Tuesday, October 29, 2013
City girl ~ icy/snowy
Ms City Girl....now in TMON.....well.....let's say, they probably never
had slightly cold weather......much less the snowy/icy stuff that was
waiting outside the door this morning! bwahahaha I shouldn't laugh,
but it was a tad funny to me. All three pugs are hyped up, ready to go
out and do their morning thing....Arrt and Lori Lou have been through
one winter here, so they took off to get things done.....Cinderella hit
the breaks and stared. Then proceeded to tell me in no uncertain terms
why she needed to just go back inside. Poor city girl. I wonder what she will think when it is real snow, and it sticks, and it piles up taller than she is??
10-28 snowbow
I was
watching the rain come my way......thought I saw a rainbow so I snagged
the camera to get a shot....alas it was not, or I simply missed it.
Either way, it was snowing a wee bit.....lite little flakes.....I
wonder......if there HAD been a rainbow....could I have claimed it was a
snowbow?? hehe Now I have a new mission.....to see if I will be able
to get a rainbow picture while it snows around here.....you never
know....I might be able to.
Poor Cinderella....she is officially kennel bound for a while. We are going to treat her like a little puppy.
She wants to mark in the house and she thinks it is the most fun in the world to run to the yard behind us......neither of which is acceptable anymore.
I do the "bloomers" to help with the marking issue....and we have been using the leash to walk her......time to time we go without the leash....and off she runs. Soooo this is her own undoing.
She will stay in there, come out to potty and eat, and of course some loving time....but she will be staying in it till we retrain her to what is acceptable behavior.
We made it one whole round....after two hours...did a walk....and then they were all sleeping on the couch by me till time for Mr. Awesome to come home. Ha!
She wants to mark in the house and she thinks it is the most fun in the world to run to the yard behind us......neither of which is acceptable anymore.
I do the "bloomers" to help with the marking issue....and we have been using the leash to walk her......time to time we go without the leash....and off she runs. Soooo this is her own undoing.
She will stay in there, come out to potty and eat, and of course some loving time....but she will be staying in it till we retrain her to what is acceptable behavior.
We made it one whole round....after two hours...did a walk....and then they were all sleeping on the couch by me till time for Mr. Awesome to come home. Ha!
Giraffes were aweseome fun
The Great Giraffe Game!
The deal is, I give you a riddle and if you get it right you get to keep your profile pic. If you get it wrong, you have to change your profile pic to a giraffe for the next 3 days. MESSAGE ME ONLY SO YOU DON'T GIVE OUT THE ANSWER.
Here is the riddle: 3:00 am, the doorbell rings and you wake up. Unexpected visitors, it's your parents and they are there for breakfast. You have strawberry jam, honey, wine, bread and cheese. What is the first thing you open?
Remember, message me only. If you get it right I'll post your name here. If you get it wrong change your profile pic.
The deal is, I give you a riddle and if you get it right you get to keep your profile pic. If you get it wrong, you have to change your profile pic to a giraffe for the next 3 days. MESSAGE ME ONLY SO YOU DON'T GIVE OUT THE ANSWER.
Here is the riddle: 3:00 am, the doorbell rings and you wake up. Unexpected visitors, it's your parents and they are there for breakfast. You have strawberry jam, honey, wine, bread and cheese. What is the first thing you open?
Remember, message me only. If you get it right I'll post your name here. If you get it wrong change your profile pic.

Monday, October 28, 2013
Friday, October 25, 2013
is going to be eventful. We are going to toss out a couple of the old
couches and rearrange the whole house. Going to see if we can get some
of the dust, pollen and crude out of the house....the stuff that I think
is keeping myself and Arrt dealing with allergy like symptoms. We are
never going to be able to get all the dust totally out of the house,
cause it never stops blowing around here in TMON.....yet, the yellow
plants are done for the season (I think).....maybe we can at least
remove a layer or two of pollen. Ha!
It will look really nice
when we are done. Haven't change the arrangement since getting it all
set up last year when we first got here. Change is good.
Pugs might not like it....change bugs them. I suspect they will be
happy as long as they have their pillows handy when we are done.
When totally done....we will have room for one of my folding tables to
stay set up all the time. Which will give us a place to do puzzles
again. Yea. I like listening to audio books Mr Awesome got into
enjoying them also.....makes for a nice evening thing to do other than
just staring at a tv mindlessly for hours on end. We stare at puzzle
pieces instead. bwahahaha
Thursday, October 24, 2013

