Tuesday, June 4, 2013


For the record, I am doing my best to get over my fear of wood roaches. Far as I know I have had it all my life. It is really a silly fear, cause they are not a nasty bug, not like those itty bitty brown ones. They are basically a beetle.....they live in trees, they like paper, wood and glue type things.

And they fly........at me. *willies*

I live in mortal fear of them. Blindly, heart starts racing, hands shake, break out in a cold sweat, scream like a little girl.....fear.

If I find one inside....I will have to leave the room it is in and hopefully find someone to go and do something about it for me.....if no one is home, I can't go back into the room till someone goes and checks it out for me.

Two days ago....I got bold and sprayed three of the suckers outside on the front sidewalk. Proud of myself cause instead of running, I tried to do something to get rid of them. Then proceeded to sleep with the light on cause I was sure they would send in the troupes to punish me. Ha.

Tonight, one flew at me......damn thing! I made my stupid scared girl sound, and came to find my spray....I sneak back out the front door to find the thing....then realized there is a gecko on the roof of the porch. Well poooooh. I can't spray now....I don't want to do anything that might hurt the gecko.

G=son2 comes in the area about this time....and says are you looking for this....and points at the wood roach.....on the floor....inside the door! Accccckkkkkk I jump to the other room. bwahahaha He proceeds to get a shoe, hunt it down and remove it from the room. Yea for my hero!!!

By the way.....I told the whole family, anyone who kills a wood roach, inside the house, will get a dollar. So yes, he earned himself another dollar tonight. :)

For those who do not know me all that well....I am not afraid of much of anything....I have had all kinds of critters through the years. Which is why I figure this fear has got to be conquered....fear of a silly little bug......sheesh.

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