G=girl brought me another hurt dove. Mercy. She found it at the pool. "You helped the last one, Grammie". She has such faith in me. It is the Higher Power that gets them through this....I am only an instrument to keep them safe while healing.
This one's wings appear okay, and so does its legs and feet. Again it appears to be the right side that was hit. This one is much younger than Thursday was. Not a baby, more like a teenager.
So, it is in the little carrier for now. I told her this one might not make it....but I would do what I could and know to do for birds. She was satisfied with that answer.
By the way....I taught all three of them to observe the area when they see a small or baby bird on the ground. Check for a mom or dad bird. Just because they are on the ground doesn't mean they need help. Mom and dad bird will take care of them....they are probably learning to fly. They learned this fact when we saw a little blue jay one day. I kept going back to check on it....and we always saw the parent birds. The kids thought that was interesting about them learning to fly.
This is the little dove G=girl brought me yesterday. We decide to name it. She came up with "Patches". I hope God helps it heal. I know she will remember this experience forever.

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