Okay got one for you guys.
The label says "manual fresh scent"
I know what a manual stinky scent is...it's called a toot. What is a fresh scent??? Bwahahaha
Dog Chair

Progress. They willingly got in the pug chair together, on their own. Still waiting for Lori Lou to accept Cinderella. So far the most I get is a sniff when they pass each other. Lori Lou is not all that happy with a new pug in the family.
have magpies!!! I thought they were crows taking on a winter
color.....but.....doing my bird research, I figured out they are
magpies. I have never seen magpies before.
I also realized I was incorrect about my hawk last winter. I thought it was a hawk with white winter feathers.....wrong! It is a white tailed kite
I am so enjoying the birds here.......Mr Awesome suggested I start a list of the ones I figure out and see here.....good idea.....can add to a scrap book page for TMON.
I also realized I was incorrect about my hawk last winter. I thought it was a hawk with white winter feathers.....wrong! It is a white tailed kite
I am so enjoying the birds here.......Mr Awesome suggested I start a list of the ones I figure out and see here.....good idea.....can add to a scrap book page for TMON.
♪♫ ♪♫ ♪♫
so ummmm, I know my singing isn't that great.....but I am not sure what
to think when Cinderella looks up at me with that pug head tilt going
on. I explained to her that I am singing. Now, why the heck do I think
I need to tell a dog what I am doing? Like she is going to understand
me or something. Ha.
*One Bird Mystery Solved*
Remember a week or so ago there were little brownish colored birds, with some pale yellow on them I told you about? They were picking up popcorn I tossed out for birds to enjoy.
Well I looked and looked and looked at bird pictures.....all kinds of Nevada bird pictures. Couldn't figure out what they might be.
I figured it out in such a silly way. The little road that runs to the side of our property is named "Meadowlark". Soooooooooooo I had the bright idea to look up this bird. Eureka! Yes.....that is what they are. hahahahaha Meadowlarks..... females......
Now....on to other birds we have hanging out here.......
Remember a week or so ago there were little brownish colored birds, with some pale yellow on them I told you about? They were picking up popcorn I tossed out for birds to enjoy.
Well I looked and looked and looked at bird pictures.....all kinds of Nevada bird pictures. Couldn't figure out what they might be.
I figured it out in such a silly way. The little road that runs to the side of our property is named "Meadowlark". Soooooooooooo I had the bright idea to look up this bird. Eureka! Yes.....that is what they are. hahahahaha Meadowlarks..... females......
Now....on to other birds we have hanging out here.......
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Stepping Out On Faith.......again
am in bad shape....and getting worse it seems.....I am back over 300
pounds.....last time I stepped on the scale a few days ago it was 317
pounds. I guess I should go and check to see what it is for today.
Now my weight goes up and down all the time....has ever since I had the
thyroid issues and the surgery to remove it. My fear or concern is
that I am too heavy for my knee replacements to carry the weight. I
have GOT to do something.....the weight has GOT to come off and stay
off. <sigh>
So I am back dear Stepping
friends......asking for simple support......I am going to start with a
walk to the end of my driveway and back.....I will commit to one a day
for a week......no, that is not much. Yet, with this weight I have back
on, it makes my back hurt to go that far......so, baby steps is what I
think I need to commit to, that way I won't have a reason to say "I
couldn't make it". One trip a day......who knows.....it might be two or
three or more a day......my commitment this week is for one.
*need* to be below 200 pounds.....I know it....have known it for
years.....just never get anywhere near that before the body puts the
weight back on. I can make it down between 250-265 or so. So, another
part of my plan I am going to be working with.......I will lose 5
pounds......I am only going to work on losing 5 pounds......when I make
that mark.......we will talk about my next goal.
