Saturday, August 24, 2013

something from mom....

I'm saying this in love

FROM charles roberts TO You
Emoji  Lose some weight Terrie.    Soon you wont be able to get out of bed. I know you know this but I as your mom need to tell you again.  First you don't eat a lot at a meal but you eat snacks most of the time. Snacks are the same problem I have. They add up fast. Cut them and eat more good things. Cook good meals for Mitchell not a lot of greasy stuff and eat it to.  Sorry ! but your wight could be why the ladies don't warm up to you. You have a great personality but the weight turns them off. Why would they want to have someone over that might break their chair when they sit.  I know this will hit you hard but like I said " I'm telling you this in love". You are such a sweet person now make yourself look like it.  Maybe a 100lbs would make all the difference in the world for your health...

Sigh....yes, it made me sad.  This came after a day  and night of visiting mom and dad before leaving to go back to Nevada.

For the record.....she called me later that day and said she hoped it didn't make me mad.  She was just being a mom and worried about me.  I told her I understood.  I have a doc and nutritionist who helped is what it is.



I got up on the 26th and found this email from mom.

RE: Ssssssshhhhhhhh

FROM charles roberts TO You
O.K. Terrie, here it is........I have been thinking what to wright for several day's now.  It is tough for me as I'm not to sure what really needs to be said.   

When you were here you thought I was silly letting mema still upset me. It is but you don't know the hell I went through with her. Not the really hard part.  You fell apart with me just saying you need to lose weight for having friends and health sake,  Call Mitchell and he writes me a nasty letter. Next to John writing me one for sending him toys as he is a grown man I'm not to sure which is worst. Well  Bobbie even told me to keep my options to myself. I am where she concerned . I don't even write her.   I am the mom. I care for you girls and I will say what I feel needs to be said to help y'all. Now I can leave you alone too if I upset you so much. You know I can. As for Mitchell I don't want any thing else to do with him.   So if you and I can stay in touch o.k.  Just don't go bawling to him when I upset you. I don't cry and run to Dad when you say things. Sure we talk about it but talking and caring on are two different things.  

Even if we can't, remember I love you and I do care what happens to you. You and Bobbie are my little girls.  I gave berth to you and a mother can never forget that......
I called Mitchell, at work to find out what mom was talking about.  Seems he DID send her an email, and didn't say anything to me.  The reason she called to apologize....was cause of this:
From: Mitchell Gelman <>
To: charles roberts <>
Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2013 9:26 AM
Subject: MOM!

Please understand that I love you and dad. BUT,

I can not believe you sent Terrie Lynn and email telling her the reason she doesn't have friends is because she is fat.
I'm getting calls from her crying thinking you don't like her because she is overweight.

This has got to be the rudest and most dis-respectful thing a mother could ever tell a child.
For someone to claim they love their child and say those hurtful things puts a cloud over everything I
thought about you. I am disappointed in thinking you would do that to someone who goes out of their
way tiring to make you happy and you just slap them in their face.

She has never judged you or said an unkind thing about you. and all you can do is say hurtful things to her for no reason except to better then her.

You can hate me for saying this to you if you want to but I am the one who has to be the shoulder she cries on when you say hurtful things about her.


I sent this to both mom and Mitchell:

Subject: Re: Ssssssshhhhhhhh
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 21:40:24 -0500

Wow.  I had no idea Mitchell sent you an email, till I read this one from you.

Now, after a prayer...I am replying to you and Mitchell at the same time. No secrets.


The world is falling apart around us.  I have two friends with girls under 10, dealing with cancer.  I have another one with a cousin in the ER, with something wrong and they cannot figure,out,what to do to help him.    Another good friend is dealing with mouth cancer and has a son who has no idea what his mom is dealing with.   One in Killeen has MS so bad, but you never hear her complain.  A friend in Austin is waiting for kidney transplant....her daughter is a match.  Today they found a mass on the daughter....and everything is on hold.

I wrote the above to put some perspective on the situation.

You wrote an email....Mitchell wrote an email.  No one is dealing with life and death from these.  No one is homeless from these emails.  No one is going hungry tonight from these emails.  They are only emails with people's opinions.

I love you and Dad.  I know you guys love me.
I am also thankful for a husband who loves me.

Yes, I talk to Mitchell about everything.  Yes, I cry about things that hurt.  I get angry and can cuss like a sailor when really mad.  Do I plan to change this?  No.  I am glad he is there for me.

Am I angry you don't want anything to do with Mitchell cause he told you how he felt?  Not really. You know mitchell is a good man.  Mitchell  is entitled to his opinion, just as you are.   

