Tuesday, June 4, 2013

06-02 FB report - paper planes

The g=girl and I were painting nails......all kinds of commotion going on the front room.....way too much laughing.

Finally get to see what is going on.....the g=sons are flying paper airplanes and having a blast. They made me laugh.....I was informed that Daniel had taught them how to pick up things with their toes.....which they proceeded to show me. Okaaaaayyy......next thing, they are attempting to throw the airplanes with their feet. Oh my silly kiddos. Got some good laughs out of watching this procedure. I asked if Daniel had showed them that too, to which I found out they learned it on their own.

Next thing, g=girl wants to learn to fold planes....she plops down in front of the computer, opens YouTube and starts watching how to do it. Okaaaaayyyyy. I wonder what I would have done at 9 years old and I wanted to learn to fold a plane? Oh yeal....I asked an adult who showed me.....and then said adult (my mom) borrowed a book from the library for me to use. Man, things have changed since I was a kid. hahahaha

Just for the record.....three g=kids are sitting around their computer, following the directions to make a plane that will fly the farthest and the longest. We shall see.

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