Starting today......God and I are Stepping Out On Faith.......once again.
Monday, October 21, 2013
Patty cake???
City Pug, Cinderella found her first cow patties today. hahahaha She was just be-bopping along when she found one.....stopped and sniffed. Sniffed it a couple of times, then found out it would flip over. (it was dry, obviously). Sooooooo.....she decided she needed to bring it over to us. hahahaha The look on her pug face was priceless when she realized it didn't taste all that great. Yucky. She looked at us in surprise. Then she saw the next one.....took twice to learn that it was not a good idea to try to show one to us. Silly little pug dog.
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Cinderella ~ again :)
Cinderella......now that we have been able to be in our own space with
her. She is a smart little thing. It appears she was kennel trained.
She goes right in and settles down with the other two at night. She is
also trained to a harness.....when we get ready to take her out....she
presents her back to wait for the leash to be added. The marking the
house is getting less and less.....the bloomers have probably helped
with that.
She is more than willing to help eat a
wiener.....turns her nose up at french fries and potato chips. Bacon
dog treats are nice. And ummmmm, hey.....you going to eat all of the
sammich or are your going to share??? hahahaha
We had our first attempt to keep going when we went out earlier. Both
Mr Awesome and I have been taking her out without the leash.....keeping a
close eye on her. She stays with Lori Lou and Arrt. This time she
just took off down the drive and kept going...turned left and was walking
along the road.....I followed and called her.....of course she doesn't
know her name. Duh. Ha. Anyway....I do not chase dogs.....I use a
different tactic..... I called Lori Lou and Arrt and said
loudly.....lets go back inside. We all headed in. I kept an eye on
Cinderella.....she was watching what we were doing.....then came running
to beat us in the house! hehehe My idea worked.
Now we have the tie down lead attached to the table out front....she will be going out on a leash again for a bit.
I am very thankful for her being trained....and I am very thankful to
have her with us. It will all settle down in the next week or so. We
have only had her for 24 hours.....
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Who Who!
Yea yea yea.....doing the drunken giraffe dance!!
We were at Walmart getting a few things to take back with us. I was
sitting up front waiting for Mr Awesome.....a group of people walked by.
One lady smiles and says....I am a Whovian too....
My second time for someone to recognize one of my shirts. Whoot Whoo.
Took back the little doggie undies I got at Petco yesterday. I just couldn't make myself accept 12 pairs for $17.00.
At Walmart we picked up 30 pairs of Huggies for $8.97. I am going to
cut a simply little hole for Cinderella's tail. Ha! Much better
price, don't you think??
The diapers both looked exactly the
same....just one has a hole in them already......boy......pet owners can
sure be sucked into paying way to much for things, huh?
Hopefully she will not need them for long once we get home and she
learns what is involved for potty time. And hopefully she won't feel the
need to mark to show her place.
Don't be surprised if you hear me writing and calling her Cindie Sue......she actually seems to like the sound of that.....
Last day in Santa Ana
Not a bad night....which surprised me for some reason.
I had Cinderella's leash all tucked in so I could make sure she stayed
up on the bed. Yet, she never tried to get down at all. Like all
pugs, she just needed to know what was expected....so, she claimed a
spot on the bed, pretty much right up under me, and didn't move. I am
pretty sure pugs don't know how to sit or lay anywhere that doesn't
involve being your second skin. Ha! Lori Lou and Arrt are used to
sleeping on the bed....no problem for them at all. They love it. Made
for a quiet night.
Now we are all doing the morning, watch the
world go by out the window, thing. Lori Lou and I both like people
watching. Arrt could care less, unless a dog is involved. Cinderella is
sound asleep.
Last day here.....
Remover??? Hummmmm

