 19, 2013
I am not going back to work with Floors For Living. When I spend the weekend thinking about the issues at work.....and you are only part time, data is not the job for me. I am no longer wanting to the manager or anything in an authority role....I just want simple data entry, useful, helpful work to do. So I called and also sent an email.
Now, to stay retired for a bit longer. :)
Now, to stay retired for a bit longer. :)
Cookie time
The young lady spoke to the manager and they gave us the cookie as our b-day gift. That was very kind of them.


Ahhhhhh everything is looking at me! Creepy meal. Might need to use my zombie to scare it all away. Bwahahaha
His drink is staring at me.
- Jennifer Haha it looks like your drink is cowering in fear from your shirt.
- Susanne WIt does, lol! Except that's Daniel's shirt so no wonder she feels stared at from everywhere.
- Turtle CI noticed that, Susanne, when I saw the pic with Daniel wearing it LOL.
- Susanne WIt does!
- Daniel MI think this shirt was actually a gift from her to me a few years ago. It's true though that this apple has not fallen far from the tree.
DAniel's computer
I do
not like using Daniel's computer. Everything is wired and connected. I
realized I am totally spoiled to my mouse and keyboard being wireless.
I won't complain too much tho.....I could be sitting here with no
computer access at all and going into major FB withdrawal. That is
never a fun thing to have to deal with. hahahahaha
you can color me embarrassed. I just wrote all kinds of updates.....and
realized I was on Daniel's facebook page. Sheese.....I had to delete
them.....silly me.
Now, I wanted to tell you about what happened yesterday.
Sitting out back with Lori Lou. Contemplating the world and life in general. She is watching for squirrels, I am looking at the various birds who visit.
I feel like I am being watched! Eureka! I am!
About 10 inches from the ground, an eyeball is looking at us through the knot hole in the fence. bwahahahaha The neighbor dog. What a hoot. Now I know what it looks like when Lori Lou is looking over at them.
Sitting out back with Lori Lou. Contemplating the world and life in general. She is watching for squirrels, I am looking at the various birds who visit.
I feel like I am being watched! Eureka! I am!
About 10 inches from the ground, an eyeball is looking at us through the knot hole in the fence. bwahahahaha The neighbor dog. What a hoot. Now I know what it looks like when Lori Lou is looking over at them.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Mom's day
Went to A Way Out Women's Center. Did breakfast. Was the speaker.
Took Lori Lou to mom's. She didn't want to go out to eat, but agreed to a baked potato. Easy enough. :)
RL came home with like 11 bags of clothes for me to look at. Some really pretty ones for work.
Took Lori Lou to mom's. She didn't want to go out to eat, but agreed to a baked potato. Easy enough. :)
RL came home with like 11 bags of clothes for me to look at. Some really pretty ones for work.
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Making Strides

