I'm saying this in love
FROM charles roberts TO You

Sigh....yes, it made me sad. This came after a day and night of visiting mom and dad before leaving to go back to Nevada.
For the record.....she called me later that day and said she hoped it didn't make me mad. She was just being a mom and worried about me. I told her I understood. I have a doc and nutritionist who helped me.....it is what it is.
I got up on the 26th and found this email from mom.
RE: Ssssssshhhhhhhh
FROM charles roberts TO You
Terrie, here it is........I have been thinking what to wright
for several day's now. It is tough for me as I'm not to sure what
really needs to be said.
you were here you thought I was silly letting mema still upset me. It
is but you don't know the hell I went through with her. Not the really
hard part. You fell apart with me just saying you need to lose weight
for having friends and health sake, Call Mitchell and he writes me a
nasty letter. Next to John writing me one for sending him toys as he is a
grown man I'm not to sure which is worst. Well Bobbie even told me to
keep my options to myself. I am where she concerned . I don't even write
her. I am the mom. I care for you girls and I will say what I feel
needs to be said to help y'all. Now I can leave you alone too if I upset
you so much. You know I can. As for Mitchell I don't want any thing
else to do with him. So if you and I can stay in touch o.k. Just
don't go bawling to him when I upset you. I don't cry and run to Dad
when you say things. Sure we talk about it but talking and caring on are
two different things.
if we can't, remember I love you and I do care what happens to you. You
and Bobbie are my little girls. I gave berth to you and a mother can
never forget that......
I called Mitchell, at work to find out what mom was talking about. Seems he DID send her an email, and didn't say anything to me. The reason she called to apologize....was cause of this:
From: Mitchell Gelman <mitchell1029@yahoo.com>
To: charles roberts <a-ring-of-fire@hotmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2013 9:26 AM
Subject: MOM!
Please understand that I love you and dad. BUT,
To: charles roberts <a-ring-of-fire@hotmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2013 9:26 AM
Subject: MOM!
Please understand that I love you and dad. BUT,
I can not believe you sent Terrie Lynn and email telling her the reason she doesn't have friends is because she is fat.
I'm getting calls from her crying thinking you don't like her because she is overweight.
This has got to be the rudest and most
dis-respectful thing a mother could ever tell a child.
For someone to claim they love their child and say those hurtful things puts a cloud over everything I
thought about you. I am disappointed in thinking you would do that to someone who goes out of their
way tiring to make you happy and you just slap them in their face.
has never judged you or said an unkind thing about you. and all you can
do is say hurtful things to her for no reason except to better then
can hate me for saying this to you if you want to but I am the one who
has to be the shoulder she cries on when you say hurtful things about
I sent this to both mom and Mitchell:
Subject: Re: Ssssssshhhhhhhh
From: terrielynn55@yahoo.com
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 21:40:24 -0500
To: a-ring-of-fire@hotmail.com; mitchell1029@yahoo.com
Wow. I had no idea Mitchell sent you an email, till I read this one from you.
Now, after a prayer...I am replying to you and Mitchell at the same time. No secrets.
world is falling apart around us. I have two friends with girls under
10, dealing with cancer. I have another one with a cousin in the ER,
with something wrong and they cannot figure,out,what to do to help him.
Another good friend is dealing with mouth cancer and has a son who has
no idea what his mom is dealing with. One in Killeen has MS so bad,
but you never hear her complain. A friend in Austin is waiting for
kidney transplant....her daughter is a match. Today they found a mass
on the daughter....and everything is on hold.
I wrote the above to put some perspective on the situation.
wrote an email....Mitchell wrote an email. No one is dealing with life
and death from these. No one is homeless from these emails. No one is
going hungry tonight from these emails. They are only emails with
people's opinions.
I love you and Dad. I know you guys love me.
I am also thankful for a husband who loves me.
I talk to Mitchell about everything. Yes, I cry about things that
hurt. I get angry and can cuss like a sailor when really mad. Do I
plan to change this? No. I am glad he is there for me.
I angry you don't want anything to do with Mitchell cause he told you
how he felt? Not really. You know mitchell is a good man. Mitchell is
entitled to his opinion, just as you are.
So, do I plan to spend time being upset over this? No. Life is simply too short to waste one moment on things like this.
i trust that God is big enough to allow us, as a family, to grow and move on.
I will continue to do what I have been doing. Pray, live the best I can and trust God.
And as Dad's favorite song says "farther along we'll know all about it"
Her reply:
RE: Ssssssshhhhhhhh
FROM charles roberts TO You
I didn't write anything else.....although I have so much I wish I could throw in her face...yes, I am mad.....but I won't because I believe my mom is mentally sick and has been all my life. As a good daughter....I will continue to love her and let it go. I will have peace in my heart if and when I go to her funeral.
Then.....I got this email today.....the 27th
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 09:26:39 -0700im
Subject: MOM!
To: a-ring-of-fire@hotmail.com
Subject: MOM!
To: a-ring-of-fire@hotmail.com
First let me say "I'm tired of this and don't want to hear any more
about how you two feel about me." You deserve each other and I hope you
always stay together. Now, I am not the ogar in this . Just so you
really know what was said I'm forwarding his letter.
don't care if you don't like what I said about mitchell. Maybe it would
be for the best if we don't write for awhile. I can live with that. I
wasn't going to send this to you but why not? For some reason you read
what you wanted in my letter and not the true meaning. So be it.
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