Story of Ziva into Cinderella

oct 15
Look look!!! I was checking craigslist and found a family who had a pug show up a couple weeks ago. She does not have a chip....apparently had puppies some time along the way, so she will need to be spayed. The family tried to locate her owner with no luck. So they posted her. I sent email.....we met her today.....and now she is part of our family. ***We need a name*** They were calling her Torta (little sandwich, hehehe) I thought about all the different companions from Doctor Who....but none seem to suit her. When we walk her on the leash....she goes all the way to the end....then stands on her back legs and hops. It is funny to watch....so I thought maybe the name ~Bunny Foo Foo~ would work. <snicker> I would love some input and name suggestions.....kind of like when you guys helped up name the beta fish. I would to have a kind of unique name....not something you hear many pugs being called. Any ideas???
She is a darker fawn....with a black spot on her forehead. I am quessing she is around 4 years old.....she also appears to have had a broken right front leg long ago....doesn't appear to bother her at all.....but of course.....when we get her to the vet to be spayed....we can have it checked out
We flipped a coin.....she is named Ziva Ann.

Bwahahaha. Note....no blanket or sheets. Guess what she did.
She is on the leash which is attached to the drawer handle. She is a runner. Till we get home, she will stay on a leash.
She does understand the word "no". That helps,
Lori Lou keeps checking on me to make sure all is okay. Security issues which I expected.
All three are sleeping.....yea

Since I am not too sure how potty trained Ziva truly is, I took her out twice during the night. Just to be safe.
Lori Lou and Arrt mostly ignored her. She stayed up by me.....not by her choice. I kept her on a leash to keep her from wandering and causing mischief. We had a couple barking issues......all of them did. Heck, it is a motel and people make noise in the hall....they are expected to bark.
She sits totally different from my other guys. She always, and far as I can tell it IS always....has one back leg or the other stretched out behind her.
Not that it matters much to the scheme of life.....but.....Ziva has been officially re-named Cinderella....Cindie for short.....Arrt and Lori Lou are from the same family......And my mom has Lori's brother, Muggsy. So we were joking about her being the step-sister....which worked its way around to Cinderella. That is a fun name.....and not something you hear a dog being called much....at least not that I know of.
Now I can get her a name tag for her before we leave the big city.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
The pugs.....oh yes....the pugs.
We have a room on the front of the building.....actually pretty nice
view....I like people watching......apparently so do the pugs.....Lori
Lou spent about an hour announcing each and every person/dog that walked
by. Very kind of her, right?
Then, Mr Awesome brought back
some Carl's Jr chicken stars for them. Now that made them very happy.
In fact, now they have officially turned up their noses at the dog
food I served them. Poor things....they have the opinion they are much
too good for dog food. I will admit, I have been making most of their
food for them for the past month....I suppose canned food is not all
that appetizing to them any more.
Unit A
fun thing.....I call AA central office to check on the address of our
original home group so we can visit them. They have moved around
through the years.
The nice lady on the phones says.....okay.....where do they meet?? Ummmmmmm if I knew that, I would not be calling to ask for the address, right? (I didn't tell her that, of course) I told her the name of the group......she is like, what is the name of the group?? The name of the group (club) is Unit A.
I explain we had it as our home group.....about 22 years ago.....they moved from Burbank to Van Nuys the last time we were in California (18 years ago, or so). So she says.....you don't know they city they are in???? oh man.....I am almost laughing at this point.