Went to Walmart. Next best thing to watching the birds and critters in the yard.
As I first get inside the door, a lady stops and asks me about Volunteering for Sam's and how to go about doing it? Ooops! I am still wearing my Sam's Volunteer shirt from the 5k today. I explained what the shirt was for. She said if they ever do decide to have volunteers, she would be interested. Then she said she liked my blue butterfly. I am going to keep it on for tomorrow....I kind of think its least for the weekend.
Checking out, I watched the guy in front of me unload his basket. He was talking on the phone about driving someone else's shift on Monday cause it is a real hard one, and his shift is only 5 stops. It would be easier to fill his small shift. I thought how nice of him to do the easy one for the hard one to help them out.
Then I was absentmindedly looking at what he was buying. Chuckled to myself. Well, you can tell he is single by what he is buying. I start putting my things on the counter and laughed at myself. "I" am apparently single right the things I was buying. Ha! Individual servings of things.
Then got to talking to the young lady checking me out. She thanked me for helping bag my items. I responded with you guys work hard. She said sort of but it isn't as hard as the nursing profession she is on break from. hmmmmm I can understand. Her husband is about to graduate in the medical field too. She laughed and said they will never need to go to a doctor....they will just make appointments with each other. Chuckle.
When all done, I said God bless you....which is something I say to most everyone. She responded with I accept that blessing. You know, that is the first time I have ever had anyone say that. I liked it.
Outside unloading my cart....was the cutest little girl. I told her mom she was adorable. The little girl responded with thank you! That again made me chuckle. Her mom is raising her with manners.
As I first get inside the door, a lady stops and asks me about Volunteering for Sam's and how to go about doing it? Ooops! I am still wearing my Sam's Volunteer shirt from the 5k today. I explained what the shirt was for. She said if they ever do decide to have volunteers, she would be interested. Then she said she liked my blue butterfly. I am going to keep it on for tomorrow....I kind of think its least for the weekend.
Checking out, I watched the guy in front of me unload his basket. He was talking on the phone about driving someone else's shift on Monday cause it is a real hard one, and his shift is only 5 stops. It would be easier to fill his small shift. I thought how nice of him to do the easy one for the hard one to help them out.
Then I was absentmindedly looking at what he was buying. Chuckled to myself. Well, you can tell he is single by what he is buying. I start putting my things on the counter and laughed at myself. "I" am apparently single right the things I was buying. Ha! Individual servings of things.
Then got to talking to the young lady checking me out. She thanked me for helping bag my items. I responded with you guys work hard. She said sort of but it isn't as hard as the nursing profession she is on break from. hmmmmm I can understand. Her husband is about to graduate in the medical field too. She laughed and said they will never need to go to a doctor....they will just make appointments with each other. Chuckle.
When all done, I said God bless you....which is something I say to most everyone. She responded with I accept that blessing. You know, that is the first time I have ever had anyone say that. I liked it.
Outside unloading my cart....was the cutest little girl. I told her mom she was adorable. The little girl responded with thank you! That again made me chuckle. Her mom is raising her with manners.
Once around the block, please
Lou really wanted to go for a ride today. She made it plain by hovering
by the car and whining slightly. What the heck, I loaded her up and
drove around. Nowhere in particular....just put the window down and let
her sniff. After about 15 minutes I pulled over and let her out.
She was so happy to be able to run around and check things out. When
she was done she came to the car and said, okay, lets go.
She was content to go inside and the house and promptly fall asleep.
Glad such a simple little thing could make her so happy.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
FB b-day songs
You say it's your birthday
It's my birthday too, yeah
They say it's your birthday
We're gonna have a good time
I'm glad it's your birthday
Happy birthday to you.
Yes we're going to a party party
Yes we're going to a party party
Yes we're going to a party party
I would like you to dance (Birthday)
Take a cha-cha-cha-chance (Birthday)
I would like you to dance (Birthday)
^^ Sent to me from Eddy
Doctor Happy Birthday song from Susanne
You say it's your birthday
It's my birthday too, yeah
They say it's your birthday
We're gonna have a good time
I'm glad it's your birthday
Happy birthday to you.
Yes we're going to a party party
Yes we're going to a party party
Yes we're going to a party party
I would like you to dance (Birthday)
Take a cha-cha-cha-chance (Birthday)
I would like you to dance (Birthday)
^^ Sent to me from Eddy
Doctor Happy Birthday song from Susanne
fb b-day wishes 2
I am going to cut and paste as many of my cool happy birthday wishes
from FB as I can. I want to be able to save them to look back on.
Maybe I can figure a way to do a neat scrap book page with them also.
Thank you to everyone who sent a nice wish for the day. I have the most wonderful family and friends!!. :)
Diane T. You found me just in time (hehe). Well if we were together I'd hug you, and squeeze you, and take you home with me . Love you and hope you have an awesome day.
Sue H: Happy Birthday
Stephanie G. : Happy Birthday SIL
Dewayne T: Happy birthday!
Bear: have a great day
Bob S. Happy B-Day Terrie Lynn Gelman
Best Wishes Skippie.......luv always from Kermit xoxoxox
Thank you to everyone who sent a nice wish for the day. I have the most wonderful family and friends!!. :)
Diane T. You found me just in time (hehe). Well if we were together I'd hug you, and squeeze you, and take you home with me . Love you and hope you have an awesome day.
Sue H: Happy Birthday
Stephanie G. : Happy Birthday SIL
Dewayne T: Happy birthday!
Bear: have a great day
Bob S. Happy B-Day Terrie Lynn Gelman
Best Wishes Skippie.......luv always from Kermit xoxoxox

