Friday, October 4, 2013


1. 10-03
I told you both I would let you know if thing were important enough .  first we will be getting a new server a friend of dad's told us about in a few days . I will be able to write more often with home type news.

now. I fell yesterday working in a flowerbed . yep!back to the emergency . broke my nose, one hand between my thumb and pointer, right one of course, and crack all the way across the others. then sprained my left. but what really made me upset, I messed up my new glasses. only had them two weeks. my nose sure looks funny . it is straight but red, blue , black.  now I can't help dad do the make ready homes here for awhile. darn. fun money to. he might go ahead and do some .

this is all I can do for now...


You guys know that mom of mine....the one that I swore is slowly driving me crazy?? Well darn her! She went and fell while working in her flowerbed and broke her nose, and her right hand....and sprung something on her left hand. She is 78. Know the one thing she is upset about? She broke the new glasses she only had for two weeks. What a woman my mom can be! God bless her with quick healing. No matter how crazy I think she makes me....I love my mom.

Called my mom to check on her. Apparently, as we all know, you can't do anything for a broken nose....she was told it is that is a good thing.

They sort of thought she needed screws in her broken hand....then decided not to do it. I am wondering if it is because she is that age, our bones are rather brittle so it might just be better for her not to have to be put to sleep to go through that kind of surgery(?) They are telling her that it is likely her fingers will not open fully any more when they are healed. Hummmmm I am not gong to accept that answer....God has His ways and I am proclaiming mom will have full use of her hand when this is all over.

She says it happened when she was turning around on the concrete......all she remembers is she hit the ground.....and concrete is not very good at won. Yes, she is able to make light of this situation......guess this might be part of the reason I look at life with a sense of it from my mom and dad.

Mom said to tell you guys thank you for your kind wishes and prayers for quick healing.

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