I thanked her for attempting to help me.....cause I realized at about this point in the conversation....it is Sunday.....volunteers answer phones on the weekend.....and many times they do it from their home. So she is doing the best she can with the info she has.
I then went online and found them in about 30 seconds. <wink>
The nice lady on the phones says.....okay.....where do they meet?? Ummmmmmm if I knew that, I would not be calling to ask for the address, right? (I didn't tell her that, of course) I told her the name of the group......she is like, what is the name of the group?? The name of the group (club) is Unit A.
I explain we had it as our home group.....about 22 years ago.....they moved from Burbank to Van Nuys the last time we were in California (18 years ago, or so). So she says.....you don't know they city they are in???? oh man.....I am almost laughing at this point.
I thanked her for attempting to help me.....cause I realized at about this point in the conversation....it is Sunday.....volunteers answer phones on the weekend.....and many times they do it from their home. So she is doing the best she can with the info she has.
I then went online and found them in about 30 seconds. <wink>
Santa Ana......the story starts......
Gto to our Motel 6....Tom had left the light on for us. :)
I have GOT to share this with you guys. Okay, okay....so here we are at Motel 6. Kind of a nice one too, actually.
We reserved a king bed with micro/fridge set up cause we are going to be here a week. Need somewhere to put drinks and stuff, right?
When Mr. Awesome went to get the room, he checked and got us a double (2 beds) queen room. I asked him to see if they have one....and they did. When we go on trips....the pugs always end up sleeping on the bed with us....experience has proved, two beds are better than one....more room for everyone. <smile>
Well.....we get all set up . Computer online (as you see). He hung up his nice stuff....water for the pugs...... Wait....a.....minute!
Where is the fridge and microwave???? hummmmmm Well.....apparently, you can have one bed and the fridge.....or two beds and no fridge. Now tell me, what is the reasoning in that??? hahahahaha
Now....to continue the "only happens to us" fun of my life........
Call Domino's to get pizza to the room. First one I find online...wrong one....but they are kind enough to give me the right phone number.
Call the second one.....really sweet girl answers.....yes, they do deliver to this hotel.....except......the system is down and they can only accept cash. Cash?? Who carries cash any more???
Hello Carl's Jr.....they are right across the street from our room. hehehehe
I have GOT to share this with you guys. Okay, okay....so here we are at Motel 6. Kind of a nice one too, actually.
We reserved a king bed with micro/fridge set up cause we are going to be here a week. Need somewhere to put drinks and stuff, right?
When Mr. Awesome went to get the room, he checked and got us a double (2 beds) queen room. I asked him to see if they have one....and they did. When we go on trips....the pugs always end up sleeping on the bed with us....experience has proved, two beds are better than one....more room for everyone. <smile>
Well.....we get all set up . Computer online (as you see). He hung up his nice stuff....water for the pugs...... Wait....a.....minute!
Where is the fridge and microwave???? hummmmmm Well.....apparently, you can have one bed and the fridge.....or two beds and no fridge. Now tell me, what is the reasoning in that??? hahahahaha
Now....to continue the "only happens to us" fun of my life........
Call Domino's to get pizza to the room. First one I find online...wrong one....but they are kind enough to give me the right phone number.
Call the second one.....really sweet girl answers.....yes, they do deliver to this hotel.....except......the system is down and they can only accept cash. Cash?? Who carries cash any more???
Hello Carl's Jr.....they are right across the street from our room. hehehehe
Saturday, October 12, 2013
10-08 Lori Lou
She was enjoying the sun today. A little sun diva.
In reality, she was watching for a jack rabbit or one of the feral kitties I feed. She thinks she needs to protect the house from them.