So, do I plan to spend time being upset over this?  No.  Life is simply too short to waste one moment on things like this.

i trust that God is big enough to allow us, as a family, to grow and move on.
I will continue to do what I have been doing.  Pray, live the best I can and trust God.

And as Dad's favorite song says "farther along we'll know all about it"
Her reply:

RE: Ssssssshhhhhhhh

FROM charles roberts TO You
Good Girl.   Still I have feeling too.  True Mitchell is your husband and he should come first and I think you know that . So like I said I will leave Mitchell alone and write my daughter. 
I didn't write anything else.....although I have so much I wish I could throw in her face...yes, I am mad.....but I won't because I believe my mom is mentally sick and has been all my life.  As a good daughter....I will continue to love her and let it go.   I will have peace in my heart if and when I go to her funeral.
Then.....I got this email today.....the 27th
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 09:26:39 -0700im
Subject: MOM!
  First let me say "I'm tired of this and don't want to hear any more about how you two feel about me." You deserve each other and I hope you always stay together.   Now, I am not the ogar in this .  Just so you really know what was said I'm forwarding his letter. 
I don't care if you don't like what I said about mitchell. Maybe it would be for the best if we don't write for awhile. I can live with that. I wasn't going to send this to you but why not?  For some reason you read what you wanted in my letter and not the true meaning. So be it.  


I am glad I don't have my own kids in today's school world.

My kids had notebooks and assignment sheets. They did reports using a real encyclopedia and hand writing their essay. They did math by hand.

Now it seems they,are,supposed to have a computer...copy and paste their reports. They are expected,to have a thumb drive for homework. No one writes...ever.

You no longer talk to,the teacher....things are done by email.

I am to old.

We had a new one this year on the supply list for elementary. Sent two packages of computer paper. Daughter said no....she is not supplying the school paper. If the kids need to do reports that need printing....they can do it at home....or she will send paper on a case by case project. 

I feel for our teachers now. They are such good people to help the kids get what they need to be good adults. They certainly don't get,paid enough......and I know they pay for many projects themselves so the kids have fun learning. God bless you teachers! 


I have turned the three G=kids into shark movie lovers! BWAHAHAHAHA. Wicked Grammie. I got,them to watch Sharknado. Then we watched Ghost Shark. They were hooked.

Of course I keep reminding the G=girl it is only a silly movie. We discussed, yes, sharks are real and to be respected. But these are movies made to be scary. Sharks don't do what they show.

Did you know, Sharknado was such a hit, they have t-shirts on sale for it already? Hahaha

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Just in case anyone wants to know. In the scheme of life.....I am so darn blessed it is amazing. God is good to me.....and I am thankful. Okay, go back to what you were doing....I just needed to share this.feeling blessed.

Goodbye Patches

Patches, the dove, was set free today. It flew out of the carrier when I checked on it. Ha. So I took it out to the tree where I released Thursday. I pray it is safe and sound where ever doves go.


I know I said it before....but this REALLY is my last night at this house. Really and truly. The daughter and G=kids got everything out.....except for a couple of my little things like my Van Gouh painting.....I am here sweeping, then doing counters and such.

I have been sick for the past two days. Drained, upset tummy, fever tho (yea). I will be glad when I drive off. It has been a good home for it will be a good home for the next family.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Sunday - moving notes

This reads from the top down as I go through the day.


Another day, another box.

Patches is still with us. Watching me with bright eyes.


The daughter showed up. Goodbye tvs and cable boxes and more kitchen goodies. She said I am doing great with the cleaning. I hope so.

 Completed level 125 in Candy Crush
  Took two days....but then I am cleaning the "old" house so not much time to play.


Oh! Just for the record....we do not own a Dolly.....nope....G=girl keeps calling it the "Ollie". hahahaha


I have run out of energy.  Going to take a small nap with Lori Lou.  Then back it it in the G=son's rooms.  Then....ah yes......then it will be all done.  Whoot. 

Saturday, August 10, 2013

No Go Go

You guys know I had the battery problem yesterday, right? The daughter works at Sam's. While changing cars with her.....I saw that Sam's does batteries. We talked a wee bit about getting a new battery. Then went on about the day.

Today.....I leave to go to Sam's to take her something she asked for. I get there. She can't come out. Too I wait.....with Lori Lou in the car. I decided to move the car.....and guess what? It won't start. hummmmmm

I take Lori Lou in....daughter comes over.....we discuss it and I take her vehicle again.

I go to the new house......wait around for awhile....bring two G=kids here....load up their pets.....and go back to Sam's. To exchange vehicles....again.

I go in.....she introduces me to the guy who does the batteries. hour starts like a champ.

