for the record....I really don't like when I react to something without
thinking....get angry.....and then have to make an amends. First of
all, I get disappointed in myself for being angry.....Second of all, I
really really really do not like having to make amends. I like to
think I live good enough to stop doing this....but alas....I guess as
long as I am alive, and human....it will happen off and on, huh? It
would just seem, that there is a time or age in a person's life, when we
stop doing stupid things. Well, today was not that day for me. Maybe
can't make me angry....it is an emotion that is a reaction to
something.....and in this case.....I didn't need to react that
way......of course.....I have the type of personality that anger only
shows up in the wrong instance.....it is a powerless reaction......if I
take a deep breath, then the anger is normally not needed. There are
plenty of other tools I could use for situations......I was just wishing
aloud that there would be a time in life when I wouldn't get
angry......but that is likely to never happen.
Okay guys! I am NOT beating myself up!
Most everyone knows I work the 12 step program.... I was actually
sharing the fact that I wish there would be a time in life when I would
stop doing stupid things and then needing to turn around and make an amends! I don't like making amends....
Today is the first time in quite sometime, that I got angry, lashed
out, then had to go back to the person, state my part, and give an
amends that I will do my best to not have it happen again. I am not
upset with myself.....I am okay.....its all good.
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