In reality, she was watching for a jack rabbit or one of the feral kitties I feed. She thinks she needs to protect the house from them.

TARDIS cup ~ one of a kind
Look what Marji made and sent me.
Is it bigger on the inside?? Nope....that is a washrag on the inside. bwahahahahaha
Is it bigger on the inside?? Nope....that is a washrag on the inside. bwahahahahaha

Friday, October 4, 2013
Know what this is?
We went to the little store right after he got off work. When we came out there was a parade going on! It is home coming night.
I cried which made him wonder what was wrong. I said nothing,it is happy tears....I just found it very cool that this TMON place cares enough for their students to put on a parade for Home Coming. There were the police and fire department.....and several trucks with the kids tossing out the candy. It was quite fun.
After it was over.....I saw a little boy, about 4, I would guess. looking for candy.....so.....our booty went to him. Asked his mom if he could have our candy....she smiled and said of course......made the little guy happy.
(okay, I ate the peanut butter cup....hehehe)
mrf: About to be a melted mess on your dash?
mrf: Awesome story, your the best
sg: Awww.
cs: Love small towns, they keep Americana in America, something we are losing very quickly in this computer age.
ed: Obviously not Texas - they threw chocolate.

We went to the little store right after he got off work. When we came out there was a parade going on! It is home coming night.
I cried which made him wonder what was wrong. I said nothing,it is happy tears....I just found it very cool that this TMON place cares enough for their students to put on a parade for Home Coming. There were the police and fire department.....and several trucks with the kids tossing out the candy. It was quite fun.
After it was over.....I saw a little boy, about 4, I would guess. looking for candy.....so.....our booty went to him. Asked his mom if he could have our candy....she smiled and said of course......made the little guy happy.
(okay, I ate the peanut butter cup....hehehe)
mrf: About to be a melted mess on your dash?
mrf: Awesome story, your the best
sg: Awww.
cs: Love small towns, they keep Americana in America, something we are losing very quickly in this computer age.
ed: Obviously not Texas - they threw chocolate.
1. 10-03
I told you both I would let you know if thing were important enough . first we will be getting a new server a friend of dad's told us about in a few days . I will be able to write more often with home type news.
now. I fell yesterday working in a flowerbed . yep!back to the emergency . broke my nose, one hand between my thumb and pointer, right one of course, and crack all the way across the others. then sprained my left. but what really made me upset, I messed up my new glasses. only had them two weeks. my nose sure looks funny . it is straight but red, blue , black. now I can't help dad do the make ready homes here for awhile. darn. fun money to. he might go ahead and do some .
this is all I can do for now...
You guys know that mom of mine....the one that I swore is slowly driving me crazy?? Well darn her! She went and fell while working in her flowerbed and broke her nose, and her right hand....and sprung something on her left hand. She is 78. Know the one thing she is upset about? She broke the new glasses she only had for two weeks. What a woman my mom can be! God bless her with quick healing. No matter how crazy I think she makes me....I love my mom.
Called my mom to check on her. Apparently, as we all know, you can't do anything for a broken nose....she was told it is straight...so that is a good thing.
They sort of thought she needed screws in her broken hand....then decided not to do it. I am wondering if it is because she is 78.....at that age, our bones are rather brittle so it might just be better for her not to have to be put to sleep to go through that kind of surgery(?) They are telling her that it is likely her fingers will not open fully any more when they are healed. Hummmmm I am not gong to accept that answer....God has His ways and I am proclaiming mom will have full use of her hand when this is all over.
She says it happened when she was turning around on the concrete......all she remembers is she hit the ground.....and concrete is not very good at giving....it won. Yes, she is able to make light of this situation......guess this might be part of the reason I look at life with a sense of humor....got it from my mom and dad.
Mom said to tell you guys thank you for your kind wishes and prayers for quick healing.
I told you both I would let you know if thing were important enough . first we will be getting a new server a friend of dad's told us about in a few days . I will be able to write more often with home type news.
now. I fell yesterday working in a flowerbed . yep!back to the emergency . broke my nose, one hand between my thumb and pointer, right one of course, and crack all the way across the others. then sprained my left. but what really made me upset, I messed up my new glasses. only had them two weeks. my nose sure looks funny . it is straight but red, blue , black. now I can't help dad do the make ready homes here for awhile. darn. fun money to. he might go ahead and do some .
this is all I can do for now...
You guys know that mom of mine....the one that I swore is slowly driving me crazy?? Well darn her! She went and fell while working in her flowerbed and broke her nose, and her right hand....and sprung something on her left hand. She is 78. Know the one thing she is upset about? She broke the new glasses she only had for two weeks. What a woman my mom can be! God bless her with quick healing. No matter how crazy I think she makes me....I love my mom.
Called my mom to check on her. Apparently, as we all know, you can't do anything for a broken nose....she was told it is straight...so that is a good thing.
They sort of thought she needed screws in her broken hand....then decided not to do it. I am wondering if it is because she is 78.....at that age, our bones are rather brittle so it might just be better for her not to have to be put to sleep to go through that kind of surgery(?) They are telling her that it is likely her fingers will not open fully any more when they are healed. Hummmmm I am not gong to accept that answer....God has His ways and I am proclaiming mom will have full use of her hand when this is all over.
She says it happened when she was turning around on the concrete......all she remembers is she hit the ground.....and concrete is not very good at giving....it won. Yes, she is able to make light of this situation......guess this might be part of the reason I look at life with a sense of humor....got it from my mom and dad.
Mom said to tell you guys thank you for your kind wishes and prayers for quick healing.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
3 kittens
ha! I know I officially have two kitties hanging outside in the brush.
This morning kitty number two....who is all grey, showed up....it was
chasing and catching the grasshoppers. I called "kitty,
kiity"....like that was going to do me any good. Ha! Of course it ran
back into the sage brush. This one, kitty number two, will be called
Buggs. Buggs and Chicken Bone.....and possibly.....Scraps. I know I
saw the one with a white paw the other night....I think it might tend to
be calico.....but until I can confirm the third one.....well........
Three....yes....there are three. Mr. Awesome saw Scraps this morning when he was leaving for work....it is a third kitty, with white feet of some sort....too fast to tell if it is calico or not. There you have it...... Buggs, Chicken Bone and Scraps
Three....yes....there are three. Mr. Awesome saw Scraps this morning when he was leaving for work....it is a third kitty, with white feet of some sort....too fast to tell if it is calico or not. There you have it...... Buggs, Chicken Bone and Scraps
10-01 Government Shut down
I really don't know what to say. America as I know it is long gone.....and it is falling into a huge abyss. God bless America.
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