Wednesday, March 20, 2013

School Bus Driver

I got up to wonderful thunder and rain. Love it.

Oh wait! I have g=kids that need to get to school. <gasp> What to do??

Simple enough for the younger two, school is a couple of blocks up the road. Toss them in the car and take them down there. Oh but be sure to go in the proper way AND wait for them to let the kids outs. hahahaha

Okay, back home for the middle school. Question: Do you know how to get to your school? Answer: I think so. Anyone have an idea what is about to happen?? Yes....we head out.....he directs me to turn here....then here.....then here......I realized we are following the bus route he takes! bwahahaha Its the only way he has gone so it is the way he knows. I am loving this.

We get close and its just off the freeway....he says get in this lane.....the one to the right.....okay....I do. Oh, but we are going to turn THAT way, which of course is left, at the light. I am now not able to get back over to the turn lane. Ha. We drive along, I do a u-turn when possible....then over shoot the road for the school....I go on the overpass.....and well, there is the school.....right down there.....Yes, I can see it. A little more driving and eventually I get him there. What an experience. I had him laughing tho.....cause I told him I was just going to slow down and he could jump cause obviously I can't can't actually find the he was going to be on his own. hahahaha

Best part?? The rain had dried up and was long gone by the time we got it all worked out. <wink>

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