Here is my story for you today, FB............get you drinks and snacks and pull up a chair. :)
I need a trailer to move to Texas, right? Go online to U-Haul....order one.....easy peasy. Right? PPPfffsssssttttt. Yeal, works like that for you guys in the regular world. But remember, I am living in the middle of nowhere.
Mitchell ordered the trailer in plenty of be picked up in Tonopah. That is the town an hour from us.
Manager for the area calls to confirm our order.....bwhahahahaha. Turns out the computer shows it was ordered to be picked up in Amargosa Valley....187+ miles from where I live. <gasp> Well, Mr. Manager, can't you have one brought over to Tonopah? I ask in my innocent voice, cause why in the world wouldn't that be the answer....just bring a trailer to where I need it, right??
Wellllllllllllllllll apparently, this is the main moving weekend of the month....and ALL, I mean ALL the trailers the size I need are assigned out....not one to be found....except in Vegas...... I actually got tears in my eyes.....frustration.....he must have heard it in my voice......he did some calls and offered us $100 for the one in Armagosa, and also a VIP $50 certificate.....which would help cover the gas to go get it. Okay....well......I accept this deal. Saving money is a good thing, right???
Wellllllllllllllll we are set to pick it up today around noon. On the way there....I call the girl at the site......a couple of times to tell her we are on the way....going to be running a tad late......never get her, or a message machine. We get one is around..... Another call to Mr Manager.....girl had called in, something to do with needed to take her mom to the ER.....the store is one to release the trailer to us! Pffffssssstttttt I am sorry for her mom being ill......but I still need a trailer.
Mr Manager tells me to call Ms Customer Service and see if I can do the paperwork over the phone......Ha! Ms Customer Service says no way.......which makes perfect sense, why in the world would they allow someone to drive off with a trailer without any paperwork signed??.....BUT she can get the other manger, who is in Vegas (over an hour away) come meet us. Seriously?? Okay, what other choice do we have??
Turns out, they do some more calling around and locate a trailer our size in Beatty, which is a tiny speck on the map we pass to go to Vegas, and about an hour back on our way home....yea!!! We will go there and get it. Yea....thank you Ms Customer Service. :)
We got to meet Ron.....he is nice at helping to get the trailer. I am sitting there with him filling out the info on his computer....when the chair I am sitting in breaks! Boom, on the floor I fall.....omg......what the heck! <rolling eyes> The only thing hurt is my pride for falling on my butt. Ha.
So.......I now have a trailer......and turns out they actually gave us $200 that is totally awesome! Whoot Whoot.