Moral to this story???
If God lets your car not start in front of a sign that says "batteries"......take the hint. And if you don't take the hint......and God lets you car not start AGAIN in front of a sign that says "batteries" better consider yourself being blessed! The car "could" have broken down on the side of the road in an impossible place to get help.

I took the hint the second time. Thank you God for watching over Lori Lou and I today.

Patches 08-09 and 08-10

G=girl brought me another hurt dove. Mercy. She found it at the pool. "You helped the last one, Grammie". She has such faith in me. It is the Higher Power that gets them through this....I am only an instrument to keep them safe while healing.

This one's wings appear okay, and so does its legs and feet. Again it appears to be the right side that was hit. This one is much younger than Thursday was. Not a baby, more like a teenager.

So, it is in the little carrier for now. I told her this one might not make it....but I would do what I could and know to do for birds. She was satisfied with that answer.

By the way....I taught all three of them to observe the area when they see a small or baby bird on the ground. Check for a mom or dad bird. Just because they are on the ground doesn't mean they need help. Mom and dad bird will take care of them....they are probably learning to fly. They learned this fact when we saw a little blue jay one day. I kept going back to check on it....and we always saw the parent birds. The kids thought that was interesting about them learning to fly.

This is the little dove G=girl brought me yesterday. We decide to name it. She came up with "Patches". I hope God helps it heal. I know she will remember this experience forever.Photo: This is the little dove G=girl brought me yesterday.   We decide to name it.  She came up with "Patches".  I hope God helps it heal. I know she will remember this experience forever.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Monday, August 5, 2013

08-07 Never ending move

Waiting. They have to move the container today.....we have to unload it.....and it will be brought back for the second load on Wednesday. I do believe, this move will never be over. Ha. 


I am in a sad mood today. Nothing really wrong. Just sad.

Guess it is because we are in the middle of this move and can't finish it just yet. The daughter's friend is not moved out of the house we are relocating into. Not a big deal, I just want to be done.

The kids are frustrated. We loaded their things and they are gone. A good Grammie would find a way to entertain them I suppose. I have things to do as in clean and sweep and stuff. That is not something they want to do. Ha!

So we are here.....stuff is over there.....more to move from here on Wednesday. (mostly the beds and things that can't go sit in the heat) Then we will be in the other house.

There is always excitement to be in a new place. Boy of boy.....the work to get there tho.....whew! hehehe


Took care of the "blues" and fussiness around here. I told the G=kids I was going to bribe them. They agreed. hehehe

Taco Bell has a $1 menu from 2-5. One burrito and one freeze for each of them. They are all smiles.

I am having a "pink ink" freeze, rice and beans. Lori Lou got her normal soft taco.

So the last of the packing in the kitchen should be easy peasy.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Who who whoooo????

What if Capaldi is in on the secret and totally agreed to be The Doctor for quiet us..... and viola! Regeneration.... totally different guy!!! Yes, that sounds like something the BBC might do to us poor Whovians.

 What if Capaldi is on the secret aaaaaannnnnnndddddd Matt actually doesn't regenerate at all!?!? The BBC set us all up to keep the hype going till the next season??

While I am on a roll......what if.......the BBC was sort of mad at Matt because he wanted to go and have fun doing a movie. So, to teach him a lesson....they more Doctor Who for you. Anddddddd when time for Matt to regenerate....the BBC/Moffit says.....we were just kidding. You learned your lesson and can stay.

Just I watch Matt on the you think he made the decision to leave.....or, well, the decision was made for him? You never know what might be going on behind the scene that we don't hear about. Just something to ponder.
The reason I asked....well....from watching the end of the season as The Doctor....he looked tired. Then he seemed excited to be doing a movie. Then the next thing....he looks so sad. I wonder if by chance, Matt thought being an actor would be a great idea.....once he got into it.....he totally missed the fun and friendships on the set of Doctor Who. And then I think....(only my thoughts, just so you know) Maybe Matt got important enough in the Whovian universe, that he thought he was worth more money, or something....and the powers that be I just wish him well. God bless Matt as he goes forward.

Who Who???


Photo: The Official Grumpy Cat #GrumpyCat #DoctorWho Doctor Who


Found out why we have misc pieces of the pecan tree branches in the yard all the time. I thought it was from the wind, somehow. Nope.

Doing my normal morning out with Lori Lou and Cowboy. All of a sudden.....a squirrel comes hauling butt across the top of our roof......makes a mighty jump.....and grabs for anything it can! hahahahaha Ninja squirrel.

