Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Vegas conference

The security conference today was totally great. They always are. This is the first one we have gone to in well, probably about 5 years?

Vegas is a pain tho. You have to park way over there------> and then walk through miles of casino to get back over to there <-------- which is where the convention center is located. They have to do their best to get you tempted to drop a dollar or two in a machine. Whew, by the time we made it to the registration table, I was already tired!

There are cool things to look at everywhere. This year I found a really neat thing to hold IDs. It is a plastic case that completely covers the ID so it won't get tore up. On a super sturdy neck cord.....I have one as a sample that I am going to use when I go on the airline to visit with Mr Awesome....but even neater than that.....they make it to hold the iPhones. Must have one! They are going to send me samples.....whoot whoot. If they do....I will post a picture.....I liked it enough to hunt Mr Awesome down to have him come check them out.

I got to see the Soup Nazi. Never in a million years would have expected that at a security conference, trust me. I was just talking to one of the vendor girls who told me he was going to be there. Really, I asked? When, in he walked....with two huge body guards. Nice friendly guy for sure. Celebrities don't impress me all that much....I Mr lived in California for about 10 years and got used to them being around.....but this one caught me off it was neat to get a picture with him for the scrap book.

I am getting many new bags....the type they sell at the store so you don't need plastic or paper. :) They come in all colors due to so many vendors..... I heard some of the girls talking about no one wanted the, I am going to do them a favor and take a few. Its the least I can do to be helpful, right?

I sat for a while back by a security lady. She had a fun personality. She kept a good eye on things. I joked with her about nothing getting by her, to which she agreed. I asked if she was a mom with kids? she laughed and said yes, 7 kids and 17 gran kids! Mercy....I laughed with her and well, no wonder nothing gets by you!

Later, I was outside in the hall area where people go to sit and chill. Talking to the daughter when Uncle Sam walked by.....on stilts. hohohohoho hahahaha You just never know what you will see in Vegas.

Mr Awesome went way over there -------> to get the car and was going to come back to get me and all the bags of goodies. I was now outside at the taxi drop off and pick up spot. I will talk to a fence post if it holds still long enough (ha) Anyway, my first person was a guy who came all the way over here to do this from Turkey. Fascinating. Then a young lady took his place.....she asked what I liked that I saw today. I told her about the neck chain things for the IDs and iPhones. Then I told her I was interested in these dome type cameras.....something I had not seen before....small world.....the cameras are what she was there to show! We had a nice time talking....

At Long John Silver's we got lunch to take back to the room. The guy who got our order seemed familiar to me. I leaned over to see his name badge.....Ha! I asked if he is the one with family who lives up in Tonopah? Turned out he was! hehehe We both remembered each other. I had him several months ago as my drive through window guy. I told Mitchell about this kid back at that time, as to how friendly he was.....and yes, he was just as friendly today.

We go back tomorrow.....hopefully I can worm my way through the parts of the show I didn't get to enjoy today. :)

Yesterday, at the conference.....there was this young lady.....actually walking around on those two story high heels. You know, they have an extra 2" in thick sole so they can then have 8-10 inch heels.

Why?? Why in the world would a person subject themselves to walking for miles and miles and hours and hours in one of these things in those heels?? Her feet must have been killing her at the end of the day.

Don't get me wrong....I am not knocking those shoes and the girls who can and do wear them.....just wondering why she would do it when there must have been something more comfortable to wear for the day. :)

I took a look around....and nope....not a single male could be seen wearing these high heel shoes. bwahahahaha

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