fb b-day wishes 1
I am going to cut and paste as many of my cool happy birthday wishes from FB as I can. I want to be able to save them to look back on. Maybe I can figure a way to do a neat scrap book page with them also.
Thank you to everyone who sent a nice wish for the day. I have the most wonderful family and friends!!. :)
Luna: Happy Birthday!
Pam L: You're just a youngin'!
Cynthia S (Cindy Rose) You violated my birthday rule...never, ever work on your birthday! That is your day and you should do whatever you want but work! Enjoy your day and my other rule is you have to have a piece of cake or pie so I'm sending you an imaginary piece of both. Hugs on your birthday TL!
Denise N: Happy Birthday! :-)
Tammy B: Happy Birthday sweetie have a great day
Tina F: Happy Birthday!
Linda W: Happy Birthday hope your day is as great as you are.
ME: I went to google something....and this was the home page. I am totally impressed! Google knows it is my birthday. So, which one of you guys told them?? hehehe They even spelled my name right. Now, don't go and disillusion me and say it is because I have a google + account....I want to think they love me.

Laura H: The monkeys have arrived!

Susanne W: Happy Birthday. If you figure out how many there are, you get to keep them.

Jeff K:

Pam C: Happy Birthday, Terrie! I hope you have a great day!
Padale: Happy Birthday Terrie Lynn!! And many many more:)
Allen: TL---I almost missed it, but, made it under the wire!!!! Happy Birthday my friend---and MANY MANY more
Thank you to everyone who sent a nice wish for the day. I have the most wonderful family and friends!!. :)
Luna: Happy Birthday!
Pam L: You're just a youngin'!
Cynthia S (Cindy Rose) You violated my birthday rule...never, ever work on your birthday! That is your day and you should do whatever you want but work! Enjoy your day and my other rule is you have to have a piece of cake or pie so I'm sending you an imaginary piece of both. Hugs on your birthday TL!
Denise N: Happy Birthday! :-)
Tammy B: Happy Birthday sweetie have a great day
Tina F: Happy Birthday!
Linda W: Happy Birthday hope your day is as great as you are.
ME: I went to google something....and this was the home page. I am totally impressed! Google knows it is my birthday. So, which one of you guys told them?? hehehe They even spelled my name right. Now, don't go and disillusion me and say it is because I have a google + account....I want to think they love me.

Laura H: The monkeys have arrived!

Susanne W: Happy Birthday. If you figure out how many there are, you get to keep them.

Jeff K:

Pam C: Happy Birthday, Terrie! I hope you have a great day!
Padale: Happy Birthday Terrie Lynn!! And many many more:)
Allen: TL---I almost missed it, but, made it under the wire!!!! Happy Birthday my friend---and MANY MANY more
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Thank you Jo Ann