So, I guess some of the branches break when they grab them. Now I they break and the squirrel fall at the same time? If so, does the squirrel feel embarrassed?? Look at the other squirrels and say "I meant to do that".

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Move update.

Move update. The container is stuffed to the rafters. We still have more. So it will be moved on Monday.....we unload, it will be brought back to be packed a second time on Wednesday. Thursday we will officially be out of this house and on the other side of the town......unpacking. Ha!

Candy Crush

Candy Crush is how I do it.......

I do all kinds of things.....I don't do what it expects me to do. I finally quit trying to think 3 or 4 moves in advance. I do not automatically make the striped candies just cause they are there. When I see I am not going to make it on a game.....I try really silly combinations to see what will happen.

By doing this two things have happened. 1. The game has stayed fun for me 2. I freak the game out and I think it feels sorry for I get what I need faster. bwahahaha

08-03 misc stuff

Some of the birds, a very small amount, were here this evening. The daughter noticed them first. I did try to get a video of them, since you guys have asked. Can't do it with the cell phone tho.....they are simply way too high and too small to see.
Speaking of birds, which I do quite often it seems......I was out back with Lori Lou. Neither of us doing much of anything. The katydids are at it. Making their humming sound all day long.

I heard one make a really odd sound and looked in that direction. All of a sudden, a dove flew across.......and the humming sound was coming from the dove! Ha! Apparently, the dove caught the bug to take to its babies.
 Lori Lou is most definitely feeling better from her teeth being taken care of. Today she took off after a squirrel while we were in the front. She knows she is not allowed to do that. Didn't stop her.....she was gone like a shot out of a gun. hahahaha

I didn't fuss at her......not this time. When she was done circling the tree, she came prancing back all proud of herself.....then looked at me as if to say "I had to do it!!"

Friday, August 2, 2013

Cool Box

The daughter is a hustler. It was 97 today....between her and the G=kids, they got the big furniture in the trailer. We have all sweated our a$$ off in the humidity of beautiful Houston. Both of us fell asleep for a couple hours.

It is cooling off.....sort they will be attempting to load the box springs and as many boxes as can be shoved in.....I think if you grease the side of the boxes can get them in. hahahaha Progress has definitely been made today.

All three G=kids rolled their eyes and sighed quite a bit when they found out I expected them to actually clean their own rooms. That WE were not doing it for them. bwahaha They did get it done.

My main roll is cleaning out the rooms when they are emptied. I can handle that.
Photo: Our box is being delivered.  Kind of interesting to watch.

Thursday, August 1, 2013


You matter how long I have been living with myself (ha).....I have not mastered the not stressing thing. I have made it far enough along to know when I am starting it....but not to be able to not do it at all. Guess it is a human trait, huh?

The moving container will be here tomorrow. I have been wringing my hands for days (my official stress indicatior). Worried we won't be able to get it loaded in time (they pick it up on Monday); worried we won't be able to fit everything in (so we move a few items in the vehicles, no big deal); worried cause the older I get, the less I am helpful at moving heavy things (so, I will be cleaning the rooms after they are emptied) get the picture?

As much as I have moved through the years, you would think I would be able to let this all go and not worry. Oh well......


The Doctor always takes a banana to a party. Far as Lori Lou is concerned, they are nasty. Phooey, yuck! She almost didn't eat supper with the banana in it. Add some sardine to it and she forgave me for the offending piece of banana. Looks like I can remove that from the list.


Started my group "Blue Butterfly"  to post the pictures with quotes I like making.


Photo: G=son2 gave me my very own croc shoe.  Love it!  Especially with the butterfly. 
Kevin gave me this.  :)

Ummmmmm probably should tell you guys....we move this weekend. Going across town up to Cy-Fair area. About 35 miles from where we are right now. We have one of those portable storage containers coming on Friday. They will move it over for us on Monday. For two women living with 3 G=kids, this actually seemed the most practical way to do it. The cost is pretty close to what a truck would have been. The truck would involve mileage and have to be returned in 24 hours. The container is ours for 30 days. Of course we will empty it as quickly as possible. It is just nice to know we have time to do it and not stress.


Level 109. Arrrrrrgggggghhhhhhh This is a level that the game will obviously HAVE to let me win.....there is no way to plan for it to happen.


Lori Lou is doing wonderfully. She slept the whole night without any issues. This morning she jumped up to eat her breakfast. (Don't tell her that it had her meds in it, okay?) I will give her the pain meds today, of course. I suspect she doesn't really need them. Not after watching her eat in under a minute! Ha! The antibiotics will go the full course, tho. Infection is not something to mess around with in a pet. (or us humans for that matter) I am grateful she is okay now. God is good.