I forgot to tell you guys......I went out to the car last night to talk
to Mr Awesome before bed. Being in this metal building interfered with
our phones. Which to me is a today's advancements in
technology....we still have issues with cell phone reception in a metal
building. Ha. is only a few yards to the cars.......its dark.....and hear this awful, weird sound. Kind of a deep warble, is the best I can do to describe it. I stop wondering....what the heck???
I get in the car and start the call......then start laughing.....I realized what I am hearing.....a really big, fat, bullfrog! There is a small pond on the side of the house.....I have not heard a bullfrog that big in probably 23 or more years. Long before Mr Awesome and I have been together. hehe I hear the cute little green tree frogs all the time....but this guy must have be huge! Another neat critter experience to put in my memory box to enjoy. is only a few yards to the cars.......its dark.....and hear this awful, weird sound. Kind of a deep warble, is the best I can do to describe it. I stop wondering....what the heck???
I get in the car and start the call......then start laughing.....I realized what I am hearing.....a really big, fat, bullfrog! There is a small pond on the side of the house.....I have not heard a bullfrog that big in probably 23 or more years. Long before Mr Awesome and I have been together. hehe I hear the cute little green tree frogs all the time....but this guy must have be huge! Another neat critter experience to put in my memory box to enjoy.
Cool Ranch......not so cool
I am
pretty sure the whole world is sneakily ganging up to slowly drive me
crazy. It is not anything big most of the time....just little this and
For example, this time.....I do not like cool ranch Doritos. Taco Bell does tacos using regular Doritos. Excellent and makes my mouth happy. :) Anyway, they started offering them in Cool Ranch.
So, I order a Number 11......get all the way home....and sure guessed it.....they made them with Cool Ranch!! Ugh. I never once thought to specify what type I wanted, so it is partly my fault, true. Yet, they didn't ask either. 50/50 chance and of course....they pick the nasty type. Ha!
Yessssssss, I am eating them anyway. Thanks for asking. <snicker> Why? Cause I am thankful to have something to eat.....I could be totally broke and homeless and hungry....if you know what I mean.
Taco Bell better be good to me next time. hehe
For example, this time.....I do not like cool ranch Doritos. Taco Bell does tacos using regular Doritos. Excellent and makes my mouth happy. :) Anyway, they started offering them in Cool Ranch.
So, I order a Number 11......get all the way home....and sure guessed it.....they made them with Cool Ranch!! Ugh. I never once thought to specify what type I wanted, so it is partly my fault, true. Yet, they didn't ask either. 50/50 chance and of course....they pick the nasty type. Ha!
Yessssssss, I am eating them anyway. Thanks for asking. <snicker> Why? Cause I am thankful to have something to eat.....I could be totally broke and homeless and hungry....if you know what I mean.
Taco Bell better be good to me next time. hehe
& Nobel was an cool experience. I don't go into real book
stores.....I get most of mine from thrift stores, or when the library is
getting rid of them to make room for more, things like that.
I am going to have to go back. I found a whole section with some really interesting games that the G=kids might like playing. The type that work the mind.
Keep me away from the 70% off tables, please! hahahahaha
I am happy with one book I bought. It is for origami with the little pieces of paper included. G-son2 has been learning to do it with a friend.....I might have told you guys. So when I saw this book, I figured he would just have to have it.
I am going to have to go back. I found a whole section with some really interesting games that the G=kids might like playing. The type that work the mind.
Keep me away from the 70% off tables, please! hahahahaha
I am happy with one book I bought. It is for origami with the little pieces of paper included. G-son2 has been learning to do it with a friend.....I might have told you guys. So when I saw this book, I figured he would just have to have it.
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Around the block
I brought Lori Lou's little harness and leash outside. She spied it
and hyped up immediately. She knows the harness means we are going
somewhere......well, this time it was for another walk. I want to get
her out of the house and do something with her.
Anyway....she is a smart little pugger. We headed out the yard and she turned left.....went to the corner and turned left.....kept this up till we got back to the yard. Yes, that is not a big deal, I suppose, yet we only did the around the block one time so far. She remembered her route and walked it proudly. She loves to be in front and walk with purpose....leading me. hehe She never once wanted to cross the street or turn the other direction.....
Now....we would get more accomplished if she didn't find the need to stop and smell every mailbox, tree, fence corner and anything that looks like it might smell good. Ha!
Anyway....she is a smart little pugger. We headed out the yard and she turned left.....went to the corner and turned left.....kept this up till we got back to the yard. Yes, that is not a big deal, I suppose, yet we only did the around the block one time so far. She remembered her route and walked it proudly. She loves to be in front and walk with purpose....leading me. hehe She never once wanted to cross the street or turn the other direction.....
Now....we would get more accomplished if she didn't find the need to stop and smell every mailbox, tree, fence corner and anything that looks like it might smell good. Ha!
went to my meeting tonight and they all went out to eat afterwards. It
was such a nice thing to sit around with a bunch of women and yak. Even
if I didn't know them that much yet....I liked listening.
The Bellaire Club is my new home group.....the Thursday Women's meeting, to be exact.
I got some more phone numbers and gave mine out tonight. Hopefully I can get a good group of lady friends again. I like having AAers around. :)
The Bellaire Club is my new home group.....the Thursday Women's meeting, to be exact.
I got some more phone numbers and gave mine out tonight. Hopefully I can get a good group of lady friends again. I like having AAers around. :)
What was that??
the??? A whirl wind just went through the house! Swooped in, dropped
school work, snagged a snack and whooshed back out the door. All in
under 30 seconds. Amazing.
You best friend, Diane, from over 20 years ago was found my son, Daniel. You have no idea how happy I am! It will take us forever to get caught back up! But you know what.....I called her and we started talking like it was only yesterday. That is what a true friend is......always in your heart and never far away.
I bet she never even knew she was "lost". hahahahaha I got tears when I heard her voice. I feel like a kid with a Christmas gift they have always wanted.
You best friend, Diane, from over 20 years ago was found my son, Daniel. You have no idea how happy I am! It will take us forever to get caught back up! But you know what.....I called her and we started talking like it was only yesterday. That is what a true friend is......always in your heart and never far away.
I bet she never even knew she was "lost". hahahahaha I got tears when I heard her voice. I feel like a kid with a Christmas gift they have always wanted.
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